
May Session Set for Faculty Mentor Training

The Graduate School will offer Mentor Training for graduate faculty May 16, 9:00-4:00. The session will be held in the Haltom Reading Room.

The curriculum comes from the Center for the Improvement of the Mentored Experience in Research (CIMER) at the University of Wisconsin. It is highly interactive and includes a variety of useful resources and tools.

Attendance is limited, so please sign-up early using this form.

Application Session Planned for Prospective Students

Graduate Admissions is hosting another information session for prospective students on Apr. 19, 12:30-1:30 pm, and we invite you to participate and recruit students to your programs. Additional details about the information session as well as the RSVP for GPDs and Affiliates to participate is available from Graduate Admissions.

Best Practices in Graduate Recruiting Session Set Apr. 21

The Graduate School is hosting a virtual session on Apr. 21 at 10 am for Graduate Program Directors and Coordinators to participate in an update on best practices and a discussion with Graduate Admission Counselors focusing on strategies to feed the recruitment funnel.

The session also will include efforts Graduate Admissions is making to engage prospective students and applicants and share a few simple things programs can do to deepen that engagement.

Following a brief presentation by Graduate Admissions, Program Directors and Coordinators will be encouraged to share what they are doing to recruit and retain students.

To register, please complete the Graduate Admissions form.

Reynolds CGLL Enrolling Graduate Life Fellows

Each year the Thomas L. Reynolds Center for Graduate Life & Learning selects 7 grad students to serve as liaisons to their peers across campus. These Graduate Life Fellows act as informal mentors while also seeking new ways to support graduate student success and helping to create vital programming. Their input and unique ability to provide the graduate student perspective is invaluable.

Grad Life Fellows also promote CGLL workshops, programs, courses, and initiatives through word-of-mouth, social media, and visits to graduate classes and organizations. You can read about our current Grad Life Fellows here.

Graduate Life Fellows are University leaders with the opportunity to impact graduate education at Charlotte. For their efforts, they receive a $5,000 award (divided across two semesters).

Eligibility Requirements:

  • GLFs must be full-time students living in the Charlotte area during the academic year of their term
  • Have completed at least one year of graduate-level coursework at Charlotte
  • Have a GPA of at least 3.0 and be in good standing

International students and students with assistantships are encouraged to apply!

Funding Nominations for New Students Due Apr. 1

Categories: Student Funding

Nominations for new student funding should be submitted to the Graduate School by Apr. 1.  

A complete run-down on funding information for graduate students is available from Graduate Funding.

ETS Webinar Will Address English Proficiency Assessment

The Educational Testing Service (ETS) is hosting a live, 45-minute webinar called What to Know about English Proficiency Assessment Thursday, Mar. 16.  The purpose of this session is to demystify English proficiency – what is measured, how to measure it, and what scores mean.  Specifically, we’ll discuss:

  • The importance of English language proficiency.
  • What English proficiency assessments measure (and how).
  • What test scores mean.
  • Ideas to maximize your team’s use of English language assessments.

Register HERE today (by doing so, you’ll automatically receive a recording of this event). 

2024 Application System Opens April 15

Beginning April 15, 2023, prospective students can apply for 2024 spring, summer, and fall.  

GPDs who want to make changes to their application for 2024, should submit a Slate ticket.  Examples of changes that can be made are:

  • Resume – require it or make it optional
  • Writing Sample – require one
  • Statement of Purpose – provide custom test to applicant
  • GRE/GMAT/MAT – require or eliminate tests

Currently, these are the  programs that require a test:

Program NameGREGRE or GMATGRE or MATPAEP or GMATWaiver Criteria?
Accountancy (MACC)YY
Business Administration (MBA)YY
Business Administration (MBA) in MexicoYY
Business Administration: Finance (PHD)Y
Civil Engineering (MSCE)YY
Civil Engineering (MSE)YY
Civil Engineering (PHD)YY
Computer Engineering (MS)YY
Computer Science (MS)YY
Data Science and Business Analytics (MS)YY
Economics (MS)YY
Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation (PHD)Y
Electrical Engineering (MSEE)YY
Electrical Engineering (PHD)YY
Fire Protection and Safety Management (MS)YY
Health Informatics and Analytics (MS)YY
Mathematical Finance (MS)YY
Nursing Practice (DNP) if concentration is Nurse AnesthesiaY
Optical Science and Engineering (MS)YY
Optical Science and Engineering (PHD)YY
Physics (MS)YY
Public Administration (MPAD)YY
Real Estate Finance and Development (MS)YY
Special Education and Child Development (MED)YY

