The Graduate Admissions team is holding seats at two popular recruiting events, but they will go fast.
Tables are reserved for the already sold out Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) in Indianapolis Nov. 14-17 and for the annual conference of the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) set for Oct. 11-13 in San Antonio.
Events such as these provide an excellent opportunity for program directors to recruit bright, motivated, and academically excellent students to graduate programs at UNC Charlotte. Participants are typically from underrepresented minorities with strong academic potential. The SACNAS conference typically draws over 4,000 participants pursuing careers in STEM fields. ABRCMS is one of the largest communities of underrepresented minorities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
More details on these recruitment events and other local and out-of-state opportunities are included in the Fall 2018 Recruitment Events list, which is updated regularly. Graduate Admissions sends a representative to a select number of recruitment events, and will provide recruitment materials to faculty, staff and students to support recruiting efforts at the program level.
To reserve your spot for ABRCMS or SACNAS, or to request materials to support your recruitment, contact Maryanne Maree-Sams, or 704-687-7243. The Graduate School provides