Student Funding

Funding Nominations for New Students Due Apr. 1

Categories: Student Funding

Nominations for new student funding should be submitted to the Graduate School by Apr. 1.  

A complete run-down on funding information for graduate students is available from Graduate Funding.

Remind Students to Apply for Summer Fellowship Program

The Graduate School’s Summer Fellowship Program (GSSF) provides doctoral students funding to continue focus on research over the summer months.   

The program is available to new and repeat applicants.  Eligible applicants can receive $8,000 to support progress toward the degree.

The deadline to apply is Mar. 1.

“We are also in need of faculty reviewers, said Julie Goodliffe, Assistant Dean for Graduate Funding and Research. “This is a fun way to serve the University.”

To apply, please access the 2023 GSSF Application.

Student Funding Questions Answered in New FAQ

A new set of FAQs were recently added to the Graduate School Student Funding site that provide answers to the most common questions on funding for graduate education.

Topics covered include types of funding (such as health care coverage, and types of support available for tuition and fees), financial aid eligibility and how to apply for a research assistantship.

For more information, please visit the Graduate School’s Funding FAQs for Current Students page.

The Graduate School also hosts a Funding Q&A Session for Faculty and Staff the first and third Monday of the month.  Visit the GPDNet Calendar to select a session and register.

Graduate School Offers Help for NSF Funding

The Graduate School is looking for qualified candidates for the $37,000 annual stipend from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).

UNC Charlotte has ranked fourth in North Carolina for the number of NSF Graduate Research Fellows since 2010, behind Duke, UNC Chapel Hill, and NC State.

Graduate School Director of Funding and Fellowships Dr. Julie Goodliffe contacted almost 2,000 potential candidates this fall offering expertise in completing a competitive application.  In addition to the annual stipend, qualified students can earn $12,000 annually in cost of education allowance.

An experienced NSF reviewer at the national level, Dr. Goodliffe offers live information sessions and assistance in completing the NSF GRFP Fellowship application.  Interested students should participate in an upcoming workshop via Zoom:

Tuesday, September 13th 3-4pm

Wednesday, September 14th, 3-4pm

More information about the NSF GRFP is available for download, on the Graduate School’s Funding for Graduate Graduation website or by contacting Julie Goodliffe,

Information on 2022-23 Graduate Student Compensation Available

An updated schedule of graduate student compensation packages has been added to the Graduate School’s Student Support website under the tab Standard Graduate Student Compensation Packages.

Upcoming Funding Q&A Sessions for Faculty and Staff

Are you wondering about compensation packages, GASP, graduate assistantships or paying for fees? Join a Funding Q&A Session and let the Graduate Admissions funding and assistantships team answer all your questions.

The first session for the fall will begin on August 15. These sessions are held on the first and third Mondays of every month from 3-4 p.m.

Q&A Session on the New Policy on Graduate Student Compensation

Q A or Questions and answers on block squares with sunshine

Have questions about the new Policy on Graduate Student Compensation? Join us in a Zoom meeting on Thursday, July 28th, at 10:30 a.m., with members of the Graduate School and RED teams to get answers.

Message on Student Compensation

Dear Colleagues, 

Academic Affairs has prepared a policy statement that touches on several aspects of Graduate Student Compensation. At the Provost’s request, we have posted this policy on the Graduate School website at this link:

Please share this information with faculty, staff and students since it contains important information. 

Let me know if you have questions.



Graduate School Awards 2022 Fellowships

The Graduate School recently awarded donor-supported graduate fellowships to 14 UNC Charlotte students, representing a broad cross section of academic programs.

Established to support exceptionally talented and committed graduate students, the Graduate School offers a variety of fellowships for program specific research or scholarship. The fellowships are presented annually in the spring with award payments beginning in the upcoming academic year.

Read more at the Graduate School.

Graduate Fellowship Application Deadline Apr. 1

The student deadline for applying for a Graduate School Fellowship is Friday, Apr. 1.  To apply, students may log in to the NinerScholars website and complete an applicant profile to be matched to available awards for which they are nominated.

More information on is available from the Graduate School Fellowship website.

Please contact Julie Green at for questions.

