
ISSO Shares Update on People Vaccinated Outside the U.S.

The International Student & Scholar Office shared an update from NAFSA: Association of International Educators regarding requirements for people vaccinated outside the United States.

People who were vaccinated outside the United States with an FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine and have received all the recommended doses do not need any additional doses. People who received the first dose of an FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine that requires two doses do not need to restart the vaccine series in the United States but should receive the second dose as close to the recommended time as possible.

Some people may have received a COVID-19 vaccine that is not currently authorized in the United States. No data are available on the safety or efficacy of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine currently authorized in the United States after receipt of a non-FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine. However, in some circumstances people who received a COVID-19 vaccine not currently authorized in the United States may be offered revaccination with an FDA-authorized vaccine:

  • COVID-19 vaccines not authorized by FDA but listed for emergency use by the World Health Organization (WHO)2
    • People who have received all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine that has been listed for emergency use by WHO do not need any additional doses with an FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine.
    • People who have not received all the recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine listed for emergency use by WHO may be offered a complete FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine series.
  • COVID-19 vaccines neither authorized by FDA nor listed for emergency use by WHO
    • People who received all or some of the recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine that is neither authorized by FDA nor listed for emergency use by WHO may be offered a complete FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine series.

The minimum interval between the last dose of a non-FDA authorized vaccine or a WHO-listed vaccine and an FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine is 28 days. Only people who have received all recommended doses of an FDA-authorized or WHO-listed COVID-19 vaccine are considered fully vaccinated for the purpose of public health guidance.3

Summer Marketing Campaign Targets Working Professionals

University Communications, in collaboration with the Graduate School, college communicators and the Teaching and Learning connection, has launched a marketing campaign in the Charlotte region to bring awareness to UNC Charlotte’s part-time, evening programs. The campaign targets the working professional highlighting the depth, breadth and support UNC Charlotte offers.

Running May 17 – August 31, 2021, the media includes digital ads, keyword search, social media ads, plus light-rail ads and three billboards near Uptown. In an effort to increase the prospective student funnel, the campaign website https://professional.uncc.edu uses a Search bar where qualified programs will display with the corresponding GPD name and contact.  Analytic reports on the campaigns progress will be reported via GPDNet throughout the summer.

If you have any questions about the campaign, please feel free to contact Karla Stanchina, Director of Communications for the Graduate School.

eRA System Outage Planned June 9-11

The Niner Research administration system (eRA) will be unavailable between June 9-11 as the system will be out for an upgrade.

Research proposals with deadlines between June 9-11 should be submitted by June 8.

For more information, please visit Niner Research.


ISSO to Host Town Hall on International Enrollment

The International Student and Scholar Office (ISSO) will be hosting a Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday, May 19th, 2021, from 10-11 AM EST, to discuss the Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 (Academic Year 2021-2022) enrollment guidance that has been released by SEVP (Student and Exchange Visitor Program). At this event, ISSO staff will explain the continuing adaptations, while covering other relevant visa and immigration topics such as summer travel and employment.
The intended audience is currently enrolled international students who plan to continue in the Fall 2021 semester but you are all very welcome to attend so that you can hear the information firsthand. Also, please feel free to forward this announcement to any others in your department who may be interested or who were inadvertently omitted.
Please register by clicking here. A link to the event will be sent to you shortly before the event begins.

More than 200 Attend Student Success and Wellness Meet

More than 220 graduate and professional administrators and faculty from around the country participated in the 2021 Graduate Student Success and Wellness conference (GSSW2021) hosted virtually by UNC Charlotte on May 6-7.

This year’s event brought together registrants from over 50 educational institutions to exchange ideas and learn best practices to promote wellness and success.

Read more at the Graduate School.

GRE Webinar: Navigating the New Normal

GRE Search Service will host a free webinar May 12 to share information on how some programs are coping with today’s financial constraints, travel restrictions and technological innovations.


The session will cover:
  • successes of graduate programs facing similar challenges
  • how to take advantage of digital, virtual and email outreach
  • how to leverage GRE data to connect with motivated prospects
For more information and to register, please visit the GRE website.


Status of the U.S. Embassy & Consulates in India

According to the U.S. Embassy in India website:

All visa and VAC appointments, both in-person and interview waiver, at U.S. Embassy New Delhi and the consulates in Chennai, Hyderabad, and Kolkata are cancelled until May 15 and at the consulate in Mumbai until May 28.

The site further indicates that officials are “currently unable to reschedule any cancelled appointments” or “speculate on or respond to inquiries regarding potential future cancellations or appointment availability.”
Given the current state of the COVID-19 crisis in India, new students may have difficulty scheduling visa appointments. We remain hopeful that the challenges in India will improve soon and that students will be able to join the University community in August.

Ventureprise Launch NSF I-Corps Applications Open

Ventureprise Launch NSF I-Corps Virtual Summer Cohort is now accepting applications. This program is for UNC Charlotte faculty, staff and students to explore the commercial possibilities of their ideas and research.

For more information and to apply, please visit the Entrepreneurship website.

Holshouser, Maguire Named Top Teaching Assistants for 2020-21

Kaitlyn Holshouser, Curriculum & Instruction-Urban Elementary Education, and Jules Maguire, English, recently were named top Teaching Assistant and Instructor of Record for 2020-21, respectively.

The Graduate School hosts the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards annually to honor top TAs nominated by faculty supervisors for their work.  The awards, one to the top Teaching Assistant and one to the top Instructor of Record, recognize outstanding and innovative teaching techniques.

This year, 31 students were nominated for the awards.

