Graduate Admissions staff participate in several recruiting fairs each year and maintain a list of high quality events that provide great opportunities to connect with prospective students. For more information, review the recruiting tips on GPDNet or contact
Student Funding Questions Answered in New FAQ
A new set of FAQs were recently added to the Graduate School Student Funding site that provide answers to the most common questions on funding for graduate education.
Topics covered include types of funding (such as health care coverage, and types of support available for tuition and fees), financial aid eligibility and how to apply for a research assistantship.
For more information, please visit the Graduate School’s Funding FAQs for Current Students page.
The Graduate School also hosts a Funding Q&A Session for Faculty and Staff the first and third Monday of the month. Visit the GPDNet Calendar to select a session and register.
Seeking Nominations: First Citizens Bank Scholars Award and the Harshini de Silva Graduate Mentor Award
The Graduate School is seeking nominations for the First Citizens Bank Scholars Award and the Harshini de Silva Graduate Mentor Award.
The Graduate School invites nominations for the 2023 First Citizens Bank Scholars Medal. This award recognizes a senior full-time faculty member for outstanding scholarship, creativity, and/or research. Nominations may come from any UNC Charlotte faculty member. The First Citizens Bank Scholars Medal has been awarded since 1988, with last year’s honoree being Dr. Jean-Claude Thill, Geography and Earth Sciences.
The award — consisting of a cash prize, framed citation and a medal — will be presented in the spring semester at a ceremony and reception presided over by the Chancellor, officials of First Citizens Bank, the Interim Dean of the Graduate School and University officers.
We invite you to view more information on this year’s nomination form and the selection process. The deadline for nominations is 5 p.m. on Friday, November 11, 2022.
The Graduate School is also seeking nominations for the annual competition for the 2023 Harshini V. de Silva Graduate Mentor Award. This award recognizes a full-time member of the graduate faculty who exemplifies outstanding graduate mentoring. Nominations should come from a chair of the academic department. This award was established in memory of Dr. Harshini de Silva, an associate professor of biology, who was noted for her dedication to the academic and professional development of graduate students. The 2022 award recipient was Dr. Adam Reitzel, Department of Biological Sciences.
The award — consisting of a crystal obelisk, a framed citation and a cash prize — will be presented in the spring semester at a ceremony and reception presided over by the Chancellor, the Interim Dean of the Graduate School and University officers.
View more information on this year’s nomination form and the selection process. The deadline for nominations is 5 p.m. on Friday, November 4, 2022.
Mentoring Session Offered
Graduate Faculty Mentor Training will be offered Oct. 14 from 9:30-4 in the Student Union.
As part of efforts to improve the research climate on campus, the Graduate School is offering training to graduate faculty who seek to be better research mentors. This training comes from the evidence-based practices of the CIMER Institute (Center for Improved Mentoring Experiences in Research) at the University of Wisconsin.
Please use this form to register:
CGLL Offers Virtual Dissertation Writing Workshop
The Dissertation Writing Group (DWG) is a supportive writing group that helps dissertation writers form or refine productive writing and work habits, break isolation, build community, and take advantage of structured writing time. The workshop is intended for doctoral students actively working on their dissertation and able to attend the virtual 2 ½-hour session weekly for seven weeks.
For more information and to register, please visit the Center for Graduate Life and Learning.
Doctoral Committee: Please Create Your IThenticate Account
Doctoral committee members are reminded to create an iThenticate account so students can share their Similarity Report. Otherwise, they have to download the report and email it, causing confusion among students just as they are preparing for their final defense.
For questions about iThenticate, please contact
Participants Sought for 3MT Competition
Graduate researchers have an opportunity to sharpen their presentation skills and compete for cash prizes through the Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) program offered by the Center for Graduate Life and Learning (CGLL). The competition kicks off in November.
For more information and to register, visit the Center for Graduate Life and Learning.
CGLL Seminar Addresses Institutional Review Board Process
The Center for Graduate Life and Learning presents “Understanding IRBs: How to be an Ethical Researcher” Sept 14 from 12-1 pm in Atkins 146.
The workshop, led by Cat Runden, IRB Manager at the Office of Research Protections and Integrity (ORPI), will cover the IRB process.
For more information and to register, visit the Center for Graduate Life and Learning.
Fall Career Fair will Host 230 Employers
The largest career fair of the year, free and open to all majors and all class levels, will be held Sept. 23 from 10-2 at the Student Activity Center.
