Assistantships Now on Hire-A-Niner

Hire-A-Niner, the online system that provides students easy access to jobs, internships, and co-ops now is a source for Graduate Assistantship opportunities too.

“A graduate assistant position has been added to the types of jobs listed on Hire-A-Niner,” said Julie Goodliffe, Director of Funding and Fellowships for the Graduate School.  “Now, any department looking for a graduate assistant can easily create the position in Hire-A-Niner and view all the applications in one place.”

Goodliffe said the Hire-A-Niner portal permits greater control over when and how an opportunity is posted and on who can apply.  The portal also archives job postings so re-posting a job is easy.

Students can search and save their searches and get updates by email.  The system features a resume creator, resource library, hire reporting and online career tools.

For more information or to register and post a graduate assistantship opportunity, visit Hire-A-Niner and select the Employer option.

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