Coronavirus Updates

Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) Returns to Pre-COVID Guidance for Spring 2023

The International Student and Scholar Office (ISSO) recently reported that SEVP allowances made for COVID that allowed F-1 and J-1 international students to enroll in more than one online class have ended. As of the spring 2023 semester, pre-COVID regulations will apply.  International students may count only one online course towards full-time enrollment. 

ISSO Director Tarek Elshayeb provided the following additional details:

  • As of spring-23, only ONE online course per semester can count towards F-1/J-1 course enrollment minimums.
  • Undergraduates – at least 9 of 12 credits must be in-person or hybrid
  • Graduates – at least 6 of 9 credits must be in-person or hybrid

Since taking full-course load of only online courses will no longer be possible, starting in Spring-2023:

  • In-person F-1 CPT internships will need to be within 1.5 hours driving distance from Charlotte.
  • All students, both new and continuing, will need to reside in the Charlotte metro area to attend their in-person courses.

Students with questions may schedule an appointment during ISSO Advising Hours.

ISSO Details COVID Travel Rules to Incoming Students

The International Student and Scholar Office (ISSO) recently reached out to new students who intend to enroll for the spring 2022 semester to explain new requirements relating to the COVID-10 pandemic.

Following is the text of the ISSO message:

As the Spring 2022 semester approaches, we look forward to welcoming you to UNC Charlotte. As you can expect, COVID-19 will impact your travel plans. Please review the information below BEFORE you commit to international travel. Obtain your COVID vaccine(s) before entering the U.S. After November 8, 2021, all foreign nationals, including F-1 and J-1 students wishing to enter the U.S. must show proof that they are FULLY VACCINATED against COVID-19. See the U.S. government’s October 12, 2021 announcement. In addition to proof of vaccination, travelers entering the U.S. must also show proof of a negative COVID test administered within the 3 days prior to travel to the U.S.

Documentation requirements: Your COVID vaccine must be FDA or WHO approved Your vaccine and COVID test documentation should be hard copy (not on your phone) and in English It is fine to carry back up electronic copies on your phone Your name on your records should match your name as listed on your passport. Note: ISSO staff are not healthcare professionals; you should research what works for you in consultation with your doctor or medical care provider.

What should NEWLY ADMITTED students consider when planning travel to the U.S.?
1. Complete the Financial Certification Form (FCF).
2. Apply for the F-1 or J-1 visa at a U.S. embassy/consulate.
3. Pay the SEVIS fee online 3-5 days before your visa appointment and print out the receipt.
4. Follow the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ CDC Requirement for Proof of a Negative COVID test before entering the U.S.
5. Upon entering the U.S., carefully follow the CDC ‘After International Travel’ instructions and obtain a COVID test 3-5 days after travel.
6. Arrive in Charlotte (Charlotte Douglas International Airport-CLT) by January 5th.  Arriving by this date allows you to participate in international student orientation before classes begin on January 10th.
7. Follow UNC Charlotte On-Campus protocols, such as wearing a face covering while participating in UNC Charlotte indoor activities.

Check official websites for up to date information: COVID related travel requirements can change quickly. Therefore, be sure to check official websites for update to date information before you leave home. We hope you all are staying safe and well,

Updated U.S. Travel Policy Requires Vaccination

On Oct. 25 the White House and Centers for Disease Control announced a new vaccination policy that will go into effect for international travelers to the United States on Nov. 8 at 12:01 a.m. EST.  As of that date, foreign national air travelers will be required to be fully vaccinated and provide proof of vaccination status prior to boarding a plane to the United States.  The guidelines also include new protocols for testing.  Exemptions will be made for noncitizens who are citizens of a foreign country where the availability of COVID-19 vaccination is limited.  Details can be found on the U.S. Department of State’s website.

Alliance will Fund Research on COVID-19's Impact on Women and Girls

The Women + Girls Research Alliance (W+GRA) announced it will provide seed funding for new or ongoing research efforts that highlight the issues that women and girls face in the workforce as a result of, or exacerbated by, COVID-19’s impact on the economy and society.

Issues may cover a variety of areas, such as:

  • exposure of gender-biased employment practices during COVID
  • disproportionate burden that the pandemic placed on single mothers
  • relationship between employment and housing security
  • over-representation of women of color in low-wage jobs, particularly front-line workers, and their increased exposure to the virus
  • lack of affordable childcare for working mothers

From Oct.1-15, 2021, W+GRA will accept proposals for funding in the amount of $1,000-$5,000 for projects that focus on one or both of the following:

  • Supporting an ongoing research project or a new research project that addresses the intersectional nature of the problem along the lines of race, class, gender, age, ability, immigrant status, language, location, access to helpful resources, and income.