Record Number of Visa Appointments Expected in India: Make Application Decisions ASAP

EducationUSA reports “From May to August 2023, consular offices in India expect a record number of U.S. visa applications from students looking for appointments in June and July.  Increased demand and staffing constraints will make it more difficult to obtain appointments than in the past two years.” 

For the latest information about wait times, see https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas.html.  

If possible, admission decisions on international applications should be made by March 15, 2023.

Education USA Offers Access to Student Prospects

Education USA connects students around the world with information about higher education institutions in the U.S. Additionally, they offer a number of opportunities for U.S institutions to connect with and recruit students. These resources include:virtual and face to face recruitment fairs, global education guides, webinars, and forums. A few opportunities highlighted this month are:

1. Call for Session Proposals:  EducationUSA China Request FormEducationUSA China is piloting a new Session Proposal Request Form to streamline virtual and in-person presentation and center visit requests from U.S. higher education institutions. Submit a proposal to present in person or virtually.

To submit a request for March, April, or May 2023, please carefully review the form, enter all required proposal or travel information, and submit.  The EducationUSA China team will respond to each submission directly within a few days for follow-up or confirmation.  For more information, contact the EducationUSA China team.
2. EducationUSA Bangalore:  Let’s Connect Program
Interested in enhancing your recruitment initiatives and virtual presence in India?  Have questions about the typical student profile, center services, and how we can work together, or just want to chat?  Sign up for a 60-minute virtual 1:1 consultation with our EducationUSA advisers.  

3. Find Institutional Partners in East Asia and the Pacific (EAP)!
Share your institutional partnership goals and search for prospective partners in the East Asia and Pacific region!  Launched during International Education Week 2022, the EducationUSA EAP Partnership Board is an easily searchable tool that higher education institutions from the United States and EAP can use to announce their partnership goals and make connections.  Visit this free resource to learn how to add your institution’s information.
For more information on these opportunities and to sign up to receive the monthly newsletter, visit https://educationusa.state.gov/

Graduate Application Information Session

Graduate Admissions will host a Faculty and Staff Application Information Session Wednesday, March 22, 2023 at 12:30 p.m. for employees to discuss the application process for Graduate School at UNC Charlotte and tuition waiver benefits available to qualifying employees.

Maryanne Maree-Sams and Ellie Ivey of Graduate Admissions will be sharing information and answering questions about the application and admissions process. Jessica Kapota, Director for Learning and Organizational Development, will address the tuition waiver program available to qualified employees to cover tuition expenses for up to three courses per academic year.

CGLL Spring Writing Retreat Planned

The Graduate Writing Retreat provides a multi-day opportunity for graduate students, faculty and staff, and members of the community who want to make progress on a large writing project. 

More information and registration form are available from the Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning.

Encourage Prospects to Sign Up for Reminder

Encourage prospective students interested in applying for 2024 to complete a “Request Information” or “Receive a Reminder” form with us, and on April 15, 2024, we will email them a reminder to apply for 2024.

Tools for College-Level Website Updates

Your college communicator (see list) is your resource for college-level website updates, etiquette and branding. Reach out to them for guidance! If you have difficulty finding your current web contact, you can reference this website or submit a OneIT Help Ticket.

Are you looking to update your program dashboard on the Graduate Admissions website? View the how-to guide.

NSF Mentor Training as part of RECR Requirement Coming

One way to meet the new requirement is through the Graduate School’s Mentor Training for Graduate Faculty. Additional guidance about this new requirement will be shared shortly, but interested faculty should register now for this May 16 training.  Once the training is full, we will begin a waitlist.

