Message on Projections from Johnna Watson

Dear Colleagues,

The Projections Manager, located in GPDNet, is now open for enrollment and graduation projection submissions. The information you provide is used to help guide efforts to effectively manage your graduate program enrollment; it’s also vital from a University perspective to better understand program capacity/delivery, future enrollments/graduations, and resources required to support graduate education.

Based on information provided last year, the Graduate School made a request for resources to help two programs grow enrollments, which Academic Affairs provided beginning fall 2021. Additionally, resources and training were strategically provided to support students and programs and aid work to increase recruitment and retention. Given the University’s strategic plan to enroll 7,613 graduate students by 2031, careful planning to achieve the goal is more important now than ever.

Similarly, affirming UNC Charlotte’s commitment to foster access, diversity, equity and inclusion in graduate education, please pay particular attention to ways your program enrollments might reflect a breadth of gender identities, races and ethnicities, nationalities, faith traditions, and other social categories and backgrounds. A new question has been added to better understand program efforts in this regard.

Four open swims are planned to help program directors establish projections and answer any questions related to program capacity and effective enrollment management. For details on the workshops as well as the projections process, please see the attached document. In advance, thank you for your strong support of graduate education and your participation in this year’s cycle to better understand opportunities and challenges in building and retaining the graduate class next year.

Warm regards,

Johnna Watson

P.S. – More details are available for download.

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