
Women in Data Science Conference Set for March

The Charlotte Women in Data Science (WiDS) Conference is an event hosted and sponsored by UNC Charlotte’s School of Data Science and Lowe’s, prior to our full-day Analytics Frontiers Conference. It will be held at the UNC Charlotte Marriott Hotel and Conference Center. The conference aims to inspire, educate, and engage current and future data scientists in the Carolinas, regardless of gender, and to support women in the field by providing training, networking, and mentoring opportunities.

More information and register at Women in Data Science Charlotte.

Register International Teaching Assistants for English Language Assessment

From Nicole Lanieri, Director of UNC Charlotte’s English Language Training (ELTI) Institute: Please remember to have international teaching assistants (ITAs) sign up for an English language assessment.  ITAs who have previously earned a passing score on the UNCC assessment do not have to be evaluated again. As a reminder, this is required by state law. 

All international teaching  assistants who are paid from Teaching Assistant funds, regardless of assigned duties, are required to attend an English language assessment session. This requirement is specified in the TA contract. Neither length of time in the U.S. nor prior attendance or employment at a U.S. institution exempts ITAs from this requirement. ITAs who do not pass the assessment may be enrolled in ELTI’s ITA Communication Course to support their language development. This course is free to ITAs and is non-credit bearing.

Program directors were sent the following survey to distribute to their students. If you did not receive it, it means you were not on our list. If that is the case, please email Patricia Chukwueke at pchukwue@uncc.edu  so that we can update our lists. You may access the survey link here.

If you have any questions about the general process for ITA testing, please contact Patricia. ITAs with questions about the testing process and other queries should email itasupport@uncc.edu.

Q&A Sessions on Slate/Admissions Scheduled for Faculty and Staff

To learn more about Slate or Admissions, join an upcoming session hosted by Slate Captains:  Kathy Giddings, Director of Graduate Admissions and Ash Bowers, IT Analyst.  

Slate user guides are located in GPDNet.

Sessions offered at 3:00 p.m. EST via zoom each of the following dates:

January 30, 2023 (Monday)

February 27, 2023 (Monday)

March 28, 2023 (Tuesday)

April 24, 2023 (Monday)

Let us know if you are interested in a customized training session or would like to meet on a different day/time by submitting a Slate help ticket.

Graduate Admissions to Provide "Eligible to Register" List

Graduate Admissions is now providing GPDs with a list of new and continuing students in their program who are eligible to register but have not.  The report will be distributed weekly from start of registration until the close of registration for each term. .

Programs are encouraged to reach out to these students and urge them to register.

If you have questions, please contact Maryanne Maree-Sams, MaryanneMaree-Sams@uncc.edu.

Course Offers Juniors, Seniors Insight into Graduate Education Possibilities

COL 3401 – Graduate Educational Opportunities is a 1 credit-hour, first-half session course offered by the Graduate School in the spring semester for juniors and seniors to explore various aspects of graduate education. Now in its 12th year, the course was designed to provide talented students who affiliate with less represented groups a deep dive into graduate education, including what it is, admissions requirements, funding opportunities, and finding the right program. If you have undergraduate students you believe might be well-served by taking the course, please encourage them to enroll. [CRN: 24520, MW, 12-1:15 pm, 1st half-session, Fretwell 410]. For additional information, please contact Johnna Watson, Associate Dean of the Graduate School.

Join Graduate Admissions for Virtual Office Hours on Graduate Student Recruitment

Graduate Admissions Counselors are hosting bi-monthly virtual office hours where Graduate Program Directors and Coordinators can drop in to ask questions, give updates, and collaborate with the Graduate Recruitment Team. 

Jump in for a few minutes or stay for a full hour. There is no formal presentation, just an opportunity to connect! To register, visit Graduate Admissions.

Pinku Mukherjee Appointed Interim Associate Provost and Graduate School Dean

Pinku Mukherjee, Irwin Belk Distinguished Professor for Cancer Research and associate dean for research and graduate education in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, has been appointed interim associate provost and dean of the Graduate School effective Jan. 3, 2023, succeeding Tom Reynolds, who will retire after 40 years of service to the institution. 

Read more at Inside UNC Charlotte.

2023 Enrollment and Graduation Projections Due Friday, Dec. 9

The Projections Manager, located in GPDNet, is still open for enrollment and graduation projection
submissions. The information you provide is vital to help advance the university’s Strategic Plan to
expand post-baccalaureate education and enroll over 7,000 students within ten years.

Careful planning to achieve enrollment goals is more important now than ever. Programs should
maximize existing program capacities and provide context for additional resources needed to grow
enrollment only after careful analysis.

Top Master's Theses Awarded

An Anthropology major, a History major and a Meterology major each were honored for their Outstanding Master’s Thesis for 2022.

Sylvia Marshall, History, Alexandra Pando, Anthropology, and Eric Webb, Meteorology, were selected this year’s winners. Read more from the Graduate School.

