
New Incoming Student Orientation and Welcome Events!

Please, encourage your new incoming students to attend these events promoted by Thomas L. Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning and the Graduate School:

SEA priority deadline is Aug. 1


As the first payment due date for students’ spring term bills is Aug. 9, 2023, and as student e-bills have already been sent, the priority deadline to submit SEA (Student Educational Award) forms for this semester is Aug. 1, 2023 (see the SEA Form Submission Manual for form completion instructions). Note that SEA actions for grant funds need to comply with Policy 50.5, Tuition Remission for Graduate Students Supported by Sponsored Awards and the Policy on Graduate Student Compensation.

Why the deadline?

  • There are adverse effects for students when SEA forms are submitted late. This deadline allows Financial Aid staff sufficient time to process awards to students’ accounts prior to the first cancellation for nonpayment (Aug. 10).
  • The earlier the SEA forms are processed, the better. Students start worrying about balances owed to the University when the first e-bills are issued (July 12). Additionally, as the first cancellation for nonpayment is Aug. 9, students have to either pay or re-register for classes if their bill is not paid in a timely fashion.

Priority deadline to submit forms is Aug. 1

  • All SEA forms for Fall 2023 term awards should be submitted by Tuesday, Aug. 1. Please communicate this deadline broadly to all in your departments who are involved with issuing student educational awards, including grant-funded non-qualified scholarships.
  • Class cancellation for non-payment — If SEA forms are not processed by this date, students will be at risk of class cancellation for non-payment for this term.

Recommended practices

  1. Check the student’s account in Banner (TSICSRV) before completing the SEA form to ensure you submit the correct payment amount for tuition and/or fees.
  2. The SEA report in Report Central is your best friend. This report provides a clear picture of what SEA award(s) your student has or will receive for the semester. The data on the report is from the prior day. Note that to gain access to the SEA report you will need to open a ticket by emailing help@charlotte.edu. Include the following message in your email: “I need to gain access to the Report Central Imaging portal for access to the SEA report.” The ticket will be processed via that email.
  3. After you submit a SEA form, review the SEA report regularly while the current registration period is open to monitor your students for any changes in their registered credit hours. The last day a student can add/drop classes is Aug. 28; however a student’s schedule may continue to change due to late adds/withdrawals through the academic petition process.
  4. On the SEA form, one input field indicates the minimum number of credit hours required for the award to disburse. If the student is registered for fewer credit hours than required, the award will remain as “memoed” on their financial aid record.

We realize this deadline may influence the work priorities in your departments in the upcoming weeks. We appreciate your hard work and cooperation to help ensure that our students are successful!

Capturing Graduate Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions Efforts Across Campus

As you may already know, the University is engaged in creating a Strategic Enrollment Plan, and as part of that effort, we are trying to ascertain the distributed resources (personnel + budget) on campus that support graduate student marketing, recruitment, and admissions efforts.

Please share this Google Sheet throughout your college and/or unit to fully capture the resources on campus that support marketing, recruitment, and/or admissions for graduate students. Estimates on the percentage of effort and budgets are fine.

Also, we understand that Graduate Program Directors support many of these efforts, but this spreadsheet is intended to capture both permanent and temporary staff and students with some or all of these responsibilities.

Feel free to add comments and also indicate if a college does not have any staff resources to support marketing, recruitment, and admissions for graduate programs outside of the work provided by program directors. If you have questions, please ask your Associate Dean for Graduate Programs or Johnna Watson in the Graduate School.

Ethnicity/Race Suppressed in Slate

An applicant’s ethnicity and race has now been suppressed in the Slate Reader, dashboard views and reports.  

As a reminder, the U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled that race cannot be used as a factor in making any graduate admissions decision. However, an applicant’s statement of purpose, resume, recommendations or other information, if it happens to reveal the applicant’s race/ethnicity, can still be considered in the context of an applicant’s experience. Please communicate this change to all your faculty reviewers. If you have any specific questions, feel free to contact me (JohnnaWatson@charlotte.edu) or Sarah Edwards in Legal Affairs (Sarah.Edwards@charlotte.edu).

Graduate Program Director Changes

If your term as a Graduate Program Director is expiring, please let us know who your replacement will be by completing a GPD Change form.

2023 Fall Application Deadlines

  • August 1, 2023 is the last day a prospective student can submit an application for admission to a certificate or degree program.  
  • August 19, 2023 is the last day a post-baccalaureate application can be submitted including the Pre-Teacher Licensure Pathway post-baccalaureate application.
  • Reference:  Application Deadlines

Ready for Review Bin

Please check your “Ready for Review” bin to ensure you have made decisions on all 2023 summer/fall applications.