This year’s Fall Career & Internship Fair will include more than 230 employers including Fortune 100 companies, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, school districts and growing businesses.
More information, including a complete list of participating employers is available from the University Career Center.
CGLL Hosts “Building a LinkedIn Profile” Session
The Center for Graduate Life and Learning will host a session on Building a LinkedIn Profile Sept. 8, 3-4 p.m. in Atkins 146.
The session will be led by Karen Arrington, Assistant Director and Career Coach for the Social Impact, Education, and Nonprofit Career Community.
For more information and to register, please visit the Center for Graduate Life and Learning.
Network Issue Slows Academic Petition Notifications
A network issue last week slowed notifications from the Academic Petition tool. While the issue may have been addressed, GPDs are encouraged to log into the Academic Petition tool to check for pending requests rather than rely on a notification.
Student Orientation Recording Available
The Center for Graduate Life and Learning (CGLL) has published a recording of this fall’s virtual student orientation. The recording is available on YouTube.
A document listing many FAQs from the day’s event is available on Google Docs.
A wealth of information is also available for new students at
Graduate School Offers Help for NSF Funding
The Graduate School is looking for qualified candidates for the $37,000 annual stipend from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).
UNC Charlotte has ranked fourth in North Carolina for the number of NSF Graduate Research Fellows since 2010, behind Duke, UNC Chapel Hill, and NC State.
Graduate School Director of Funding and Fellowships Dr. Julie Goodliffe contacted almost 2,000 potential candidates this fall offering expertise in completing a competitive application. In addition to the annual stipend, qualified students can earn $12,000 annually in cost of education allowance.
An experienced NSF reviewer at the national level, Dr. Goodliffe offers live information sessions and assistance in completing the NSF GRFP Fellowship application. Interested students should participate in an upcoming workshop via Zoom:
Wednesday, September 14th, 3-4pm
More information about the NSF GRFP is available for download, on the Graduate School’s Funding for Graduate Graduation website or by contacting Julie Goodliffe,
CGLL Sets Open House for New Atkins Location
The Center for Graduate Life and Learning (CGLL) will host an open house for graduate students, faculty and staff Sept 7 and 8 in Atkins 149.
Come meet the CGLL team and enjoy refreshments:
Wednesday, September 7 from 2:00 – 4:30pm
Thursday, September 8 from 8:30 – 11:00am
The CGLL is now located in Atkins 149, next to the Career Center.
Save the Date!
The Fall Graduate Education Summit is coming Sept. 23, 10 a.m.-Noon.
Boost Writing Progress with CGLL Friday Morning Writing Session
The Aug. 26 Friday Morning Writing session at the Center for Graduate Life and Learning (CGLL) provides a morning opportunity for graduate students, faculty and staff, and members of the community who want to make progress on a large writing project. The session runs from 9-12 p.m.
Offering a quiet space to work, structured writing time, and writing-related resources, Friday Morning Writing makes writing less isolating.
Coffee, snacks and the use of a microwave oven will be provided in the Atkins 146 session.
To register, visit the Center for Graduate Life and Learning.
Information on 2022-23 Graduate Student Compensation Available
An updated schedule of graduate student compensation packages has been added to the Graduate School’s Student Support website under the tab Standard Graduate Student Compensation Packages.
CGLL Course Addresses Setting Good Writing Habits
The Center for Graduate Life and Learning will host Dr. Lisa Russell-Pinson, Associate Teaching Professor of Writing in a course entitled Establishing and Maintaining Strong Writing Habits Wednesday, Aug. 24 in Atkins 146.
Dr. Russell-Pinson will show how to develop and stick to a writing process and cover tips for consistent and efficient writing.
To register, please visit the Center for Graduate Life and Learning.
Upcoming Funding Q&A Sessions for Faculty and Staff
Are you wondering about compensation packages, GASP, graduate assistantships or paying for fees? Join a Funding Q&A Session and let the Graduate Admissions funding and assistantships team answer all your questions.
The first session for the fall will begin on August 15. These sessions are held on the first and third Mondays of every month from 3-4 p.m.
Lists for Outreach to New and Continuing Students
As outreach continues to encourage new and continuing students to register, we invite Graduate Program Directors to personally connect with these students. Personal outreach typically leads to a greater impact. For more information about updated contact lists, please email Maryanne Maree-Sams.