Search Continues for Graduate Life Fellows

The Center for Graduate Life and Learning (CGLL) has extended the application deadline for its Graduate Life Fellowships program that includes a $5000 stipend for the academic year.

The application is available online at the Center for Graduate Life and Learning.

For questions, please contact

Faculty Volunteers Needed for Graduate School Summer Fellowship Application Review

Your help is critically important and will ensure that applications are reviewed by experts in the field and that students receive helpful comments from multiple reviewers to assist in their application success. Sign Up Today.

GPD Nomination Deadline for Graduate School Donor-Supported Fellowships Mar. 22

The 2022-23 Graduate School Fellowships are live in the University Scholarship Portal and nominations can be submitted now to recruit exceptional students. These fellowships are funded by donors for need-based and merit awards that recognize excellent students for their academic achievement and provide assistance to those who demonstrate financial need. To nominate a student, please visit the NinerScholars nomination portal.

Deadline for student applications is April 1

Students will need to log in to the NinerScholars scholarship site and complete an applicant profile before they can be matched to any awards or see the awards they are nominated for.  All application materials will be submitted through the NinerScholars portal.

For additional information on these awards and others for continuing students, please visit the Graduate School Fellowships site.

For questions, please contact Julie Green at

Graduate Assistantship System Updated

The electronic Graduate Assistantship System (eGA) : ) was recently updated to improve security, enhance user experience and provide additional functionality. With eGA, faculty can hire and track a teaching or research graduate assistantship for any active doctoral, master’s or certificate student.

Graduate School Summer Fellowship Program Offers Funding to Boost Research Progress

The Graduate School’s Summer Fellowship Program (GSSF) provides doctoral students funding to continue research at a time when few other options exist.   

The program is available to new and repeat applicants.  Eligible applicants can receive $8,000 to support progress toward the degree.

The deadline to apply is Mar. 11.

For more information and to apply, please access the 2022 GSSF Application.

For questions, please contact Julie Goodliffe, Graduate School Director of Funding and Fellowships.

eGA Upgrade Planned

eGA, the electronic graduate assistantship system used to hire over 1,800 graduate students as RAs and TAs each semester, is getting an upgrade. The user experience in the new eGA has been greatly improved and will remind users of the eGPS and Academic Petition systems. The target go-live date is Feb. 7.  The current eGA system will be taken out of service Feb. 5 to migrate data to the new and improved eGA system. 

The Graduate School will schedule training sessions as the go-live date draws near.

Q&A sessions covering a wide range of Graduate School funding topics are held regularly on the first and third Monday of the month (excluding holidays).  The sessions provide an opportunity to ask about the changes and see a demonstration of the the new eGA system. The schedule and Zoom links can be found on the GPDNet Calendar

Help Students Get Funding: eGPS Refresher Training

Do you know and/or remember how to use eGPS to nominate students for funding from the Graduate School?  If you hesitated to think “yes!”, you are invited to one of two training/refresher sessions about how to use eGPS.  Please click a link below to attend, and also send this to others who use eGPS on your behalf.

Graduate School Offers Expert Assistance for NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program

Graduate School Director of Funding and Fellowships Julie Goodliffe is conducting an outreach to potentially eligible candidates to apply for an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

Dr. Goodliffe, an experienced NSF reviewer at the national level, offers live information sessions and assistance in completing the Fellowship application.

For more information, contact Julie Goodliffe,

HEERF III Grants Go to 2,717 Graduate Students

The Graduate School worked with University officials to identify and provide grants to 2,717 eligible graduate students through The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund III (HEERF III), to help defray expenses or losses incurred during the pandemic.

Authorized by the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and signed into law on March 11, 2021, HEERF III provides funds to institutions of higher education to serve students and help ensure learning continues during the COVID-10 pandemic. UNC Charlotte’s Office of Student Financial Aid confirmed that international students are eligible to receive HEERF III funding with no negative impact to their immigration or visa status.

Awards were dispersed on July 13 to students’ bank accounts (or by check, if necessary), and the recipients were informed via email; grants ranged from $500 to $1,500. Students who did not receive grants but believe they may be eligible may submit a 2021-2022 Student Higher Education Emergency Fund Relief Application to request consideration for HEERF III funding.