Supreme Court Decision

Dear Colleagues:

As anticipated, the U.S. Supreme Court has just issued its decision related to the use of race in admissions decisions. Our Office of Legal Affairs is currently reviewing the decision and hopes to provide more detailed guidance in the coming days. Additionally, a training session is scheduled for Thursday, July 6th, from 2:15 to 3:15 pm via Zoom to review the ruling and address any additional information you may need regarding the change.

The takeaway for you all is that, as of today, an applicant’s race cannot be used as a factor in making any graduate admissions decision. However, an applicant’s statement of purpose, resume, recommendations or other information, if it happens to reveal the applicant’s race/ethnicity, can still be considered.

Please communicate this change to all your faculty reviewers. If you have any specific questions, feel free to contact me (JohnnaWatson@charlotte.edu) or Sarah Edwards in Legal Affairs (Sarah.Edwards@charlotte.edu). 

Johnna W. Watson 
Associate Dean for Graduate Enrollment Management
UNC Charlotte | The Graduate School
9201 University City Blvd. | Charlotte, NC 28223 
johnnawatson@charlotte.edu | 704-687-7231 | gradadmissions.charlotte.edu

3-Day Summer Writing Retreat

July 19, July 20, July 21 | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM | Atkins 115

Are you working on a writing project? Are you focusing on the formulation of your thesis or dissertation? We know how difficult it can be to work alone during writing projects: distractions, lack of support, and inadequate space often slow down our progress. Enjoy flexible seating, natural lighting, and ample outlets. Breakfast is served in the morning, as well as coffee and snacks will be provided throughout the day. Lunch is on your own, feel free to bring it, we have a microwave you can use. Register here! The retreat requires a $5 nonrefundable participation fee. Please make your payment through our handy payment portal.

Grads, Postdocs Sought for Mentoring Study

A study entitled Communicating Across Difference is seeking graduate students and post-doctoral researchers as participants.  The study is investigating what factors may influence the development of researchers’ communication skills, including the role of mentors in facilitating this process.

Register by June 30 at Communicating Across Difference.

International Recruitment Topic of Virtual Conference

Study North Carolina (https://www.nc-dec.us/studync) is offering a virtual conference on Wednesday, July 26, from 10 am – 2 pm, to provide timely information to enhance your international student recruitment efforts. The virtual conference is open to both members and non-members of StudyNC and is being offered at a great price ($10 for StudyNC members and $20 for non-members).  The conference will feature topics such as:

  • Cross-Campus Collaboration for Holistic International Student Support
  • Emerging Markets
  • Marketing North Carolina as a Destination for International Students – Tourism and Big Industries in North Carolina
  • Accelerate to Industry:  Connecting Graduate Students to Industry and Employment Opportunities
  • Joint Grant Proposal for Recruitment in Latin America
  • Data-Driven Decision Making
  • Exploring Strategies for International Recruitment
  • Leveraging Funding Resources to Increase International Student Yield
  • Mitigating Fraud in the Admissions Process

Don’t miss this great opportunity to hear the above information and network virtually with other NC institutions, industry, and economic development professionals.  For more information and to register, please visit https://www.nc-dec.us/studync.

Learn more about the new Post-Master's Certificate in Qualitative Research

The Post-Master’s Certificate in Qualitative Research prepares graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, current faculty, and others with the skills needed for the full range of qualitative inquiry methods used in social research.

This 12-credit-hour certificate is an interdisciplinary program that includes qualitative method-intensive courses in multiple departments. It allows doctoral and other post-master students and professionals to expand their methodological training and pursue a research-intensive career. The program consists of two required courses covering the foundational knowledge of qualitative research and essential textual data collection and analysis methods.

Based on their research interests and academic goals, students select two elective courses from the wide range of qualitative methods courses provided by the ERME program and other departments, such as interview research, qualitative case study, and narrative inquiry.

Contact Information:

  • Program Director: Dr. Jae Hoon Lim, Dept. of Educational Leadership, Educational Research, Measurement, & Evaluation (ERME) Program
  • Email Address: jhlim@charlotte.edu
  • Phone Number: 704-687-8864

Communication Campaigns Running in Slate

The following communication campaigns to support enrollment are live in Slate:

  • Application Generation (All Terms)
    • The target audience is prospects and inquiries. The communications encourage prospective students to start and complete their application.
  • Yield (Fall 2023)
    • The target audience is admitted graduate students that have yet to accept their admissions offer. The communications encourage them to submit their enrollment intention form.
  • Anti-Melt Campaign (Fall 2023)
    • The target audience is graduate students who have accepted their offer of admission/enrollment intention form. The communications encourage student retention and engagement before they begin their program.