  • Tangible projects that will support the work of the W+GRA such as conference presentations, workshops, research papers, training, or programs that address the “she-cession” and women missing from the workplace.

More details are available from the Women + Girls Research Alliance.

International Student Impact of Chancellor's 9/22/2020 Announcement

The ISSO has fielded several inquiries related to the Chancellor’s recent announcement and its impact on international student enrollment. They offer some clarifications as follows:

Per Tarek Elshayeb, ISSO Director, “Based on our standing interpretation of the Fall 2020 SEVP-issued immigration guidance, newly admitted international students (excluding transfers and change of education level) who entered the U.S. before the Chancellor’s September 22nd  announcement, and who meet both requirements below, remain in valid F-1 status.”

The requirements are:

  1. Pursuing a full course load (12 credits for undergrad and 9 credits for graduate) or have been approved for a Reduced Course Load; and
  2. Are enrolled in at least 1 course classified in Banner as either hybrid or completely in-person.

“As long as these students meet the criteria above, their immigration status will not be adversely affected if their courses classified as either “in-person” or “hybrid” remain fully online from October 1st to December 23rd in light of UNC Charlotte’s September 22nd announcement, adds Elshayeb.  “These students will be able to fulfill the U.S. government’s Fall 2020 COVID-19 enrollment requirements and maintain their F-1 status.”

Additional questions can be sent to ISSO or found on their FAQs.

ETS Expands GRE Testing Options

ETS recently announced updates on GRE testing through the TOEFL iBT® Special Home Edition and GRE® General Test at home, and the expansion of in-person testing in China.

TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition and the GRE General Test at home have been extended through October, possibly later. Home testing remains available even in areas where test centers have reopened so that students have a choice.

The Chinese government’s National Education Examinations Authority (NEEA) expanded the number of test dates and test centers through the end of September for the in-person TOEFL iBT test and GRE General Test.

  • The TOEFL iBT test will be offered on eight test dates at over 30 test centers, with more centers being added during the month. Prospective candidates can learn more at Those unable to take the in-person test at this time due to limited availability are encouraged to register for the TOEFL ITP® Plus for China solution. Visit for details on the solution, setting score requirements and receiving scores, FAQs, and for the updated list of accepting institutions, now 565 worldwide.
  • The GRE General Test will be offered on five test dates at 25 test centers, with more centers being added during the month. Prospective candidates can learn more at


ISSO Assistance with New International Students

As a special exception due to COVID-19, the U.S. government is allowing international continuing students to pursue 100% of their coursework online for the fall 2020 semester. This exception has not been applied to newly admitted international students, who must register for and attend at least one class with an in-person component in order to maintain their legal status in the U.S.

The International Student Scholars Office is advising colleges and academic departments anticipating newly admitted international students, to consider ways to provide flexibility for these students to meet the in-person component requirement as soon after September 7th as possible.  They recommend that academic departments consider the following strategies to incorporate an in-person component to a course:

  1. Independent study, topics or research courses with a limited number of in-person meetings;
  2. If a faculty member intends to teach a virtual course from an on-campus classroom setting, permitting a limited number of international students to participate in class in an appropriately socially distant manner for one or two sessions;
  3. Minimal faculty engagement in a laboratory setting.

For additional assistance, contact the staff at ISSO

Delay of In Person Classes

UNC Charlotte will begin classes as scheduled on Monday, September 7, but will delay the start of in-person instruction of undergraduate and graduate classes for three weeks until Thursday, October 1.

Since the semester is still scheduled to begin on September 7, newly admitted F-1 students who plan to arrive in the U.S. MUST do so by September 10th at the latest and may use ISSO’s Support Letter for visa appointments and/or arrival at the port of entry.  Graduate students who plan to arrive a few days after September 10th (but no later than September 15th), must obtain special permission from their academic Department Chair supporting their late arrival.


Please continue to stay informed through the NinerNationCares website.  ISSO can assist with questions regarding international students.

Online Classes Blocked for Embargoed Countries

Admitted students physically located in embargoed countries like Iran may not be allowed to take fall semester classes online, according to John Jacob, Facility Security Officer and Export Control Officer in Research and Economic Development.

“The Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) considers (online courses) a service to that country/individual that requires a export license from OFAC for a student to take an online class from an embargoed country,” Jacobs said.

Additional information on the policies guiding delivery of online coursework will be shared as it becomes available.




