With a goal to engage many students across all colleges, Ventureprise is looking to work with faculty, staff and campus organizations to highlight student opportunities, ideas and research. This semester’s 49er Impact will include panels, workshops, mentoring and conclude with a pitch competition during Global Entrepreneurship Week, November 8-12. We aim to provide students with experiences, professional development and co-curricular activities in a variety of forms. We are looking for faculty and campus support in a few ways; check out the ways you can be involved and have students sign up through September 23. Email Laura Smailes, lsmailes@uncc.edu, with any questions or recommendations.
New Grade Mode Introduced for Doctoral Dissertation and Master’s Thesis Research
Last Spring the Faculty Council approved a new grade mode option for graduate research credit. Beginning Fall 2021 the default grade mode for Doctoral Dissertation Research and Master’s Thesis Research will be Satisfactory Progress /Unsatisfactory Progress (SP/UP).
Programs that offer a MASTER’ S THESIS option may request that a Standard Letter grade (A, B, C, U) be assigned instead of SP/UP grades by contacting the Graduate School no later than October 1, 2021.
You will find the Grade of SP/UP (Satisfactory Progress/ Unsatisfactory Progress) Option in the 2021-22 Graduate Catalog under Degree Requirements and Academic Policies/ Grading and Related Policies.
You will find more information specific to Master’s Thesis Research under Degree Requirements and Academic Policies/ Master’s Degree Requirements.
If you have questions, please contact Sandra.Krause@uncc.edu
GPD Summit Recording Available
The GPD Summit on Sept. 10 covered a range of topics from policy updates to research authorship, funding and fall enrollment.
A full recording of the event is available and the PowerPoint presentation is available for download.
Tips for Successful Recruitment
GPDNet has Tips for Successful Graduate Recruitment and associated resources that can help you jumpstart your recruitment plan. Here’s a quick overview:
- Maintain an up-to-date website
- Communicate regularly with prospective students and applicants
- Host an information session
- Participate in a graduate recruitment fair
- Buy GRE Search and/or TOEFL Search records
- Recruit your undergraduates and alumni
- Network with other institutions and faculty
- Leverage academic events
- Advertise in professional journals and conferences
- Develop promotional materials
Check out the Graduate School’s recruitment event listings for 2021-22, as well as archived workshops and training materials for:
- Graduate School Recruitment
- Recruiting Students from Feeder Schools
- Early Entry: Recruiting the Best from UNC Charlotte
- Establishing Prospective Student Pipelines at HBCUs
- Social Media Recruitment 101
For more information, please contact Maryanne Maree-Sams, MaryanneMaree-Sams@uncc.edu, Director of Graduate Recruitment.
Alliance will Fund Research on COVID-19's Impact on Women and Girls
The Women + Girls Research Alliance (W+GRA) announced it will provide seed funding for new or ongoing research efforts that highlight the issues that women and girls face in the workforce as a result of, or exacerbated by, COVID-19’s impact on the economy and society.
Issues may cover a variety of areas, such as:
- exposure of gender-biased employment practices during COVID
- disproportionate burden that the pandemic placed on single mothers
- relationship between employment and housing security
- over-representation of women of color in low-wage jobs, particularly front-line workers, and their increased exposure to the virus
- lack of affordable childcare for working mothers
From Oct.1-15, 2021, W+GRA will accept proposals for funding in the amount of $1,000-$5,000 for projects that focus on one or both of the following:
Supporting an ongoing research project or a new research project that addresses the intersectional nature of the problem along the lines of race, class, gender, age, ability, immigrant status, language, location, access to helpful resources, and income.
Tangible projects that will support the work of the W+GRA such as conference presentations, workshops, research papers, training, or programs that address the “she-cession” and women missing from the workplace.
More details are available from the Women + Girls Research Alliance.
de Silva, First Citizen Awards Nominees Sought
The Graduate School currently seeks nominations for the 2022 First Citizens Bank Scholars Medal and Harshini V. de Silva Graduate Mentor Award.
Awarded since 1988, the First Citizens Medal recognizes a senior full-time faculty member for outstanding scholarship, creativity, and/or research. Nominations may come from any UNC Charlotte faculty member. Last year’s honoree was Dr. Akinwumi Ogundiran, Department of Africana Studies.
The award includes a cash prize, framed citation and a medal. It will be presented in the spring semester at a ceremony and reception presided over by the Chancellor, officials of First Citizens Bank, the Dean of the Graduate School, and University officers.
Information on this year’s First Citizens award can be found in the Graduate School. The deadline for nominations is 5:00 pm, Nov. 13, 2021.
The 2022 Harshini V. de Silva Graduate Mentor Award, established in memory of the noted professor of biology, recognizes a full-time member of the graduate faculty who evinces outstanding graduate mentoring. Nominations should come from a chair of the academic department.
The award comes with a crystal obelisk, a framed citation, and a cash prize and will be presented in the spring semester at a ceremony and reception presided over by the Chancellor, the Dean of the Graduate School, and University officers.
