
Boot Camp to Focus on Winning Grant Applications

The Research and Economic Development department’s 2020 Catalyst Boot Camp will focus on success in applying for grants from state and federal agencies, foundations and nonprofits. The goal of the program is to enhance the research and creative capacity of the University and institutionalize systemic support for the advancement and success of early- and mid-career faculty.

The Catalyst Boot Camp program will feature two tracks that will run concurrently: Catalyst for STEM+ and Catalyst for the Arts and Humanities.

Full details can be found in the Catalyst Program Description. The deadline for applications to the 2020 Catalyst Boot Camp is Friday, March 13, 2020, by 5:00 pm. For questions about the application process, please contact Lesley Brown, Director, Center for Research Excellence at labrown@uncc.edu.

Natl. Society of Black Engineers Postpones Meeting

Concerns over the spread of coronavirus has delayed the annual convention of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), originally planned for San Antonio in late-March.  The event will be rescheduled.

Another recruiting opportunity will be available when the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) holds its annual conference in September. The conference will be held at the Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando Sept. 21-24.

For updates on both conferences, please visit NSBE and NOBCChE.

New Rules Out on Graduate Assistant Labor

The US Department of Labor recently issued new Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) guidance to colleges and universities, effective July 1, 2020, that will affect how the role of graduate assistants is defined for compensation purposes.

The new guidance was shared with UNC Charlotte leadership by Gary Stinnet, Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources.

In a memo distributed broadly on campus, Stinnet said the guidance pertains to teachers, coaches and student employees. Specfically, his memo noted, the guidance includes:

  • Graduate Teaching Assistants (TA): Graduate teaching assistants whose primary duty is teaching are exempt. Because they qualify for the teacher exemption, they are not subject to the salary basis and salary level tests (currently $35,568).

  • Research Assistants (RA): Generally, an educational relationship exists when a graduate or undergraduate student performs research under a faculty member’s supervision while obtaining a degree. Under these circumstances, the Department does not assert that an employment relationship exists with either the school or any grantor funding the student’s research. This is true even though the student may receive a stipend for performing the research.

  • Student Residential Assistants: Students enrolled in bona fide educational programs who serve as residential assistants and receive reduced room and board or tuition credits are not generally considered as employees under the FLSA. Therefore, they are not entitled to minimum wages and overtime compensation.

“To ensure current/future compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the University will distinguish graduate administrative assistants from graduate teaching/research assistants moving forward – designating these jobs as FLSA non exempt roles and paid on an hourly basis,” Stinnet said.  “While these roles are of no less significance in educational/experiential value than graduate teaching and research assistants, they are not covered as exempt under current FLSA guidance.”

He noted that University will no longer offer graduate administrative assistantships via the eGA system. These roles will be filled through the ePAF process and time accounting will be managed through Banner Web Time Entry.

The changes are included in a review of graduate assistant definitions under way by the Graduate Funding Committee led by  Manuel Perez-Quinones, Professor of Software and Information Systems and Graduate Faculty Fellow.

Please forward FLSA questions to Kieffer M.Gaddis, kgaddis@uncc.edu,  7-0654, and student employment questions to Teresa Shook, tshook4@uncc.edu, 7-0671.

Registrar Outlines Summer Term Changes

In its recent Spring 2020 Open Forum presentation, the Office of the Registrar outlined changes coming for the summer term in the following images:

For more information, visit the Office of the Registrar.

Free Graduate Courses Available Thanks to Tuition Waiver

The Graduate School will conduct an information session March 18th from 12-1 pm for University employees who wish to pursue their graduate education. Graduate School staff will explain the easy application process, and share information about the tuition waiver and free textbook rental programs. The session will be held in Cato 248.

Full-time employees can take three classes per year, tuition free. Additionally, employees can apply easily apply for admission as a post-baccalaureate (non-degree) student, without standardized tests, transcripts, or recommendation requirements.

To reserve your seat, complete the online registration.

Data Science Summer Funding Available for Faculty

The School of Data Science is accepting research proposals through Mar. 15 for summer 2020 funding.

This grant opportunity provides up to $30,000 per award for UNC Charlotte and partnering faculty and researchers. Proposals must be submitted by teams composed primarily of UNC Charlotte researchers.

Proposals must be submitted as one single PDF via email to jhertel@ucc.edu. For more information, visit the School of Data Science.

Grad Student Funding Committee Proposes new TA/RA Definitions

The Graduate Student Funding Committee has published draft definitions to improve understanding and consistency of implementation of work processes and funding for these important student roles.

The Committee was appointed by the Graduate Council to analyze and implement recommendations from the Graduate Student Funding Task Force in 2018.

Review of and comments on the policy statement are welcomed.  Access the policy statement on the committee’s Canvas site.

Graduate School to Host CGS 'Trends' Webinar

The Graduate School will host the CGS-sponsored webinar, “Trends in Graduate Education” Feb. 26, 2-3 p.m. in the Graduate School conference room, Cato Bldg, 2nd Floor.

Jaqui Falkenheim and Josh Trapani from the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics at NSF will present the most recent data on graduate students from the Survey of Earned Doctorates and the Science and Engineering Indicators. They will address trends in enrollment and degree awards, student demographics (sex, race/ethnicity, citizenship), financial support patterns, and post-graduation employment, among other topics.

No registration is required to participate in this event.

Teaching Asst. Award Nominations Due Feb. 10

Nominations for the 2019-20 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant (TA) Award will be accepted through Feb. 10.

The TA Award recognizes students who are nominated by their faculty supervisors for their work as teaching assistants.  Two awards are presented; one at the Doctoral level and one at the Master’s level.