Dr. Judith Krauss coordinates efforts to support graduate teaching assistants through the Center for Graduate Life, including Graduate Teaching Assistant training offered at the start of the fall and spring semesters.  She also offers workshops on a variety of teaching-related issues each semester.

Direct Email Added for Petition Questions

The Graduate School has added a direct email address for students and faculty questions about graduate petitions.  The email address, gpetitionhelp@uncc.edu, will more quickly route such questions to the right person on staff.
For questions regarding the change, please contact Janet Morse, Janet.Morse@uncc.edu.

Ogundiran Receives First Citizens Bank Medal

Dr. Akin Ogundiran, a Chancellor’s Professor and professor of Africana Studies, Anthropology and History,  is the 2021 recipient of the First Citizens Bank Scholars Medal, UNC Charlotte’s most prestigious faculty award, in recognition of excellence in research.

He was honored at a special Zoom ceremony March 18.

The 2020 recipient of the First Citizen’s Award was Dr.James Walsh, Political Science and Public Administration.

Read more about this year’s award at Inside UNC Charlotte.

New Tableau Dashboard Available for Retention and Graduation Metrics

Persistence (retention + graduation) data for master’s and doctoral programs is now available online via a Tableau dashboard at:
Programs should review this information annually to better understand how students are retained to graduation. Please contact Johnna Watson (jwwatson@uncc.edu) with questions.
Many thanks to the Institutional Research staff for providing the information online.

Success and Wellness Conference Set May 6-7

The Graduate School will host the Graduate Student Success and Wellness Conference May 6-7.  For more information and to register, please visit the Graduate School.

Formatting Review Deadline Eliminated

The formatting review deadline for both master’s thesis and doctoral students has been eliminated.
Formatting and submission information is available from the Graduate School’s website under Current Students. Students are highly encouraged to attend a formatting workshop in lieu of a one-on-one appointment. These workshops are offered approximately every two weeks and can be found on the Center for Graduate Life’s (CGL) events calendar. A playlist of formatting and submission videos also exists on the CGL’s YouTube channel.
For questions, please contact Dr. Aura Young (aura.young@uncc.edu).

Master's Reporting Forms Consolidated

The forms required for Master’s capstone reporting have been consolidated into a single DocuSign form to simplify reporting.

The new Master’s Capstone Report for Comprehensive Exam, Portfolio Presentation, Study Report and Project can be found on the Graduate School’s Forms page. The new form replaces the Exam Report for Comprehensive, Portfolio Presentation, and Study Report for Master’s Students.

Thesis students will continue to submit the Final Defense Report.

If you have questions, please contact Sandra Krause, Assistant Dean for Graduate Academic Affairs, skrause1@uncc.edu.

New Program Offers Alternative Path to STEM Doctoral Degree

A project of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science (MEES) is providing an additional path to a doctoral degree for STEM students, allowing patentable projects to be developed to meet capstone requirements in addition to publication of original research.

The program, Pathways to Entrepreneurship (PAtENT) expands the opportunity to earn a doctoral degree, possibly spurring graduation rates and encouraging technological innovation. Funded by a National Science Foundation Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) award received last fall, the program provides each faculty-student team with $5,000 to support research.

“The central goal of the project is to develop an alternate roadmap for STEM PhD students that is scalable and reflects the rapidly evolving workforce needs,” said Dr. Terry Xu, Professor and Associate Chair for Graduate Programs, MEES.

A Project Description and PowerPoint Presentation describing the program are available for download.  For more information and to participate, contact the principal investigator: Praveen Ramaprabhu, praveen.ramaprabhu@uncc.edu, Professor, MEES.

New Niner Research System to Launch

Reseach and Economic Research (RED) will launch a new research administration system called Niner Research in the fall, replacing today’s NORM system.

The new system will provide proposal and contract administration, conflict of interest management, the use of laboratory animals, biosafety, and human subject research. The new system will be in service by Sept. 30.

Over the next few weeks, RED and college research office staff will host a series of instructor-led training sessions on the new system.

More information is available in a memo from Rick Tankersley, Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development, which is available for download.

CGL Accepting Grad Life Fellow Applications

The Center for Graduate Life is currently taking Graduate Life Fellow applications for the 2021-2022 year through Mar. 14.

The goal of the GLF program is to enhance the graduate community through leadership, peer mentoring and the coordination of activities that foster diverse social and academic engagement. Fellows receive $5000 for the academic year and great experience for their CV or resume.

Please encourage interested students to visit our webpage for more info and for a link to the application form.

Note New Contacts for Theses and Dissertations

With the recent departure of Student Services Specialist Coren O’Hara, some Graduate School administrative roles have been reassigned to ensure thesis and dissertation services continue uninterrupted.
Effective immediately:
  • Dr. Aura Young, aura.young@uncc.edu, will be responsible for thesis and dissertation formatting and submission.
  • Julie Green, jhgreen@uncc.edu, will be responsible for graduation preclearance

Information on graduation clearance is available from the Graduate School.

Questions about thesis and dissertation forms may be sent to gradschoolforms@uncc.edu.

Questions regarding these organizational changes may be sent to Sandra Krause, skrause1@uncc.edu.

U.S. News and World Report Marketing Opportunity

U.S. News and World Report is offering UNC Charlotte colleges the opportunity to market their graduate programs through Student Connect, their lead generation platform. Through a special rate of approximately $5,000 annually (based upon traffic), colleges receive a profile page at U.S. News and World Report’s education site. From that page there are a number of options colleges can choose including lead generation, Best Graduate Programs impressions and additional reach tools. Because this is administered at the college level, please contact your college communicator if interested in participating.