
Upcoming Funding Q&A Sessions for Faculty and Staff

Are you wondering about compensation packages, GASP, graduate assistantships or paying for fees? Join a Funding Q&A Session and let the Graduate Admissions funding and assistantships team answer all your questions.

The first session for the fall will begin on August 15. These sessions are held on the first and third Mondays of every month from 3-4 p.m.

Lists for Outreach to New and Continuing Students

As outreach continues to encourage new and continuing students to register, we invite Graduate Program Directors to personally connect with these students. Personal outreach typically leads to a greater impact. For more information about updated contact lists, please email Maryanne Maree-Sams.

Fall 2022 Admissions Deadline Extensions

To maximize new enrollments for the fall semester, the Fall 2022 admissions deadline for doctoral, master’s, and certificate programs has been extended from Monday, August 1 to Monday, August 15 at 11:59 p.m. EST.  The post-baccalaureate application is also extended to August 26. Applications submitted after this deadline will not be accepted.

If your program has reached capacity, please be aware that you do not have to accept any additional applicants.

Prospective students who are currently out of the country and need an F or J visa to enroll may simply not have sufficient time to apply, be considered for admission, be admitted, and complete the process to obtain an I-20 and a visa before the last day to enroll in the fall semester.

If you have additional questions, please reach out to Kathy Giddings or submit a Slate Help Ticket.

Q&A Session on the New Policy on Graduate Student Compensation

Q A or Questions and answers on block squares with sunshine

Have questions about the new Policy on Graduate Student Compensation? Join us in a Zoom meeting on Thursday, July 28th, at 10:30 a.m., with members of the Graduate School and RED teams to get answers.

Holistic Admissions Master Class

Are you recruiting and admitting students who fit your program goals and who are ready to succeed? Are you concerned about bias in the admissions process?

As part of ETS’ mission to advance quality and equity in education, they have launched the Holistic Admissions Master Class. This free, self-paced course blends ETS thought leadership with guidance and case studies from graduate education leaders experienced in implementing holistic admissions at various institutions.

The course addresses every step in the admissions process, from planning through execution and post-cycle evaluation. Whether you’re new to holistic admissions or an experienced hand, you’ll learn how small changes can help you minimize bias while maximizing student fit.

Learn more about the Holistic Admissions Master Class

Recording and Slides Available: New Graduate Program Directors and Affiliates Enrollment Management Training Workshop

The Zoom recording and presentation slides are now available from the New Graduate Program Director and Affiliates Training held on Monday, July 25, 2022. This training included key onboarding information in the areas of Marketing and Communications, Recruitment, Graduate Admissions, Funding and Enrollment Management.

New Brochure and Program Listing Available

Graduate Admissions has a new brochure and program listing available for use in your recruitment efforts. Please feel free to contact Maryanne Maree-Sams if you would like to request print items for your program.

Graduate Ombuds Reports Authorship, Funding Among Top Student Issues

Research-related stress tops a list of concerns among students seeking assistance from the Graduate Ombudsman over the past year. In the 2021-2022 report from Graduate Ombuds Bruce Taylor, Ph.D., issues such as authorship conflicts, funding and communication breakdowns are common themes.

“Conflict with faculty, often over research, continues to be a leading concern among graduate students,” Taylor said.  “Perceived conflicts of interest, particularly when doctoral student research for their dissertation is delayed by faculty research.”

He also noted that issues surrounding student roles on grants, as well as authorship on publications, were problematic. The recently adopted new guidelines on authorship attempt to address some of these concerns. 

Funding is a perennial challenge for graduate students, many of whom contacted the Ombuds with issues over GASP funding, assistantships and, this year, the financial impact of Policy 50.5 that reduced funding levels for many students.

“From (the students’) point of view,” Taylor said, “what they had been offered changed and reduced their effective income substantially in some cases.”

The 2021-22 Ombuds Report is available for download.

ISSO Offers Fall Preview for Program Directors

The International Student & Scholar Office (ISSO) will host a webinar on July 13 to provide a preview of topics concerning international students this fall.

