Graduate Assistantship Guidance in Response to COVID-19

Dear Graduate Program Directors and Coordinators,

As we work through the adjustments to a remote operation as a way to slow the spread of COVID-19, I want to address the role of graduate assistants and provide the following guidance to ensure we are focused on doing what is right, both for our students and for the University.

The safety and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff must always be central in developing changes to any operational plan – even if temporary. Keep in mind our graduate assistants and teaching assistants, even though they are in paid positions, are primarily students. I encourage everyone to pay particular attention to graduate assistants who are in a high-risk category, either with their health or as care providers to others. Please consider this in your plans to fulfill their assistantships for the duration of the semester.

Existing contracts for graduate assistants should not be shortened or reduced in hours, except under the most extreme circumstances. If a program wishes to shorten or reduce a contract (hours and/or compensation) for any reason, they should first contact Dr. Julie Goodliffe in the Graduate School at to discuss. As a reminder, graduate assistants are eligible for paid Administrative Leave as long as they remain on their current contract. Thus, it is critical to keep the students’ contract in place to ensure no disruption in pay. The Graduate School monitors any change or cancellation of a graduate assistantship.

We have received guidance locally and from the UNC System Office to be flexible to the greatest extent possible with our graduate assistants. If you have work they can do remotely, it is recommended that it be planned and assigned, even if it is outside of their normal duties. Teaching assistants may continue to assist faculty in a remote capacity, and you are encouraged to work with the Center for Teaching and Learning to learn more. As directed by the Office of Research and Economic Development, research employees, including graduate research assistants and technicians, should follow the guidance provided for all University employees.  All research staff should coordinate with their supervisors to discuss tasks that can be completed remotely or safely on campus through social distancing protocols.

Our cooperation as an institution, community, and as individuals will help keep the spread of Coronavirus to a minimum. If we do what we can now, the return to normal campus activities will come that much sooner. Thank you all for your willingness to adapt while supporting the needs of our students.

Stay safe and healthy,


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