3MT Winners Named

Louie Alexander, M.S. in Bioinformatics student, was selected as the first-place winner in the 2022 Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition on Nov. 18 for the presentation titled “Identifying Sorghum Plant Genes to Improve Biofuel Production.”

Read more from the Graduate School.

Recruitment Offers Repeat of Best Practices Roundtable

The Graduate School is hosting another in person session on Dec. 8 at 10 a.m. for Graduate Program Directors and Coordinators to participate in an update on best practices and a discussion with Graduate Admission Counselors on strategies to recruit new and retain current students. The session also will include efforts Graduate Admissions is making to engage prospective students and applicants and share a few simple things programs can do to deepen that engagement.

Following a brief presentation by Graduate Admissions, Program Directors and Coordinators will be encouraged to share what they are doing to recruit and retain students. A summary of ideas shared will be distributed to participants following the session.

For more information and to register, please visit Graduate Admissions.

****This is a repeat of the session that was offered on Nov. 18.

Now Accepting Abstracts for the Diversity Scholars Forum

Please encourage graduate students whose research focuses on DEI-related issues to participate in the first Diversity Scholars Forum. Participants will receive a small stipend to support their research.  The Forum will bring together community partners and student researchers to showcase this important work. For more information see: https://graduateschool.charlotte.edu/diversity/diversity-and-student-success 

Mentor Training for Graduate Faculty - January 13 - Now open!

The Graduate School is offering the CIMER based Mentor Training for graduate faculty on Friday, Jan.13.  This one-day session includes tools to support success in the mentor/mentee relationship. Limited to 20 participants. Lunch is included.  To register: https://forms.gle/fjPnw19fBZW7SBPX8 

3MT Final Round Set for Nov. 18

The final round of competition for this year’s top Three-Minute Thesis (3MT®️) presenter will be on Nov. 18 at 4:30 in Rowe 130.

For more details, including a full list of contestants, please visit the Graduate School.

Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week: Nov. 7-11

As a stakeholder in graduate education, we invite you to acknowledge the hard work of graduate students during the Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week (Nov. 7-11). Please encourage your students to attend these events. Feel free to stop into an event or two to have coffee or catch up with these students to show your appreciation.

Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week Flyer

New Time-to-Degree Data Available

Updated time-to-degree data by degree type and program (degree + major) is now available for Academic Year 2021-2022. Time-to-Degree data for earlier academic years is also on the report. Program leaders should analyze the information in conjunction with the retention, graduation, and attrition data available on the Institutional Research dashboard to determine if particular attention steps should be taken to improve student achievement.

Information Session to Cover Graduate Application Process and Employee Tuition Waiver

Graduate Admissions will host a Faculty and Staff Application Information Session Nov. 3 12:30-1 for employees to discuss the application process and tuition waiver benefits available to employees.

Maryanne Maree-Sams and Ellie Ivey of Graduate Admissions will be on hand to answer questions about the application and admissions process.  Jessica Kapota, Director for Learning and Organizational Development will address the tuition waiver program available to qualified employees to cover tuition expenses for up to three courses per academic year.

Register to participate through Graduate Admissions.

Application Date Extended for Spring Diversity Scholars Forum

The application date to enter research projects in the Spring Diversity Scholars Forum has been extended to December 16.

The Graduate School is seeking to feature graduate student research related to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). The Forum will provide a showcase for research on campus and in the greater Charlotte community.

More information and application instructions are available from the Graduate School.

Your Help is Needed to Maximize Spring 2023 Enrollment

With less than two months until the end of the fall semester, we urgently need your help to 1) admit the class and 2)  increase the yield of new and continuing students who enroll for the 2023 spring semester.

Towards that end, please:

  • Review and make admissions recommendations on the 626 applications currently Ready for Review (in Slate) and any additional applications that become complete.
  • Nominate eligible students for graduate assistantships and funding, if applicable.
  • Advise and encourage new and continuing students to register early for spring courses. Pre Registration begins October 31st.
  • Connect with students via emails, calls, texts, and meetings to address their questions and build their enthusiasm to continue their graduate education at UNC Charlotte.

The spring 2023 and summer/fall 2023 reports are available on GPDNet for your reference. Reach out to Graduate Admissions and Graduate School staff for information and assistance, as needed.

Anti-Melt Communication Campaign Launches Wednesday, October 26

Several communication campaigns to support the student lifecycle are in development in Slate for the following areas:

The anti-melt campaign for Spring 2023 launches on Wednesday, October 26 and will conclude on Tuesday, December 13. The target audience is graduate students who have accepted their offer of admission/intend to enroll. The communications encourage student retention and engagement before they begin their program.

Thank you to the communication stakeholders who collaborated on the campaign review. We appreciate the time you dedicated to these efforts!

Questions? Reach the Marketing and Communications team via email at grad-comm@uncc.edu.