
Crafting an Elevator Speech on Research

Converting years of research into a short, compelling description that grabs attention is an art.  This workshop, offered through the Center for Graduate Life and facilitated by Dr. Elise Demeter, Office of Assessment and Accreditation, will share practical tips to help students craft an effective elevator pitch.

For more information and to register, visit the Center for Graduate Life.


Graduate Life Fellows Sought for 2019-2020

The Center for Graduate Life seeks it’s next group of Graduate Life Fellows (GLFs).  The position requires students to build community not only within the programs and peers, but to develop it across disciplines and departments.  As a GLF, students can add an important component to their CV.  $5,000 is awarded to each GLF for the academic year.

Please pass along this Information Sheet to your top-tier students or ask them to visit the CGL’s website at https://gradlife.uncc.edu.


Policy Updated On Dissertation Embargo

UNC Charlotte’s policy regarding access to dissertations uploaded to ProQuest, an online repository, has been revised to add more definition of circumstances that warrant embargoing publication.

The policy revisions, approved Feb. 5 by the Graduate Council, will be included in the 2019-20 University Catalog.

Download a copy of the policy language.

ETS Symposium Focuses on Boosting Graduate Diversity

A complimentary, one-day symposium Mar. 26 in Washington, DC will feature discussion of successful strategies for more holistic, inclusive practices to attract graduate students from diverse social and educational backgrounds.

The event is hosted by Educational Testing Service (ETS) in collaboration with Council of Graduate Schools.   Visit the event web page to learn more and register.

Free Webinars Explore Effective Recruiting

Two upcoming webinars address cost-effective ways to increase student recruitment — and they’re free.

Smart Student Recruitment, Feb. 20, 2 p.m., shares how the new HigherYield™ solution from ETS and Liaison can help attract the right students cost-effectively.

Visit HigherYield™ to register.

Best Practices: Finding Ideal Students for Your Program, Mar. 13, 11 a.m., recruitment best practices to find and interact with ideal students whose qualifications and aspirations best match your program goals.

Visit ETS to register.

Student Retreat to Focus on Dissertations, Theses

The retreat includes structured writing time, resources and support and a quiet space to work.

There is a registration fee.  More information is available from the Center for Graduate Life.


Feb. 1 Workshop Offers Best Practices in Student Development

The North Carolina Conference of Graduate Schools (NCCGS) will offer the Virtual Workshop,  “Personal and Professional Development for Graduate Students – Best Practices” Friday Feb. 1 at 2 pm.

The presentation with discussion will be led by:

  • Vanessa Doriott, Director,Teaching and Communication Programs – NCSU
  • Laura Padgett, Director of Enrolled Student Services – ASU
  • Stephanie Hickey, Assistant Director of Enrolled Student Services – ASU
  • Dr. Kathleen T. Cox, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies – ECU

Join by Phone: 1-415-655-0003, Access code: 736 124 895

Join with WebEx.  Access code: 736 124 895

For those connecting with WebEx:

  1. Use a conference phone or your desk telephone for the audio connection rather than your computer’s microphone.
  2. When you click “Join Meeting” you can select “Dial In” or “Call Me” from the pull down menu.  If you select “Call Me” you will be prompted to enter your phone number. The WebEx application will call your local phone number and participants will see your name when you’re speaking.
  3. Don’t connect using your computer audio and your telephone as strong feedback will result.
  4. A WebEx smartphone app is also available (Android and iOS)

Ventureprise NSF I-Corp Seeking Research Ideas

Up to $5,000 in initial funding is available to selected students, faculty and staff who participate in the 2019 Ventureprise Launch NSF I-Corp program.

The program provides participants with commercialization advice, training and up to an initial $5000 in NSF funding. The goal of the program is to identify potential commercial uses and prepare for more substantial commercialization funding opportunities. The next stage is a six-month, $50,000 NSF I-Corps Teams grant. The cohort will run February 8 through March 22 on Friday afternoons.

Applications are due Friday, February 1. A complete schedule and application form can be found on the program webpage. To learn more please contact Laura Smailes at 704-687-5675.

Fayetteville State Career Fair Feb. 19-20

Fayetteville State University’s Office of Career Services cordially invites you to the Annual Spring Education & Public Safety Career Fair on Tuesday February 19 & Business & STEM Diveristy Career Fair on Wednesday February 20, 2019.

Fayetteville State University is cited as a top producer of minority graduates and is located right next to the largest US military installation, Fort Bragg, NC.  These fairs provide access to the best, brightest, and most diverse students in the southeastern region of the state.

To register for either event, contact Connie McGill, cgmcgill@uncfsu.edu, or at 910-672-1098.

NCCGS Virtual Workshop is Jan. 18

The North Carolina Council of Graduate Schools (NCCGS) 2019 Virtual Workshop series launches Jan. 18 at 2 p.m. with Holistic Admissions: Why It Matters and How Programs Are Addressing It Now.

This session will be led by Steven W. Matson, Ph.D., Dean, The Graduate School, UNC-CH and Julie Shurts, Associate Director, Global Client Relations, Educations Testing Service, UNC-CH.

This workshop will examine how the combination of the right applicant skills, attributes and experiences helps achieve program goals and student success. Hear about promising practices for implementing a holistic admissions system, curated from 71 interviews with deans and faculty in graduate schools and programs nationwide.

To connect with your WebEx account:
Access code: 736 124 895

By Phone: Toll: +1-415-655-0003 
Access code: 736 124 895

a. It is recommended that you use a conference phone or your desk telephone for the audio connection rather than your computer’s microphone.
b. When you click “Join Meeting” you can select “Dial In” or “Call Me” from the pull down menu. If you select “Call Me” you will be prompted to enter your phone number. The WebEx application will call your local phone number and participants will see your name when you’re speaking.
c. Don’t connect using your computer audio and your telephone as strong feedback will result.
d. A WebEx smartphone app is also available (Android and iOS)

Information on this and the entire workshop schedule is available to download.

