
Ombuds Report: Student Issues Increasingly Complex

In the 2019-2020 report from the Graduate Ombuds, the challenges students face are changing and growing more complex.

Bruce Taylor, Ph.D., serves as the Graduate Student Ombuds.  In his report to the Graduate School, Taylor noted that the per student time spent in consultation increased slightly over the previous year owing to increased complexity of consultations.  He said the more complex situations involve interpersonal challenges among students or between a student and a faculty member. This type of situation represents 44 percent of the cases in the past year.

“The COVID-19 pandemic brought some new concerns—access to campus services and labs, changing expectations for graduate assistantships and changes to the content and format of dissertations,” Taylor said. “However, many of the concerns continued to center around relationships with faculty mentors and programs.”

A summary of the Ombuds Report is available for download.

Distance Ed Introduces New Out of NC Tuition Rate

Distance Education has introduced a new tuition and fee structure for out of North Carolina non-resident students.

The Distance Education Out-of-NC Non-Resident Tuition Rate Fact Sheet is available for download.

More on Distance Education Tuition and Fees can be found at Niner Central.

Webinar Addresses Test Requirements for Summer/Fall 2021 Applicants

At the outset of the pandemic, with testing centers closed around the world, Graduate Program Directors were given autonomy to waive testing requirements for summer/fall 2020 applicants. Given the ongoing challenge for people to access physical testing centers, and/or the lack of personal equipment and settings to sit for an online test, coupled with significant financial challenges, many programs are considering waiving the standardized test requirement for 2021 applicants.

To address these challenges and opportunities and brainstorm viable alternatives, join Associate Dean Johnna Watson and Director of Graduate Admissions Kathy Giddings for a Zoom meeting on:  Wednesday, July 8, at 11 AM.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 976 7162 5105
Password: 6vywP3

Read more on the issue at ScienceMag.org.

8-Week Career Lab's Focus Is Career Competencies

The Center for Graduate Life’s GRAD 8320/6320, Developing Core Career Competencies, can help improve the personal brand, articulate a career path, connect to targeted industries and communicate across diverse populations.
Career Lab is an 8-week part-of-term format during the first part of fall, in a hybrid asynchronous format (i.e., half the class will attend on Tuesdays and half on Thursdays).
Register at my.uncc.edu.

Residency Determination Cut-Off Date Extended

The required cut-off date for applying any RDS determination has been extended from 30 to 45 days from the start of term for fall 2020 through spring 2021. The change was made to allow for adjustments to Census Day reporting in the wake of COVID-19.


The changes were outlined in a letter from Kimberly van Noort, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer for the UNC System. The letter is available for download.

Students Who Defer to Spring Can Keep GASP or Master's Merit Awards

As students defer to Spring 2021, any with current GASP or Master’s Merit Awards can keep them for Spring. Please revise the eGA, add Melissa Peterson to the approval queue, and note that the student currently has GASP or a Master’s Merit Award.
For questions, please contact Julie Goodliffe (jmgoodli@uncc.edu).

GRE Program Offers Guide to Holistic Admissions

ETS and GRE® Program have developed a step-by-step guide to implementing a holistic admissions process aligned with program and institution goals.

Visit ETS to view the guide, Navigating Holistic Admissions.

Help Prospects Learn About Your Program

A virtual information session for prospective students provides an opportunity to engage directly with a Graduate Program Director and currently enrolled students to learn about admission requirements and the application process, opportunities for student engagement, and determine if a graduate program is a good fit.

Graduate Admissions utilizes the AdmissionPros Event Management System to schedule the information sessions, manage RSVPs, and promote the event on our websites and social media accounts. Downstream, we can track participants to determine those who apply, are admitted, and ultimately enroll. A Graduate Admissions staff member will participate in the information session and lead you every step of the way.
Contact Maryanne Maree-Sams (MaryanneMaree-Sams@uncc.edu) or Ellie Ivey (efeely@uncc.edu) to plan a virtual information session for your graduate program, or to chat about any questions you may have related to the process. We suggest that you allow at least four weeks to advertise the offering, so it’s never too early to begin the process.

