GPD Only

Education USA Offers Access to Student Prospects

Education USA connects students around the world with information about higher education institutions in the U.S. Additionally, they offer a number of opportunities for U.S institutions to connect with and recruit students. These resources include:virtual and face to face recruitment fairs, global education guides, webinars, and forums. A few opportunities highlighted this month are:

1. Call for Session Proposals:  EducationUSA China Request FormEducationUSA China is piloting a new Session Proposal Request Form to streamline virtual and in-person presentation and center visit requests from U.S. higher education institutions. Submit a proposal to present in person or virtually.

To submit a request for March, April, or May 2023, please carefully review the form, enter all required proposal or travel information, and submit.  The EducationUSA China team will respond to each submission directly within a few days for follow-up or confirmation.  For more information, contact the EducationUSA China team.
2. EducationUSA Bangalore:  Let’s Connect Program
Interested in enhancing your recruitment initiatives and virtual presence in India?  Have questions about the typical student profile, center services, and how we can work together, or just want to chat?  Sign up for a 60-minute virtual 1:1 consultation with our EducationUSA advisers.  

3. Find Institutional Partners in East Asia and the Pacific (EAP)!
Share your institutional partnership goals and search for prospective partners in the East Asia and Pacific region!  Launched during International Education Week 2022, the EducationUSA EAP Partnership Board is an easily searchable tool that higher education institutions from the United States and EAP can use to announce their partnership goals and make connections.  Visit this free resource to learn how to add your institution’s information.
For more information on these opportunities and to sign up to receive the monthly newsletter, visit

Graduate Application Information Session

Graduate Admissions will host a Faculty and Staff Application Information Session Wednesday, March 22, 2023 at 12:30 p.m. for employees to discuss the application process for Graduate School at UNC Charlotte and tuition waiver benefits available to qualifying employees.

Maryanne Maree-Sams and Ellie Ivey of Graduate Admissions will be sharing information and answering questions about the application and admissions process. Jessica Kapota, Director for Learning and Organizational Development, will address the tuition waiver program available to qualified employees to cover tuition expenses for up to three courses per academic year.

CGLL Spring Writing Retreat Planned

The Graduate Writing Retreat provides a multi-day opportunity for graduate students, faculty and staff, and members of the community who want to make progress on a large writing project. 

More information and registration form are available from the Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning.

NSF Mentor Training as part of RECR Requirement Coming

One way to meet the new requirement is through the Graduate School’s Mentor Training for Graduate Faculty. Additional guidance about this new requirement will be shared shortly, but interested faculty should register now for this May 16 training.  Once the training is full, we will begin a waitlist.

Graduate Admissions to Host Info Sessions for Prospective Students

Graduate Program Directors are invited to participate in monthly Information Sessions (for prospective students) offered by Graduate Admissions throughout the fall and spring semesters. Following a general admissions presentation, Graduate Program Directors will be able to meet with prospective students in Zoom breakout rooms to provide program specific information. These sessions provide prospective students with a general overview about graduate programs, admission requirements and the application process, as well as valuable information about funding and financial aid.

How it will work: Graduate Program Directors (or their proxy) can sign up to participate in an Information Session. Following the 20 minute presentation from Graduate Admissions, prospective students will be placed in breakout rooms for the program in which they indicated interest for about 30 minutes. GPDs can use this time to present valuable information on program admission requirements, the selection process and funding/assistantship opportunities, career outcomes, and also answer questions from prospective students. Admissions counselors will be available to answer general questions for prospective students who are interested in a program that is not represented.

In order to advertise these sessions to prospective applicants, Graduate Program Directors must RSVP no later than March 1, 2023 to participate. 

Register below

Diversity Scholars Forum Set for Mar. 24

Sponsored by the Graduate School and in conjunction with the Graduate Research Symposium, the inaugural Diversity Scholars Forum will be held Mar. 24, 12-1 p.m. at Popp Martin Student Union, Multipurpose Room 340.