Faculty Judges Sought for March Symposium

The Graduate & Professional Student Government (GPSG) is seeking faculty volunteers to judge entries in the annual Graduate Research Symposium March 15.

The Symposium will include poster and oral presentations. Goals of the Symposium are to:

  • Foster and promote graduate student research

  • Encourage research skills including preparation and presentation

  • Expose students to research across the disciplines

  • Provide opportunities to network with faculty and peers

More information is available from the GPSG Research Symposium site.  To volunteer as a judge, visit Symposium sign-up page.

GASP Nominations Open for Fall 2019

Enrollment in the Graduate Assistant Support Program (GASP) is open for news students enrolling for Fall 2019.

The Graduate School provides full tuition support for the majority of doctoral students via the GASP program.

More information, including a video tutorial, is included in Student Funding on GPDNet’s GPD News + Info tab.

Research Proposals Sought for Charlotte Incubator

The City of Charlotte is seeking proposals from UNC Charlotte to conduct sustainability research and scholarly engagement through a resource called The Innovation Barn near Uptown, a 39,000 sq. ft. space the city has committed $3.4 million to renovate over the next four years.

The project has dedicated 24,000 sq. ft. of the Barn for UNC Charlotte projects.  Proposals for space must be submitted by Jan. 11, 2019.

Download a copy of the Call for Proposals for details and application information.


Urge Students to Apply for Paid Summer Research Programs

PathwaystoScience.org provides a searchable database of programs at to find and apply for STEM paid summer research programs.

Sponsored by the Institute for Broadening Participation (IBP), the database has over 650 paid summer research programs, including programs for both undergraduate and graduate students.  60 programs have deadlines within the next 45 days.

With the site’s advanced search feature, you can filter by discipline, level of study, citizenship status, and more.

For assistance, contact Liv Detrick at IBP.

Seating Limited for Dec. 6 New Funding Dashboard Reveal

A fully integrated system that will allow GPDs to view, nominate, prioritize, and manage funding for students will go live in the coming weeks.

GPDs and staff are invited to a demo of the system Dec. 6, 1:30 – 2:45 p.m. in Cato Hall 248.  Please RSVP to Amy Palmer to ensure seating is available.

Contact Julie Goodliffe if you have questions.

Prepare Students for Dec 5 Spring Bill Due Date & Payment Plan Changes

Students who have registered for spring classes have begun receiving their spring bills. Please review this information carefully as there are some significant changes that you should be aware of when talking to students. It is important for you to understand these changes to discuss with students if needed.

For details, please visit Niner Central.

NCUR Conference Set for April

The National Council on Undergraduate Research Conference is set for Kennesaw State University April 11-13.  The NCUR Conference attracts more than 3,000 with research presentations on many disciplines.
Room registration is open some hotels are already fully booked.  Conference registration begins in February.
From the organizer: “NCUR provides students with the opportunity to present their scholarly research in a professional setting and interact with their peers, in addition to meeting with graduate school and corporate recruiters.”
For more information, visit the NCUR website.  Hotel options are available on NCUR’s Conference Hotels site.

Dec. 13 Webinar To Cover Education Market Opportunities in Brazil, Columbia

The U.S. Dept. of Commerce is sponsoring a free webinar Dec. 13 entitled Education Market Opportunities in Brazil and Colombia.

The webinar will include information on Salão do Estudante fairs coming to six major Brazilian cities in March.  The events will include opportunities to meet high school counselors, agents and directors of Brazilian universities.

For more information and to register, please visit the DOC’s Exports site.


New Student Funding Dashboard Coming for GPDs

A fully integrated system that will allow GPDs to view, nominate, prioritize, and manage funding for students will go live in the coming weeks.

GPDs and staff are invited to a demo of the system Dec. 6, 1:30 – 2:45 p.m. in Cato Hall 248.  Please RSVP to Amy Palmer to ensure seating is available.

Contact Julie Goodliffe if you have questions.

Funds Available for GPD-Nominated New Students

Fellowship grants ranging to $18,000 plus tuition and health insurance are now available to new students  – but a Graduate Program Director must nominate them.

Through Mar. 15, students nominated for one of several available fellowships will be contacted by the Graduate School and instructed to apply (if they haven’t already) in the NinerScholars portal.  You may nominate a student by going to the NinerScholars student nomination portal.

View this Tutorial from Julie Goodliffe, Director of Funding and Fellowships, which explains the nomination process in NinerScholars.

Fellowship Name Total Offered Deadline New or Continuing Degree Level Academic Criteria Citizenship GPD Nominated
Commander F.M. (Mike) Reynolds Veterans Scholarship $18,000 stipend, full tuition, health insurance and fees – 2 years March 15, 2019 New Master’s or doctoral GPA 3.0-4.0 US Yes
Herschel and Cornelia Everett Fellowship – Master’s $10,000, in-state tuition March 15, 2019 New Master’s GPA 3.2-4.0 US, preferably NC or SC resident Yes
Herschel and Cornelia Everett Fellowship – Doctoral $15,000, in-state tuition, health insurance March 15, 2019 New Doctoral GPA 3.2-4.0 US, preferably NC or SC resident Yes
Wayland H. Cato Fellowship $18,000, tuition, fees,
health insurance
March 15, 2019 New Doctoral GPA 3.0-4.0 No restriction Yes
William F. Kennedy Graduate Fellowship $18,000, tuition, health insurance and fees March 15, 2019 New Doctoral GPA 3.0-4.0 No restriction Yes