ETS Guide to Preparing for Admissions

ETS and the GRE® Program recently released a discussion guide that poses questions faculty and administrators should consider in preparing for, collecting and accepting applications.

The guide is available for download.


Encourage Admitted Students to Submit Official Transcript

Applicants offered admission are required to submit a final official transcript from the college or university where the bachelor’s degree was earned prior to registering for the  second semester in the Graduate School at UNC Charlotte.

Final transcripts for spring 2021 admits are due Aug. 15. Fall semester transcript submissions are due in October. Final transcripts can be mailed to the Graduate School or sent electronically directly from the College or University to gradcounselor@uncc.edu.

Special Call for COVID-19 Research Proposals

The School of Data Science and Research and Economic Development issued a call through the Ignite Planning Grants Program for proposals associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Faculty and staff teams can apply for one-time Flash Grants of between $5,000-$10,000 for 3-6 months. Teams that engage with one of our University Business Partners will be eligible for an additional $5,000, for a total of up to $15,000.

By encouraging collaboration among researches from different colleges and other institutions, the program aims to position research teams to respond to more external funding opportunities related to COVID-19.

Complete submission details are available for download.  For questions, contact Lesley Brown, Director of the Center for Research Excellence.

Fall Application Deadlines Extended

The application deadline for certificate and degree programs has been extended to Aug. 15 for domestic applicants.
Application deadline for post-baccalaureate programs has been extended to September 1.

eGRAD Training Session Planned

Online training for eGRAD, electronic Graduate Recruitment and Admissions system, will be available June 23 in Canvas.
The session will be available as a module with the heading: “Training-Graduate School Electronic Systems Training.”  This training is required for access to the system to admit or deny applicants in eGRAD.

Pandemic-Driven Course Changes Outlined

Continuing and new undergraduate and graduate students were briefed on changes they will experience when they arrive for classes in the fall.

In a letter, Provost and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Joan Lorden explained that, while face-to-face classroom instruction will continue to be offered, many courses will blend face-to-face with remote instruction and others will be offered completely online. New students also will be required to come equipped with a laptop to access coursework.  For more information, please visit Niner Central.

We Hate to See You Go

We’ve loved working with you, so if your term as a GPD or Affiliate is coming to an end, thanks for all you’ve done.
Now, one more task: Let us know about it!
Please complete the form for changes in GPDs and Affiliates located in eGRAD and let us know who will be assuming your role.

Get Application Fee Waiver Codes in eGRAD

If your department is interested in purchasing fee waiver codes for your prospects, details and a request form is located in eGRAD.

Accepting Applications for Workplace Competencies Certificate

For more information or to apply, visit the Center for Graduate Life.

Send Us Your Program Updates

We actively post updates to our Graduate Admissions social media accounts (InstagramFacebook, and LinkedIn) to encourage people to explore different programs or attend a virtual information session.

Please let us know if you have any information about your program (videos, articles about current students,pictures, etc) you would like us to share.

Send any information or questions to Ellie Ivey, efeely@uncc.edu.


Suspension, Termination Processes Updated

Suspension and termination processes have been updated for Spring 2020.
  • Students that are suspended/ terminated due to Spring 2020 grades may enroll in Summer 2020 due to the June 1 deadline for grade mode change elections.
  • Suspensions and terminations will be processed effective Fall 2020.
  • Suspension appeals should be submitted through the new academic petition system.

For questions, please contact Sandra Krause, Sandra.Krause@uncc.edu.

Targeting Prospects Topic of ETS Webinar

GRE® Search Service expert Ayo Strange will lead a free 30-minute webinar entitled Discover How to Cost-effectively Target Graduate and Professional School Students Wed., June 10 at 1 p.m.

The webinar focuses on finding graduate-level prospects through GRE® test performance with the GRE® Search Service.

To register, please visit ETS GRE.