Topics include:

  • Anticipated numbers of international students for Fall
  • Visa processes and anticipated delays
  • Late arrivals
  • Re-applications for admissions

Register via Zoom to receive a confirmation email with more details.

Duke’s Mayo Career Fair will join Aggie Eagle Classic in September

The first-ever Duke’s Mayo Classic College & Career Fair will invite prospective students from across the region to the Charlotte Convention Center from 10:30-4:30 Sept. 2.

The Fair will provide students the opportunity to learn more about the importance of furthering their education and to explore and discover the exciting programs and experiences colleges and universities have to offer.

The Career Fair will be followed by the Duke’s Mayo Classic – Aggie Eagle Classic on Sept. 3 where North Carolina A&T State University and North Carolina Central University at Bank of America Stadium will vie for the title.

Vendor registration is open through July 22 and is available through the Career Fair event site.  Visit http://dukesmayoclassic.com for general information about the Classic.

Graduate School Relocates to Cone

The Graduate School and Graduate Admissions have a new, temporary location to serve the UNC Charlotte community and prospective students near the center of campus in the Cone University Center, Room 268

Read more at the Graduate School.

Students Advocate for Graduate Education at State Legislative Event

Graduate students David Brown, Bioinformatics, and Kaitlin Klotz, Biology, demonstrated the value of graduate education for state legislators as part of the N.C. Council of Graduate Schools 11th Annual Graduate Education Day May 24 in Raleigh.

Read more from the Graduate School.

New Feature in Slate:  Waive Admission Test

Graduate Program Directors may now elect to waive standardized test scores for individual applicants.  Please see the Slate User Guide, located on the homepage in Slate Reader, for details on how to do this.

Spring Commencement Sees Record Number of Doctorate Degrees

The Spring 2022 Commencement May 13 at the Jerry Richardson Football Stadium included 1,096 doctoral, master’s and certificate students. That number includes the most Ph.D. degrees in a single term (61) since 2018, and at 178, the most doctoral degrees conferred yet in an academic year.

Read more from the Graduate School.

Try GradSchoolMatch to Target Prospective Students

GradSchoolMatch from ETS is an online platform to help prospective students find the best fit for a graduate school and help recruiters stand out among top prospects.
GradSchoolMatch allows programs to create a profile to showcase unique strengths, then sends notifications when prospects express interest and provides a site to cultivate personal connections.

For more information and to register, please visit GradSchoolMatch.

Update Application Links

Please check your program pages to confirm that the old application portal link (https://mygradschool.uncc.edu) has been updated to the new URL (https://gradadmissions.charlotte.edu/apply).

Eventually, redirects to the new URL will expire.

CGLL Student Orientation Set May 19

We’re eager to meet the grad students who are beginning this summer! The Center for Graduate Life and Learning’s New Graduate Student Virtual Orientation will be May 19 from 4-5 pm. The following Wednesday (May 25) from 3-4:30 will be an ice cream social for new students at Hauser Alumni Pavilion. Please visit the CGLL for more information and to register.

Also, save the date for Fall New Grad Student Virtual Orientation August 18 from 4-5 pm. Students will have a chance to meet Dean Tom Reynolds and chat in their questions about grad school.

2022 Teaching Assistant Awards Presented

Amanda Sargent, Ph.D., Organizational Science, and Andréa Kaniuka, Ph.D., Public Health Sciences, received respective top Teaching Assistant and Instructor of Record awards at a ceremony held last week.

Read more at the Graduate School.

Submit Final Grades for Graduating Doctoral Students

Please submit all outstanding grades as soon as possible for doctoral students who are graduating in spring 2022.  We will make every effort to award degrees to these students prior to commencement so that they may pick up their diplomas after the ceremony.

If you have any questions, please contact Janet Morse.

GRE, GMAT, MAT:  Check Your Program's Test Requirement Set-up in Slate for Accuracy

Check the chart and submit a Slate Help ticket if your program requires a standardized admission test for 2023.