Register International Teaching Assistants for English Language Assessment

From Nicole Lanieri, Director of UNC Charlotte’s English Language Training (ELTI) Institute: Please remember to have international teaching assistants (ITAs) sign up for an English language assessment.  ITAs who have previously earned a passing score on the UNCC assessment do not have to be evaluated again. As a reminder, this is required by state law. 

All international teaching  assistants who are paid from Teaching Assistant funds, regardless of assigned duties, are required to attend an English language assessment session. This requirement is specified in the TA contract. Neither length of time in the U.S. nor prior attendance or employment at a U.S. institution exempts ITAs from this requirement. ITAs who do not pass the assessment may be enrolled in ELTI’s ITA Communication Course to support their language development. This course is free to ITAs and is non-credit bearing.

Program directors were sent the following survey to distribute to their students. If you did not receive it, it means you were not on our list. If that is the case, please email Patricia Chukwueke at  so that we can update our lists. You may access the survey link here.

If you have any questions about the general process for ITA testing, please contact Patricia. ITAs with questions about the testing process and other queries should email

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