Faculty Judges Needed for Graduate Research Symposium

Categories: FeaturedHome

Faculty Judges Needed: The 23rd Annual Graduate Research Symposium, a student-run, interdisciplinary research conference sponsored by the Graduate & Professional Student Government is on Friday, March 24 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, concluding with an awards reception at 12:30 PM. Faculty judges are critical to the symposium’s success.

“I highly encourage graduate faculty to consider serving as a judge during the Graduate Research Symposium. This event is critical to our mission as a top-tier research university and is an important opportunity for our graduate students to gain valuable feedback specific to their research.”

Pinku Mukherjee, Interim Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School

Graduate Admissions to Host Info Sessions for Prospective Students

Graduate Program Directors are invited to participate in monthly Information Sessions (for prospective students) offered by Graduate Admissions throughout the fall and spring semesters. Following a general admissions presentation, Graduate Program Directors will be able to meet with prospective students in Zoom breakout rooms to provide program specific information. These sessions provide prospective students with a general overview about graduate programs, admission requirements and the application process, as well as valuable information about funding and financial aid.

How it will work: Graduate Program Directors (or their proxy) can sign up to participate in an Information Session. Following the 20 minute presentation from Graduate Admissions, prospective students will be placed in breakout rooms for the program in which they indicated interest for about 30 minutes. GPDs can use this time to present valuable information on program admission requirements, the selection process and funding/assistantship opportunities, career outcomes, and also answer questions from prospective students. Admissions counselors will be available to answer general questions for prospective students who are interested in a program that is not represented.

In order to advertise these sessions to prospective applicants, Graduate Program Directors must RSVP no later than March 1, 2023 to participate. 

Register below

Communication Campaign Launches

Categories: FeaturedResources

The following communication campaigns to support enrollment are live in Slate:

  • Application Generation (All Terms)
    • The target audience is prospects and inquiries. The communications encourage prospective students to start and complete their application.
  • Yield (Summer 2023)
    • The target audience is admitted graduate students that have yet to accept their admissions offer. The communications encourage them to submit their enrollment intention form.
  • Anti-Melt Campaign (Summer 2023)
    • The target audience is graduate students who have accepted their offer of admission/enrollment intention form. The communications encourage student retention and engagement before they begin their program.

Thank you to the college and unit stakeholders who collaborated on the campaign review. We appreciate the time you dedicated to these efforts!

Questions? Reach the Marketing and Communications team via email at grad-comm@uncc.edu.

Diversity Scholars Forum Set for Mar. 24

Sponsored by the Graduate School and in conjunction with the Graduate Research Symposium, the inaugural Diversity Scholars Forum will be held Mar. 24, 12-1 p.m. at Popp Martin Student Union, Multipurpose Room 340.

The event features graduate student and postdoctoral research related to diversity, equity and inclusion. The Diversity Scholars Forum showcases research that centers on DEI issues related to the community - both on campus and in the greater Charlotte community. To showcase their work, amplify their voices and celebrate the value of diversity, student presenters will give short lightning-round style poster presentations about their research projects.

VPN Now Required for eGEM Access

Effective immediately, off-campus access to eGEM, including GPDNet, requires logging into the University’s Virtual Private Network (VPN). The move was made to increase the security of the University’s information resources.

More information on VPN access is available in UNC Charlotte Spaces, including information for accessing the VPN from your mobile device.

Recruitment Opportunity

The Southern Regional Honors Council (SRHC) annual conference will be in Charlotte from Mar. 30-Apr. 1.  The Graduate School Fair is on Mar. 31, 2023. This annual conference presents a great opportunity to recruit some of the most engaged students in the south. 

The event, to be held at The Westin Charlotte Hotel, will attract more than 400 undergraduate honors students.

The registration fee of $250 covers for one day on Friday. You will receive the following:

·  6’ display table in Exhibitor Hall (No skirting or access to electricity) 

·  Lunch

·  Institution/Program Logo, Description, Website Link, and Social Media Links on conference website

·  Institution/Program Logo, Website Link, and Social Media Links posted at the conference

Don’t miss out on your chance to reach so many amazing students in such a concentrated area.  Space is limited, so please register soon.  Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the registration page for the Graduate School Fair registration options.