
Martin Takes 2025 CSGS Master’s Thesis Award

Alyssa Martin ’23, a graduate of UNC Charlotte’s M.A. in History program, has been awarded the 2025 Master’s Thesis Award in the Fine Arts and Humanities thesis category from the Conference of Southern Graduate Schools (CSGS).

Read more from the Graduate School.

Did You Know that the Graduate School has a Project Manager for Strategic Data? 

Josh Peterson is leading a project to develop a “student success” portal for GPDs. He’s also created a “heat map” showing where our graduate students live.  Are there other needs you have related to graduate student data?  Let us know!  We are interested in projects that may be scalable to other colleges.

Contact Josh Peterson, Josh.Peterson@charlotte.edu.

Graduate Funding Q&A Sessions Planned

The Graduate funding team will host a series of Q&A Zoom sessions beginning Jan. 28 to address the full range of questions regarding funding for graduate education.

The inaugural session Jan. 28 will begin at 3 p.m. To participate, please complete the event registration.

A complete list of training sessions is available for download.

Session Offered on Academic Policies

Graduate faculty are invited to attend the Graduate School session Understanding Academic Policies and Implications Jan. 23, 12-1 p.m. via Zoom.

The session, led by Lauren Coffey, addresses milestone policies by degree level and how policies support academic quality. Key topics include milestone policies, rules for transfer credit, student status, DegreeWorks, graduation clearance and more.

Register to attend the Zoom session.

Enrollment Management Workshop Series Offered

A series of  workshops addressing key graduate enrollment management topics kicks off later this month and runs through April. The informal sessions provide insights and practical strategies to enhance recruitment, admissions and enrollment efforts in your graduate program.

The workshops will be presented by Graduate School staff and and other experts from around campus. 

The first session, New Graduate Program Director and Affiliate Staff Training, will be held in Reese 524 January 22, 12-1 p.m. Led by Kathy Giddings, Julie Goodliffe, Katherine Hall-Hertel, Lauren Coffey and Johnna Watson, this session will deliver just-in-time training on the core functions of graduate program directors and affiliates, including an overview of key policies and tools for admitting, funding, enrolling and supporting graduate students.

To attend the session, please complete the Registration Form.

A complete list of the upcoming sessions is available for download.

Mentor Training Planned for April

The Graduate School will offer Mentor Training for graduate faculty and Principal Investigators April 4 from 9-4 p.m.

The curriculum comes from the Center for the Improvement of the Mentored Experience in Research (CIMER) at the University of Wisconsin. It is highly interactive and includes a variety of useful resources and tools.

Principal Investigators (PIs) and graduate faculty who need to fulfill the Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR) training requirements should register for this session.

For more information and to register, please visit the Graduate School’s Mentorship Training site.

William Tolone Named Dean of Charlotte's Graduate School

William “Bill” Tolone has been named dean of the Graduate School at UNC Charlotte, effective Jan. 1, 2025. Previously, Tolone was an associate dean and professor in the College of Computing and Informatics.

Read more from the Graduate School.

Spring Grad Student Welcome Reception Set

The Thomas L. Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning (Reynolds CGLL) will host a welcome reception for new graduate students Jan. 14, beginning at 4 p.m. at the Popp Martin Student Center, Room 340 D-I.

The reception, open to all new grad students – including part-time and distance education – will introduce newcomers to the resources available on campus. Staff from the Graduate School and other campus organizations will be on hand to welcome new students. 

For more information and to register, please visit the Reynolds CGLL.

Doctoral Orientation Planned Jan. 10

The Graduate School will welcome new doctoral students Jan. 10 for the Spring 2025 Doctoral Student Orientation.

The event will be held in the Atkins Library Halton Reading Room beginning at 9 a.m. 

The session is designed to prepare new doctoral students for what’s ahead in graduate education, and help students make important new connection

Register to attend at the Thomas L. Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning.

Virtual Orientation Planned for Incoming Graduate Students

The Thomas L Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning (Reynolds CGLL) will host a virtual orientation for new graduate students Jan. 9 at 4 p.m.

The session will include a variety of breakout sessions that address questions many new grad students have on their mind.  The session also will feature a message from the Graduate School Dean and information on services offered by Reynolds CGLL.

Our virtual presentations are designed to foster interpersonal interaction, just as a face-to-face meeting would do. For that reason, no digital note-takers, recorders, or other AI-driven programs are permitted in our Zoom workshops.

Register to attend at Reynolds CGLL.

Roadmap to GASP/MTART Graduate Research Funding Available

The Graduate School has produced an easy-to-follow “Road to GASP/MTART” guide covering requirements and deadlines for successful application for research funding.

The Road to GASP/MTART is available for download here.

Hultquist, Judyani, Bendickson, Tesar Honored for 3MT Research Presentations

Charlotte’s 2024 Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition is in the books, with Lauren Hultquist, Psychology, Vedika Judyani, Bioinformatics and Brandon Bendickson, Bioinformatics taking first, second and third place honors, respectively. Sarah Tesar, Social Work, won the People’s Choice award.

The final event in this year’s competition, sponsored by the Thomas L. Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning, was held Nov. 22 in the Rowe Auditorium.

Read more from the Graduate School.

3MT Final Round Coming Nov. 22

The final round for the 2024 3-Minute Thesis competition will take place on November 22 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. in the Rowe Auditorium. 10 finalists will compete with their most compelling — yet brief — research presentations.

Read more from the Graduate School.

Nominations Open for de Silva Graduate Mentor Award and First Citizens Bank Scholars Medal

The Graduate School is seeking nominations for the 2025 Harshini V. de Silva Graduate Mentor Award and the 2025 First Citizens Bank Scholars Medal.

Read more from the Graduate School.

Charlotte Leads in Career Outcomes for International Students

UNC Charlotte has been recognized as one of the top 30 universities in the United States for career outcomes and return on investment for international students, according to the 2024 F1 Hire Career Outcome University Ranking, released Oct. 16.

Read more from the Graduate School.

Mentor Training Offered in November

The Graduate School is offering the last opportunity to participate in Mentor Training this semester.  Sign-up now for the November 13th workshop! Join other faculty who have adopted best practices in mentoring students and postdocs! Spring dates will be announced in January.

Graduate Student Among Finalists for People's Choice Award

Naz Fathma Tumpa, a nanoscale chemistry Ph.D. student, is one of two UNC Charlotte Klein College of Science students nominated as team finalists in the Collegiate Inventors Competition, and for a People’s Choice Award. Please vote for “Color-Metric Sensing” once per day through 5 p.m., Wednesday, Oct 16.

Fall 2024 Graduate Education Summit Resources

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Thank you to all who attended the Graduate Education Summit. We encourage you to review the resources from today’s session by viewing the slide deck and reading the additional written announcements and resources from the Graduate School.

Oct. 21 Deadline For Outstanding Master's Thesis Applications

Applications for the Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award may be submitted through Oct. 21 2024. For more information, please visit the Graduate School’s Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award site or contact Julie Green,  jhgreen@charlotte.edu.

Mentor Training Planned for October, November

The Graduate School will offer Mentor Training for graduate faculty and Principal Investigators Oct. 18 and again on Nov. 13. Sessions run 9-4 pm each day.

The curriculum comes from the Center for the Improvement of the Mentored Experience in Research (CIMER) at the University of Wisconsin. It is highly interactive and includes a variety of useful resources and tools.

Principal Investigators (PIs) and graduate faculty who need to fulfill the Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR) training requirements should register for one of these dates.

For more information and to register, please visit the Graduate School’s Mentorship Training site.