RED Announces Updated GA Compensation Policy

Research and Economic Development (RED) recently announced changes to the policy governing how tuition and other forms of compensation for graduate assistants (GAs) are charged to sponsored awards (Policy 50.5).  Following is the text of that announcement:

To be allowable costs, tuition and other forms of compensation for GAs must meet the following conditions:

  1. The individual is conducting activities necessary to the award
  2. Tuition remission and other support are provided in accordance with the established policy of the department/program and consistently provided in a like manner to students in return for similar activities conducted under sponsored awards as well as other activities
  3. During the academic period, the student is enrolled in an advanced degree program at the university and the activities of the student in relation to the award are related to the degree program
  4. The tuition or other payments are reasonable compensation for the work performed and are conditioned explicitly upon the performance of necessary work
  5. The program/department’s practice is to similarly compensate students under sponsored awards as well as other activities.

A recent review of campus practices indicated that compensation packages provided to graduate assistants, including teaching assistants (TAs) and research assistants (RAs) enrolled in the same graduate program often vary, making it unlikely that conditions #2 and #5 are being met.  Moreover, the current version of Policy 50.5 requires that sponsored awards cover costs such as fees that are not typically provided to similar GAs supported on institutional or State funds.  These forms of compensation are not allowable costs unless they are generally provided to comparable students (e.g., students enrolled in the same graduate program) supported on GAs, regardless of the source of the funds.

The revision of Policy 50.5 aims to establish consistent compensation packages for GAs within individual programs and aligns our university policy with the requirements for Federal awards outlined in the Uniform Guidance.

Although the policy will go into effect on July 15, 2021, we have worked with the college leadership to develop a phased approach (outlined below) that minimizes the impact on existing awards and provides time for programs to establish standard compensation packages for GAs.  The FAQs address some of the most common questions we received over the past 18 months as we worked to update the policy.

Implementation of Revision of Policy 50.5

Phase I: Onboarding of Early Adopters (2021-22 Academic Year)

The Associate Deans in the Colleges have identified 21 doctoral programs and 9 master’s programs that currently provide standard compensation packages to graduate assistants and are therefore already aligned with the updated policy.  During the 2021-22 academic year, PIs wishing to support students enrolled in these graduate programs may charge up to 100% of the compensation package to an award.  PIs wishing to support a student in a program that is not on the “early adopter list” may charge stipend or wages to the award during the 2021-22 academic year, but will not be permitted to charge other forms of compensation, such as tuition, fees, or health insurance.  During this period, stipend levels can still be set by the program and may vary by funding source.

Additional details include:

  • The compensation charged to the award cannot exceed what is described in the standard package.  Compensation less than the standard amount should be accompanied by a comparable decrease in effort.
  • Details of the compensation packages and the associated policies governing student eligibility should be communicated to Grants and Contracts Administration (GCA) prior to the submission of a Student Educational Award Form. Any changes to standard compensation packages must be reviewed and approved by Academic Affairs and reported to GCA for publication on the RED website.
  • When preparing proposals with start dates after July 15, 2021, PIs wishing to support students enrolled in programs with standard compensation packages must include all components of the package that are permitted by the sponsor, including stipend, tuition, and health insurance.
  • PIs with existing awards that include GA support should work with their grants administrators to re-budget costs that are no longer included in the standard compensation package or are no longer allowable.

Phase II: Full Implementation of Policy 50.5 (2022-2023 Academic Year)

Policy 50.5 will be fully implemented at the start of the 2022-2023 academic year. Only students enrolled in programs with approved standard compensation packages will be eligible to be supported on GAs from sponsored awards.  PIs may charge up to 100 percent of the standard compensation package to an award and all components of the package that are permitted by the sponsor must be included in any request.  Programs without standard compensation packages will no longer be allowed to charge any costs associated with GAs to an award.

Additional details include:

  • As outlined above, funds allocated for items, such as fees, that are not included in a standard compensation package may be re-budgeted to cover other allowable costs (with sponsor approval, if required).
  • Budgets for new projects with start dates after July 15, 2022 that include GA support should include costs associated with the current or anticipated standard compensation package.

For more information, please contact Rick Tankersley,