To nominate, email the TA’s name, ID number, email address, degree and program title to Daniel Jones (Daniel.Jones@uncc.edu) by February 10, 2020 and let the student know that you have nominated them. Nominees will complete the application process with a deadline of Feb. 27.

For more information please visit the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award portal.

Book Now for On-Campus Career Fairs

Time is running out to book your place at the University Career Center’s Spring career fairs that can put you in touch with high potential students from UNC Charlotte and area colleges and universities.

STEM Career Fair

UNC Charlotte’s STEM Career Fair provides organizations with an excellent opportunity for branding and recruiting candidates for full-time jobs, internships, co-ops, and graduate/professional programs. This event focuses on opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math. Event draws 1000+ students and alumni.

Visit the UNC Career Center’s registration site for more information and to register.

Spring Career and Internship Fair

The Spring Career & Internship Fair provides organizations with an excellent opportunity for branding and recruiting candidates for full-time jobs, internships, co-ops, and graduate/professional programs. This event focuses on non-technical opportunities, such as business, communications, and “all majors” positions.

Visit the UNC Career Center’s registration site for more information and to register.

Donor Fellowships Top $214,000

Application deadline for 2020 awards is Mar. 23.  Application instructions can be found at the Graduate School Award Gateway.

Student Volunteers Sought for Discovery Place Partnership

The Office of Undergraduate Research, the Graduate School and other community partners will be celebrating the exciting research that is happening at UNC Charlotte through a partnership with Discovery Place Science. We are recruiting both undergraduate and graduate students to present their research at this event. The event will take place at Discovery Place Science on Wednesday, April 1, 2020 from 10 am-1 pm.

For more information on this event or how to sign up, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Research, 704-687-5316, or undergradresearch@uncc.edu. Students can also sign up online at Discovery Place Science Participation Form.

The call for participation for this event will close on February 10, 2020.


Graduate Teaching Fellows Launch Coming

The Graduate School Teaching Fellows (GSTF) program launches spring semester, aimed at helping UNC Charlotte doctoral students be more competitive for tenure-track and teaching faculty positions.  Formerly known as the Provost’s Doctoral Teaching Program, the GSTF is open to current UNC Charlotte doctoral students.

The two-semester program provides training to graduate students interested in college-level teaching and a career in the professoriate.  During the first semester, students receive classroom development in course design, teaching methodology, and best practice.  Semester two consists of classroom observations, support, and constructive feedback from the Center for Graduate Life’s Teaching Faculty Associate, Dr. Judith Krauss. Fellows are recognized with a cash award and certificate at the completion of the program.

More information is available at the GSTF web page at the Center for Graduate Life.

Submit Ideas for Ventureprise Launch NSF I-Corps Spring Cohort

The Spring 2020 Ventureprise Launch National Science Foundation (NSF) I-Corps is seeking participants with research and business ideas the NSF might fund. The 2020 cohort will begin Jan. 31 and the last date to submit is Jan. 28.

Please visit UNC Charlotte’s Entrepreneurship website for more information.

Young Named to National Board

Aura Young, Assistant Director of Professional Development and Doctoral Support for the Graduate School, recently was named to the board of the U.S. Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Association (USETDA).

USETDA is a non-profit association that develops and disseminates best practices information for electronic thesis and dissertation submission.

Young has led thesis and dissertation administration for UNC Charlotte since 2017. She holds a master’s degree from Duke University and a PhD from Yale University.

Nominate New Students for Fall 2020/Spring 2021 Funding

Graduate Program Directors may now nominate newly admitted students for Fall and Spring Semester funding.

To get more information on types of funding or to nominate a student, please visit the Graduate School Funding Portal.

All nominations are due April 1, 2020.

Check the Funding Portal for updates.  For questions, contact Julie Goodliffe, jmgoodli@uncc.edu, in the Graduate School.

New Student Fellowships Available

Graduate Program Directors may nominate new graduate students for Graduate School Fellowships ranging to $18,000 between now and Mar. 16.

The fellowships, such as the Herschel and Cornelia Everett Foundation and Wayland H. Cato, are funded by donors for need-based and merit awards that recognize excellent students for their academic achievement and provide assistance to those who demonstrate financial need.

The Mar. 16 deadline is suggested to provide enough time for nominees to complete application by Mar. 23.

Please submit nominations through the NinerScholars Portal.  For more information, please visit the Graduate School Award Gateway.


U.S. Commercial Service Lists Recruiting Opportunities

The Winter Edition of the U.S. Commercial Service International Education Connection includes several opportunities to reach potential graduate students in countries worldwide.

A copy of the publication in pdf format is available for download.


Funding Team Proposes GA Definitions

The Graduate Funding Committee is inviting comment on proposed new standard definitions for Graduate Assistant, Teaching Assistant and Administrative Assistant roles.

The Committee was established to assess and implement recommendations made by the Graduate Student Funding Task Force in 1017-18.  Creating standard definitions for these roles was among those recommendations.

The draft definitions are available in this shared Google document.  Comments are welcome in the document or below.

The Funding Committee’s work also can be followed on Canvas.   All Program Directors should have received an invitation to join the project course.  If you did not receive an invitation, contact Julie Goodliffe, jmgoodli@uncc.edu, in the Graduate School.

For more information, contact Dr. Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Faculty Fellow, Graduate School, and Chair of the Graduate Funding Committee, Perez.Quinones@uncc.edu.


CLAS Offers Marketing Tips

A new resource developed by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) helps program directors cut through the clutter to reach student prospects.

Developed by CLAS Director of Communications Lynn Roberson, the downloadable presentation focuses on understanding prospective student audiences and shares best practices on how to reach them.  The presentation includes a checklist of what to include on a program website.

The presentation is available for download.  For more information, contact Lynn at 704-687-0082, lynnroberson@uncc.edu.