You can add the “Graduate Admissions Marketing | Email, SMS and Print Calendar” to your Google calendars using your @charlotte.edu account.

Questions? Reach the Marketing and Communications team via email at grad-comm@uncc.edu.

Some TAs Eligible for Resident Tuition

Master’s students holding a 20-hour Teaching Assistantship with a stipend of $14,000 or more are eligible for the Master’s TA Resident Tuition. Please nominate your master’s TAs in eGPS.

Fall Virtual Orientation Set for New Students

The Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning will host a virtual orientation for new graduate students Aug. 17 from 4-6 p.m.  The session will offer information on transitioning to graduate school, managing the reading load, balancing school and family and finding your way around campus. 

For more information and to register, please visit the Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning.

Writing for International Students

This GRAD course (6210/8210) is focused on those graduate students for whom English is a second language and serves as an introduction to concepts central to graduate-level writing in the United States, such as academic integrity, audience awareness, and discipline-specific variation.

More information is available from How to Register for Class from the Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning.

Restrictions on 1-Hour Grad Courses Disqualify GRAD 7999 and 9999 for Financial Aid

The Graduate School was recently notified by the Office of Financial Aid that Title IV regulations do not permit use of Federal funds for courses that are not required for completion of a student’s academic program. 

To meet that requirement GRAD 7999 and GRAD 9999 will no longer be considered full-time enrollment for financial aid eligibility, effective immediately.

  • GRAD 7999/9999 will no longer push a student to full-time status
  • GRAD 7999/9999 will no longer be eligible for financial aid awards.

Note: Students who are registered for GRAD 7999/9999 will remain eligible for Assistantships and GASP.

Because the courses will no longer push a student to full-time status, students enrolled in GRAD 7999/9999 will trigger the financial aid loan repayment clock. 

If any of your students need to retain financial aid eligibility, and/or retain full-time status, they will need to change their Fall 2023 registration to GRAD 7800 or GRAD 9800. (3 credits that push a student to full time status).

Students can request a permit for GRAD 7800/9800 with an academic petition.

F1/J1 International students who wish to remain in GRAD 7999/9999 must contact the International Student and Scholar Office to request a reduced course load in their last semester in order to meet their immigration enrollment requirements.

GRAD 7999/9999 are one-credit placeholder courses which can be utilized by students who need enrollment while  completing the dissertation or thesis defense within the first 4 weeks of the term, finishing a non-credit-bearing capstone, or finishing an Incomplete-graded course.  

The Graduate School has sent emails to all students already enrolled for summer and fall 2023, and will offer guidance as petitions are submitted. 

If you have questions please contact Sandra Krause, Assistant Dean for Graduate Academic Services, Sandra.Krause@charlotte.edu.

Summer Fellowships Awarded to 75 Doctoral Students

From 103 applicants, the Graduate School awarded 75 Summer Fellowships for 2023.

The Summer Fellowship Program (GSSF) provides doctoral students funding to continue research at a time when few other options exist.   The program is available to new and repeat applicants and eligible applicants can receive $8,000 to support progress toward the degree.

The program application deadline is in March, annually.

For 2023, Computing and Information Systems had both the highest number of applicants (20) and the highest number of awards (15).

Remaining awards by program are listed below:

Applied Mathematics-PhD-3



Business Administration-PhD-1

Civil Engineering-PhD-3

Computing & Info Systems-PhD-15

Counselor Educ & Supervision-PhD-2

Educ Rsch, Measure & Eval-PhD-2

Electrical Engineering-PhD-4

Geography-PhD -2

Health Psychology-PhD-8

Health Services Research-PhD-1

Infrastructure & Environ Sys-PhD-5

Mechanical Engineering-PhD-5

Nanoscale Science-PhD-3

Optical Science & Engineering-PhD-6

Organizational Science-PhD-1

Public Health Sciences-PhD-1

Public Policy-PhD-2

Special Education-PhD-2

Tips on Networking for Students

Sydney Gallup, Assistant Director, Career Coach of the University Career Center, will share insights on how to make valuable professional connections both face-to-face and online.

The event is Thursday, June 22, 12:00 – 1:00 PM, Atkins 146.

For more information and to register, please visit the Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning.

24 Donor-Supported Fellowships Awarded

The Graduate School recently awarded donor-supported graduate fellowships to 24 Charlotte students, representing a broad cross section of academic programs.

Established to support exceptionally talented and committed graduate students, the Graduate School offers a variety of fellowships for program specific research or scholarship. The fellowships are presented annually in the spring with award payments beginning in the upcoming academic year.  The 2023 fellowship recipients were chosen from 897 applicants.

Read more from the Graduate School.