Information on this year’s competition can be found in the Graduate School. The deadline for nominations is 5:00 pm November 5, 2021
CGLL to Host Atkins Library Series
- Atkins Library Research Fundamentals for Graduate Student Success Sept. 9 and
- Atkins Library Area 49 Workshop Sept.15.
The CGLL also will host Atkins Library for two workshops on How to Use Endnote Citation Management Software, a face-to-face session Sept. 15 and a virtual session Sept. 21.
Programs to Determine Testing Requirements
The Graduate Council voted unanimously on Mar. 9 to eliminate the standardized test requirement for applicants to graduate programs, beginning with the 2022 application cycle. Subsequently, on April 29, 2021, the Faculty Council also voted to support the proposal. Accordingly, graduate programs may choose to require the GRE, MAT, GMAT, MCAT, PAEP or other types of tests as part of their admission application requirements but a test is not required by the Graduate School. Additional information, including standardized test procedures and what program directors may need to consider and/or do in light of this change, is available for download.
Some Doctoral Students May Get Advanced Standing
Doctoral students who enter with a relevant master’s degree may be admitted to an Advanced Standing track in some doctoral programs.
In those programs offering this option, the Graduate Program Director must recommend admission to the Advanced Standing track for the term in which the student begins their graduate study.
Please send these requests to Sandra.Krause@uncc.edu.
Online Catalog Update Petitions Available
Students may now submit 2021-22 catalog update requests through the Graduate Academic Petition system. As a reminder, Catalog Update petitions are automatically processed under the term in which they were submitted. This means that if you submit a Catalog Update petition during the Fall 2021 term, the student’s catalog will reflect the NEW 2021-22 catalog.
Spring/Summer 2021 Graduation Statistics
Spring/Summer 2021 Graduation Statistics
The Graduate School is pleased to announce the following statistics for Spring/Summer 2021 graduation:
Spring 2021:
Docs – 99
Masters – 981
Certs – 322
Total – 1402
Summer 2021:
Docs – 43
Masters – 203
Certs – 62
Total – 308
Congratulations to our hard-working faculty and staff for moving the class through during these difficult times.
EducationUSA Global Guide Now Available
New Admissions System Goes Live Sept. 15
The Graduate Admissions team is busy designing and building Slate (by Technolutions), a new recruitment and admissions management system that is comprehensive, scalable, integrated and sustainable to help effectively recruit and enroll exemplary students to UNC Charlotte graduate programs.
Slate will replace eGRAD, and the anticipated go-live date is September 15, 2021.
Open forums were held in May and June to provide faculty and staff with a high level overview of the system’s functionality; if you missed them, please view the PowerPoint presentation in GPDNet (GPD News/Resources>Admissions, Recruitment, & Enrollment Management>Slate Info). We anticipate offering virtual and face-to-face training to graduate program directors and affiliates beginning Sept. 8.
Please direct any questions and/or suggestions to Johnna Watson.
2021-22 Recruiting Events Listed
Graduate Admissions staff participate in several recruiting fairs each year and maintain a list of high quality events that provide great opportunities to connect with prospective students.
For more information, download a copy of the spreadsheet of current opportunities and contact MaryanneMaree-Sams@uncc.edu for more information.
Hanover Research Publishes Recruiting, Engagement Practices
Consulting firm Hanover Research has published a study of best practices for recruiting and engaging adult learners.
Download a copy of Effective Strategies for Recruiting and Engaging Adult Learners.
Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program Accepting Applications
The Office of International Programs invites qualified candidates to submit program applications for the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program prior to the Wednesday, Sept. 15, deadline. Note that U.S. citizenship is required. Click here to search all awards available in the 2022-23 competition or connect with UNC Charlotte’s Fulbright Scholar liaison.
ETS Webinar: Recruitment Strategies for a Reopening World
As we begin to move past the global pandemic, “returning to normal” doesn’t necessarily mean returning to pre-COVID conditions. In this session, we’ll share the latest graduate enrollment and student flow trends, lessons learned during the last 18 months and tools for finding and connecting with prospective candidates.
Join recruitment expert Ayo Strange Wednesday, July 28, 2021 at 1 p.m. ET for this informative, complimentary webinar where we’ll explore:
- The current state of college enrollment
- Trends in international student flows
- Changes made due to COVID–19 that are worth keeping
- Tools, including the GRE® Search Service and the GradSchoolMatch™ platform, that can help programs find and build relationships with prospective candidates
For more information and to register, please visit the ETS Registration site.
Graduate Life Ambassadors Sought
The Center for Graduate Life (CGL) is seeking volunteer Graduate Life Ambassadors (GLA) who assist with event planning, promotion, and suggest new initiatives.
The GLA experience offers:
- A chance to enrich the graduate student experience
- Service opportunities that bolster the resume/cv
- Free food and swag
- A positive, supportive and driven community
To register as a GLA, please visit the Center for Graduate Life.
Chronicle of Higher Ed Shares Notes on Diversifying the Grad Student Pipeline
The Chronicle of Higher Education recently distributed a summary of key take-aways from a the presentation Diversifying the Graduate-Student Pipeline hosted by the Chronicle and ETS.
The PDF format document is available for download.