New Non-Resident Grad Students Sent Residency Guidelines

Newly admitted non-resident graduate students recently were sent information from Residency Compliance Manager Brenda Sawyer outlining steps needed to qualify as a resident for tuition purposes.

A sample of the Residency message is available for download.

Questions on residency should be directed to the Residency Determination Service (RDS) at 844-319-3640, or to Brenda Sawyer,

ISSO Issues Guidance on Federal Customs Policy Change

The International Student and Scholar Office (ISSO) issued new guidance for international students after ICE/SEVP rescinded policies issued July 6 governing participation in online classes.

The full text of the ISSO statement sent to students via email is available for download.

Online Workshop Focuses on Effective Online Courses

The UNC System Office will host an online workshop on Designing Effective Online Courses July 20. The workshop is free, but space is limited, and registration is required. Learn more and register.

The material will be aimed at instructors who have minimal proficiency leading online learning environments, but experienced instructors will also find new tips, hot topics, and useful activities.

The two-week session begins on July 20. Participants can finish the work at their own pace, but are encouraged to complete the program by July 31.

Learn More: The syllabus provides additional detail. Visit the Digital Learning Initiative website to register.

Please forward questions to Dr. Jim Ptaszynski, Vice President for Digital Learning.

Resources for Planning for Fall 2020 Reopening

Resources for planning for the Fall 2020 reopening are available on the Office of the Provost website. This includes new information about faculty training and classroom technology upgrades, as well as FAQs related to course delivery.

Webinar Addresses Test Requirements for Summer/Fall 2021 Applicants

At the outset of the pandemic, with testing centers closed around the world, Graduate Program Directors were given autonomy to waive testing requirements for summer/fall 2020 applicants. Given the ongoing challenge for people to access physical testing centers, and/or the lack of personal equipment and settings to sit for an online test, coupled with significant financial challenges, many programs are considering waiving the standardized test requirement for 2021 applicants.

To address these challenges and opportunities and brainstorm viable alternatives, join Associate Dean Johnna Watson and Director of Graduate Admissions Kathy Giddings for a Zoom meeting on:  Wednesday, July 8, at 11 AM.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 976 7162 5105
Password: 6vywP3

Read more on the issue at

Residency Determination Cut-Off Date Extended

The required cut-off date for applying any RDS determination has been extended from 30 to 45 days from the start of term for fall 2020 through spring 2021. The change was made to allow for adjustments to Census Day reporting in the wake of COVID-19.


The changes were outlined in a letter from Kimberly van Noort, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer for the UNC System. The letter is available for download.

Special Call for COVID-19 Research Proposals

The School of Data Science and Research and Economic Development issued a call through the Ignite Planning Grants Program for proposals associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Faculty and staff teams can apply for one-time Flash Grants of between $5,000-$10,000 for 3-6 months. Teams that engage with one of our University Business Partners will be eligible for an additional $5,000, for a total of up to $15,000.

By encouraging collaboration among researches from different colleges and other institutions, the program aims to position research teams to respond to more external funding opportunities related to COVID-19.

Complete submission details are available for download.  For questions, contact Lesley Brown, Director of the Center for Research Excellence.

Pandemic-Driven Course Changes Outlined

Continuing and new undergraduate and graduate students were briefed on changes they will experience when they arrive for classes in the fall.

In a letter, Provost and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Joan Lorden explained that, while face-to-face classroom instruction will continue to be offered, many courses will blend face-to-face with remote instruction and others will be offered completely online. New students also will be required to come equipped with a laptop to access coursework.  For more information, please visit Niner Central.

COVID-19 Data Resource Guide Published

J. Murrey Atkins Library has published a resource guide listing data, analytics and links to external informational sites relating to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Among the resources listed in the resource include web-mapping applications, data on hospitalizations and impacts by race, and economic impacts.

Access to the resource is available through J. Murrey Atkins Library


University Updates CARES Act, Fall Semester Information

The University recently published an update on the fall semester and information on federal grant money to assist qualifying students as they prepare for a return to campus.

For details on CARES Act funding, please visit Inside UNC Charlotte.

May 14 Office Hours Webinar Recording Available

The Office Hours with the Graduate School webinar held May 14 was recorded and is available now for review.

Office Hours with the Graduate School: “Preparing for the Fall; How to Support and Retain Current Graduate Students

Thursday, May 14, 2020  |  9:44 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

Duration: 1 hr 6 min 22 sec

Recording password: (This recording does not require a password.)

Play recording

Graduate School Dean Tom Reynolds’ PowerPoint presentation also is available for download.