New System Helps Make Student Funding Manageable

A new system called eGPS promises to help Graduate Program Directors navigate student funding, providing an automated way to view student funding levels, track funding actions and nominate students for awards.

“Through eGPS, GPDs for the first time are able to view all funding information for a student, or look across their program at the funding levels of all students,” said Julie Goodliffe, Director of Funding and Fellowships.  “Improving the management of the funding process is an important step in addressing the challenges that were identified by the Graduate Student Funding Task Force.”

The online resource was developed beginning in 2018 to allow GPDs to make funding offers to applicants and monitor offers and acceptance in real time.  The new funding system is expected to improve timeliness of funding offers and make the process more transparent.

The eGPS dashboard highlights information GPDs need at their fingertips like the proportion of students with funding and status of student funding applications. Searches can be conducted by program or by student showing the level of funding students are receiving by source, including financial aid.

The system also shows financial certification form status for international students and identifies funding for which students are eligible.  To nominate, the GPD simply clicks on an icon.

Access to eGPS is provided following completion of in-person training or an online training course.  For access, contact Julie Goodliffe,  In-person training sessions begin September 23.  Sign up for the next online dates Nov. 7 and Nov. 8.


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