The event features graduate student and postdoctoral research related to diversity, equity and inclusion. The Diversity Scholars Forum showcases research that centers on DEI issues related to the community - both on campus and in the greater Charlotte community. To showcase their work, amplify their voices and celebrate the value of diversity, student presenters will give short lightning-round style poster presentations about their research projects.

VPN Now Required for eGEM Access

Effective immediately, off-campus access to eGEM, including GPDNet, requires logging into the University’s Virtual Private Network (VPN). The move was made to increase the security of the University’s information resources.

More information on VPN access is available in UNC Charlotte Spaces, including information for accessing the VPN from your mobile device.

Recruitment Opportunity

The Southern Regional Honors Council (SRHC) annual conference will be in Charlotte from Mar. 30-Apr. 1.  The Graduate School Fair is on Mar. 31, 2023. This annual conference presents a great opportunity to recruit some of the most engaged students in the south. 

The event, to be held at The Westin Charlotte Hotel, will attract more than 400 undergraduate honors students.

The registration fee of $250 covers for one day on Friday. You will receive the following:

·  6’ display table in Exhibitor Hall (No skirting or access to electricity) 

·  Lunch

·  Institution/Program Logo, Description, Website Link, and Social Media Links on conference website

·  Institution/Program Logo, Website Link, and Social Media Links posted at the conference

Don’t miss out on your chance to reach so many amazing students in such a concentrated area.  Space is limited, so please register soon.  Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the registration page for the Graduate School Fair registration options.

Spring 2023 Graduate Education Summit Resources

Thank you to all who attended the Graduate Education Summit. We encourage you to review the resources from today’s session by viewing the slide deck and reading the additional resources discussed. A special thank you to our guest presenters: Sarah Edwards, Kaela Lindquist and Deb Thomas.

Job, Internship Search for International Students

The job search is tricky for everyone, but even more so for international students. This session offers specific insights and tips on how to approach and navigate the job search.  Food will be served!

To register, please visit the Center for Graduate Life and Learning.

CGLL Workshop: Formatting and Submitting Your Thesis or Dissertation

Students may attend this session to get answers to questions about formatting, defense, and submission procedures.

Register at the Center for Graduate Life and Learning.

CGLL: Friday Morning Writing Session Expands to Bioinformatics 301

The Center for Graduate Life and Learning (CGLL) has expanded its Friday Morning Writing series to the Bioinformatics building, room 301.  Friday Morning Writing provides an opportunity for students to make progress on a large writing project.

For more information and to register, please visit the Center for Graduate Life and Learning.

Reynolds Leadership Award Deadline Mar. 1

Graduate program directors and coordinators play an important and pivotal role in the success of graduate programs. In addition to managing enrollment, Graduate Program Directors and Coordinators must track and manage their students, while implementing programs and services to promote their success. Doing this well deserves recognition and praise.

This award recognizes excellence in the overall management of a graduate program. The winner will receive $1000, an engraved plaque, and their name will be engraved on a perpetual trophy on permanent display at a central location on campus.


• Evidence of either growth in enrollment and/or improved graduation from the program; • Evidence of best practices as an advisor, mentor, and advocate for students (such as tracking, nominating, funding, etc.); • Effectiveness as a program administrator; • Evidence of efforts to improve the program experience for students; • Effective communication with the Graduate School and within the college.


• GPDs and GPCs must be nominated, but the nomination can come from anyone (two-page limit). • Once nominated, a GPD or GPC must submit a written statement reflecting his or her philosophy of graduate education and the role of the GPD or GPC (two-page limit). • Include two letters of support – one of which should be from a current or former student (two-page limit). • The Dean of the College must endorse nominations. A simple statement of support is appropriate. • Nominees must have served in the role at least two years in order to be nominated.Selection committee – comprised of members from the Graduate School staff, Graduate Council, GPSG and previous winners.

Winners will be announced by early spring 2023.

Please visit to submit your nomination.

