Student Funding

Assessment Needed for International TAs

The Office of International Programs recently sent a reminder to international teaching assistants calling attention to the requirement to attend an English language assessment and to complete an I-9 form that is available from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

For more information, visit the Center for Graduate Life Teaching Assistants.


Assistantships Now on Hire-A-Niner

Hire-A-Niner, the online system that provides students easy access to jobs, internships, and co-ops now is a source for Graduate Assistantship opportunities too.

“A graduate assistant position has been added to the types of jobs listed on Hire-A-Niner,” said Julie Goodliffe, Director of Funding and Fellowships for the Graduate School.  “Now, any department looking for a graduate assistant can easily create the position in Hire-A-Niner and view all the applications in one place.”

Goodliffe said the Hire-A-Niner portal permits greater control over when and how an opportunity is posted and on who can apply.  The portal also archives job postings so re-posting a job is easy.

Students can search and save their searches and get updates by email.  The system features a resume creator, resource library, hire reporting and online career tools.

For more information or to register and post a graduate assistantship opportunity, visit Hire-A-Niner and select the Employer option.

UNC Charlotte Ranks High for NSF Grants

UNC Charlotte has ranked fourth in North Carolina for the number of NSF Graduate Research Fellows since 2010, behind Duke, UNC Chapel Hill, and NC State.

You can help continue this success by encouraging your best students to apply for the NSF GRFP, which provides a $34,000 annual stipend for three years, and pays tuition and fees.

Deadlines are October 24th – 28th, depending on field of study.

For more information on student funding, visit the Graduate School’s Student Funding site.

GA Contracts Must Be Approved by Aug. 16

Categories: Student Funding

Students on TA/RA/AA from the first day of school must have their eGA contract approved by August 16 to be paid Aug. 31.

More information is available at the Recruitment and Hiring website.  Questions may be directed to Teresa Shook, Student Employment,, Tamika Coleman, Temporary Staff Employment,, or Herlicia Blakely, I-9 Compliance,


Master's Thesis Award Nominations Sought

Categories: Student Funding

The Graduate School is seeking nominations for the Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award through Oct. 9.

Faculty may nominate a student whose thesis has been accepted in partial fulfillment of master’s degree requirements during the past two academic and/or summer sessions.

For more information, fields of competition and criteria, download the Award leaflet here.


Federal Budget Proposal

Categories: Student Funding

The proposed FY 2018 federal budget has significant changes to programs that support graduate education.  Read more…