
Looking for Alumni Successes

GPD’s and Chairs, please provide the Graduate School with names, contact info and brief descriptions of your successful graduate alumni. We plan to showcase the quality of our graduate programs through the success of our alums. We’ll prepare brief vignettes of those alums – a photo and a paragraph about their graduate experience and career trajectory since earning the advanced degree. Just tell us who they are, and we’ll connect and gather the information. Your program graduates will be featured in web content and in collateral material. Let’s start with just one or two standout alums from each graduate program. The aim is to convey the quality, value and impact of UNC Charlotte graduate education and research. Send the name, contact info and a brief description of your alum’s professional status to our Graduate School communications team, grad-comm@uncc.edu.

Updates on Congestion, Class Schedule

The Chancellor’s Office recently shared updates on work aimed at alleviating campus congestion and improving class-scheduling efficiency.

A task force that has been examining campus congestion made 34 suggestions for improvement ranging from infrastructure changes to alternative forms of transportation. The report is available for download from the Chancellor’s Office.

Senior Associate Provost Jay Raja is leading an effort to offer a full schedule of classes on Fridays.   More information on the schedule change is available on the Academic Affairs website.

Minority STEM Recruiting Fair Nov. 17

The North Carolina Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (NC-LSAMP) will host a Graduate Recruitment Fair Nov. 17 from 10:30-11:30 a.m. in Raleigh.

The recruitment fair is part of the NC-LSAMP Annual Undergraduate Research Conference at the NC State McKimmon Conference & Training Center, 1101 Gorman St., Raleigh.

For registration information, please visit 2017 NC-LSAMP Annual Research Conference.

NC-LSAMP seeks to increase the quality and quantity of students who earn science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) baccalaureate degrees and successfully matriculate into STEM graduate programs.

Doctoral Students Paid for Fellowship Apps

Categories: FeaturedResources

Through a new incentive program developed by the Graduate School, UNC Charlotte’s doctoral students may earn money by submitting fellowship applications.  The Fellowship Application Incentive Program or FAIP runs through May 31, 2018 and requires registration.  Details can be found on the Graduate School’s Funding webpage or by contacting Dr. Julie Goodliffe, Director of Funding, the Graduate School.

Graduation FAQ's Created

Categories: FeaturedResources

The Graduate School has created some handy FAQ’s to help guide GPDs and Faculty through the graduation process and timelines.  Using the University’s FAQ system, users can search by topic or browse by popularity.  Students also have access to these important questions.  Visit the Graduation and Commencement Pages.

Update Enrollment Projections by Nov. 1

Graduate projections for Fall 2018, 2019, and 2020 should be completed in GPDNet by Nov. 1, including the enrollment management plan to achieve those projections.

Base your enrollment and graduate projections and plans on your college’s strategic plan.

To access projections and plans in GPDNet, select PROGRAM DASHBOARD at the top of the page, click on your program, and select from the appropriate tabs to view and enter data, or you may download the spreadsheet Fall 2017 9-8-2017 Official Census Enrollment by Program.

Open Swims will be held in Cato 248 according to the schedule shown below to support planning and respond to questions.  If you have questions or need individual assistance, please contact Johnna Watson.  To register, please visit the Enrollment Management Planning registration page.

Open Swim Schedule
Graduate School Conference Room, Cato Hall, #248

Wednesday, September 27th, 1-2:30 pm

Friday, October 6th, 1:30 – 3 pm

Thursday, October 12th, 11:30 am-1 pm

Wednesday, October 18th, 10:30 am – noon


Raleigh Meteorologist Greg Fishel to Address Climate Change

Greg Fishel, weather forecaster for Raleigh television station WRAL, will present “Climate Change: My Journey from Ideology to Science,” Nov. 11 at the Raleigh Convention Center.

The presentation, sponsored by the Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, examines the scientific, political and religious sides of the climate change debate and explores why a divide exists between scientists and the public.

To register, please visit Sigma Xi.

Sigma Xi also will be sponsoring a Student Research Conference at the event, featuring a poster competition and career development sessions on science communication.




Assistantships Now on Hire-A-Niner

Hire-A-Niner, the online system that provides students easy access to jobs, internships, and co-ops now is a source for Graduate Assistantship opportunities too.

“A graduate assistant position has been added to the types of jobs listed on Hire-A-Niner,” said Julie Goodliffe, Director of Funding and Fellowships for the Graduate School.  “Now, any department looking for a graduate assistant can easily create the position in Hire-A-Niner and view all the applications in one place.”

Goodliffe said the Hire-A-Niner portal permits greater control over when and how an opportunity is posted and on who can apply.  The portal also archives job postings so re-posting a job is easy.

Students can search and save their searches and get updates by email.  The system features a resume creator, resource library, hire reporting and online career tools.

For more information or to register and post a graduate assistantship opportunity, visit Hire-A-Niner and select the Employer option.

Graduate Recruitment Cited in Best Practices Study

UNC Charlotte’s graduate enrollment management strategy was highlighted as a best practice in a recently released national research report on enrollment trends.

The report, produced by Hanover Research, a firm that provides research and consulting services to corporate, education, and healthcare clients, is entitled “Best Practices in Graduate Student Recruitment.”  The report suggests the most effective steps college deans nationwide are taking to ensure continued strong enrollment in the face of increasing tuition rates and student debt.

UNC Charlotte was acknowledged for “harnessing the power of technology and data” through its enrollment management strategy to recruit students who are a good fit with the university.

“Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) looks at the larger context for an institution (its mission, goals, and view on the emerging needs for skills and abilities in its students),” the report says, “and builds those considerations into the enrollment process, coordinating student recruitment, marketing, tuition and financial aid, academic portfolio offerings, and student support services.”

The report goes on to say, “UNC Charlotte’s Graduate Enrollment Management (GEM) plan is designed as a collaborative process by an academically diverse group of representatives. Decisions are informed by data collection and analysis and aim to produce measurable improvements in recruitment, admissions, retention, funding, and graduation.”

Hanover’s research report can be downloaded here.

UNC Charlotte Ranks High for NSF Grants

UNC Charlotte has ranked fourth in North Carolina for the number of NSF Graduate Research Fellows since 2010, behind Duke, UNC Chapel Hill, and NC State.

You can help continue this success by encouraging your best students to apply for the NSF GRFP, which provides a $34,000 annual stipend for three years, and pays tuition and fees.

Deadlines are October 24th – 28th, depending on field of study.

For more information on student funding, visit the Graduate School’s Student Funding site.