Early Entry Enhancements Announced for Academic Petition System

The early entry petition type in the Academic Petition System has been improved to copy forward previously approved early entry requests when a new early entry petition is initiated. This allows you and your students to see what was previously approved and allow changes as necessary. 

It will also now require the selection of a specific section for each course from the list of course offerings each term. As a result, any course that was previously approved to be double-counted but the student has not yet taken will need to be resubmitted via a new petition beginning Monday, March 21, 2022. Please note that the early entry petition type is available upon completion of the upgrade Mar. 21.

For more details, please see the downloadable Early Entry Reference Guide.

Please direct any questions to petitionhelp@uncc.edu.

One thought on “Early Entry Enhancements Announced for Academic Petition System”

  1. Julio Bahamon says:

    Dear Graduate School,

    I am curious why Early Entry students are being asked to pick specific sections of courses to double-count each term. I think this will introduce an unnecessary bottleneck and increase the burden on Academic Advisors.

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