CGLL’s Weekend Write Set Jan. 28

The Center for Graduate Life and Learning (CGLL) will host Weekend Write Jan. 28, 9-Noon for graduate students working on dissertations, preparing to defend a thesis, writing a term paper or just looking for a productive writing environment.  

The online event provides structured writing time, goal-setting and accountability to enhance motivation.

For more information and to register, please visit the CGLL.

Graduate Admissions to Host Virtual Office Hours on Graduate Student Recruitment

Graduate Admissions Counselors are hosting bi-monthly virtual office hours where Graduate Program Directors and Coordinators can drop in to ask questions, give updates, and collaborate with the Graduate Recruitment Team. 

Jump in for a few minutes or stay for a full hour. There is no formal presentation, just an opportunity to connect! To register, visit Graduate Admissions.

Charlotte Recruiting Fairs Planned

The Career Center  will host two fairs this spring in the Student Activity Center (SAC). STEM Fair – Feb. 10, in person, 10am-2pm. info and reg: Fair – March 9, in person, 10am-2pm. Info and reg:

For more information about possibly reserving a table for your program, please contact

For more information please visit the Career Center.  If you have questions for Graduate Admissions about the fair contact

Yale Ciencia Academy (YCA) for Professional Development Open for Applications

The Yale Ciencia Academy (YCA) for Professional Development has issued a call for applications.

YCA is an NIH-funded (R25GM114000) initiative that has recently been modified to equip doctoral students interested in biological, biomedical or behavioral research and who are in the final 1-2 years of their programs with the knowledge, skills, and networks they need to find great postdoctoral positions that will further their academic interests and career goals. The program supports students who identify as being from an underrepresented background in science, as defined by the NIH. The application period closes March 1, 2023, and the program runs from June 2023 to June 2024.

A brochure on the program is available for download.

For more information, contact Jill Huerta ( in the Center for Graduate Life and Learning.

Women in Data Science Conference Set for March

The Charlotte Women in Data Science (WiDS) Conference is an event hosted and sponsored by UNC Charlotte’s School of Data Science and Lowe’s, prior to our full-day Analytics Frontiers Conference. It will be held at the UNC Charlotte Marriott Hotel and Conference Center. The conference aims to inspire, educate, and engage current and future data scientists in the Carolinas, regardless of gender, and to support women in the field by providing training, networking, and mentoring opportunities.

More information and register at Women in Data Science Charlotte.

Register International Teaching Assistants for English Language Assessment

From Nicole Lanieri, Director of UNC Charlotte’s English Language Training (ELTI) Institute: Please remember to have international teaching assistants (ITAs) sign up for an English language assessment.  ITAs who have previously earned a passing score on the UNCC assessment do not have to be evaluated again. As a reminder, this is required by state law. 

All international teaching  assistants who are paid from Teaching Assistant funds, regardless of assigned duties, are required to attend an English language assessment session. This requirement is specified in the TA contract. Neither length of time in the U.S. nor prior attendance or employment at a U.S. institution exempts ITAs from this requirement. ITAs who do not pass the assessment may be enrolled in ELTI’s ITA Communication Course to support their language development. This course is free to ITAs and is non-credit bearing.

Program directors were sent the following survey to distribute to their students. If you did not receive it, it means you were not on our list. If that is the case, please email Patricia Chukwueke at  so that we can update our lists. You may access the survey link here.

If you have any questions about the general process for ITA testing, please contact Patricia. ITAs with questions about the testing process and other queries should email

Requesting Letters of Recommendation

 Dr. Melanie Sorrell, Atkins Library Subject Librarian, will lead this enlightening session Jan. 18, 11:15-12:15, in Atkins 146.

The session, sponsored by the Center for Graduate Life and Learning, will focus on common challenges faced in requesting a letter of recommendation, potential solutions and developing a timeline to ensure you have what you need in time.

For more information and to register, please refer students to the Center for Graduate Life and Learning.