
US Extends COVID-19 Visa Allowances for Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 Semesters

The International Student and Scholar Office (ISSO) recently informed faculty that, in an unexpected move, the U.S. government extended COVID-19 visa allowances made in March 2020 for the fall 2022 – spring 2023 academic year.

The impacts on the upcoming semesters, according to the ISSO include:

  • Continuing students (those enrolled as of spring 2022), can count more than one online course per semester towards F-1/J-1 course enrollment minimums For example, a continuing graduate student who tries to take all online courses for Fall 2022 will be in-status.
  • New students starting in the fall will need to take at least one in-person or hybrid course in their first semester
  • In-person F-1 CPT internships can be more than 1.5 hours driving distance from Charlotte for fall 2022, and new students will need to reside in the Charlotte metro area to attend their in-person course.
  • Continuing students with only online courses may reside anywhere in the U.S. and do not necessarily need to reside in Charlotte, depending on their exact courses.

A copy of the US ICE guidance is available for download.

Students with questions may make an appointment to speak with an ISSO advisor or visit the ISSO website for more ways to connect.

Registration Window Open for Teaching Fellowships

Applications are being accepted for the 2022-2023 Graduate School Teaching Fellowship, a two-semester training opportunity for doctoral students pursuing careers that include college-level teaching.

Some of the benefits of this program include:

  • A $3000 ($1500 each semester) award in addition to an assistantship stipend
  • Competitive advantage in job searches
  • Focused instruction in course design, teaching methodology, and classroom best practices

For more information and to apply, doctoral students are encouraged to visit the Center for Graduate Life and Learning (CGLL).

Applications are due by 5 p.m., April 22. Please direct questions to Dr. Judith Krauss at the CGLL.

2023 Admissions Cycle in Slate Opens Apr. 15

On April 15, the 2023 admissions cycle will open in Slate.  Prospects will be able to apply for 2023 spring, summer and fall.

For more information, please contact Kathy Giddings.

Slate Now Offers More GRE, TOEFL Details

The Graduate School Slate team has implemented an integration with ETS to allow program faculty/staff to view additional details for GRE and TOEFL reports. When scores are available in Slate, a new tab will appear in the Reader. The additional information provided will enable readers to listen to a student’s speaking samples and read writing samples from the TOEFL score report, as well as read essays from the GRE score report.  Note that samples are only provided from the most recent version of the score report for an applicant.

More information and training opportunities on Slate is available in GPDNet News & Resources.

2022 Digital Humanities Institute: Digital Humanities and the Environment Apr 21-22

UNC Charlotte is hosting the spring 2022 Digital Humanities Institute (DHC-NC) Apr. 21-22.

The two-day event will include virtual presentations such as “Digital Exploration of Spatial Environments: Physical, Conceptual, Virtual” and “Using Historical Satellite Imagery in Latin American Environmental History.”  The event will end with a virtual plenary session and in-person meetups throughout North Carolina.

Registration is free and required to participate in the institute. For more information and to register, please visit the DHC-NC registration site.  You may also download a detailed schedule and program.

No Registration Holds for Early Entry Admits

The Graduate School will no longer put registration holds on new early entry admits.  This change in procedure will allow early entry students to register for their course(s) and then submit the early entry petition with the appropriate section to identify courses that should double count. Note that it is strongly recommended that students complete the petition prior to the end of the add/drop period for the term as this can impact their financial aid.

Virtual Career Fair Set for Wingate University

Wingate University will host a virtual career fair Mar. 31 2:30-5 p.m., hosted on Handshake.

Wingate University is a growing university offering majors in:

  • Accounting
  • Finance
  • International Business
  • Marketing, Management
  • Psychology
  • Math
  • Communications
  • Education and Educational Studies
  • Exercise Science
  • Sport Management
  • Community and Commercial Recreation

For more information and to register, please visit Wingate University.

Davin Receives Leadership Award

Dr. Kristin J. Davin, Foreign Language Education, recently was selected to receive the 2022 Thomas L. Reynolds Leadership Award for excellence in graduate program administration.

Read more at the Graduate School.

Early Entry Enhancements Announced for Academic Petition System

The early entry petition type in the Academic Petition System has been improved to copy forward previously approved early entry requests when a new early entry petition is initiated. This allows you and your students to see what was previously approved and allow changes as necessary. 

It will also now require the selection of a specific section for each course from the list of course offerings each term. As a result, any course that was previously approved to be double-counted but the student has not yet taken will need to be resubmitted via a new petition beginning Monday, March 21, 2022. Please note that the early entry petition type is available upon completion of the upgrade Mar. 21.

For more details, please see the downloadable Early Entry Reference Guide.

Please direct any questions to petitionhelp@uncc.edu.

New Grad Leaders Named for Belk

The Belk College of Business recently announced several new leaders in its graduate programs.

For details, visit Belk College of Business.

CGS Resolution Sets April 15 Official Date for Accepting Offers of Admission

The April 15 Resolution (“National Signing Day”) by the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) is an agreement among the signatory graduate schools, including UNC Charlotte, to provide applicants until April 15 to consider offers of admission that also include financial support.

Highlights of the resolution include:

  • Applies to both master’s and doctoral programs that offer financial support to their students as part of the offer of admission
  • Students are under no obligation to respond to offers of financial support (graduate scholarship, fellowship, traineeship, or assistantship) prior to April 15
  • Earlier deadlines for acceptance of such offers violate the intent of this resolution
  • Applies only to offers made for fall semester admission
  • More than 325 universities in the United States are signatories

A copy of the April 15 Resolution is available for download from the Council of Graduate Schools.

ISSO Issues International Student Cost Estimate

The International Student Scholar Office has released the Estimated Cost of Attendance for International Graduate Students for the 2022-2023 academic year. Total costs, not including mandatory tuition increments for specific programs and/or dependent(s) costs, is $45,000. Please use the total cost as a framework to understand the amount of money new international students must evidence on the Financial Certification Form (FCF) as a prerequisite to receiving an I-20/DS-2019.

More information is available for download from ISSO.

Grad Ed Leader DePauw to Speak on Holistic Admissions

Former Virginia Tech VP and Graduate School Dean Dr. Karen DePauw will address Charlotte Program Directors on diversity and holistic graduate admissions Mar. 18 in Cone Center.

Eligible workshop attendees will be entered to win five application fee waivers for their program (value of $375).

Three identical workshops are offered. Please RSVP for only one session as seating is limited to 50% of the space’s room capacity.

For more details and to register, please visit the Graduate School.

Belk College of Business Launches Online MBA

The Belk College of Business soon will offer an online MBA in three high-tech concentrations to address the needs of an increasing number of professionals seeking an alternative path to an advanced degree.

The online program will be offered in business analytics, digital marketing and financial technology. Read more at the Belk College of Business.

Graduate Assistantship System Updated

The electronic Graduate Assistantship System (eGA) : ) was recently updated to improve security, enhance user experience and provide additional functionality. With eGA, faculty can hire and track a teaching or research graduate assistantship for any active doctoral, master’s or certificate student.

F2F Mentor Training Returns Apr. 8

The Graduate School will offer the CIMER-based Mentor Training to graduate faculty on April 8. This event will be offered face-to-face and is limited to 20 participants.  The training begins at 9:00 am and ends by 4:30.  If you or your faculty are interested in attending, please complete the online registration form.

ETS GRE to Sponsor Student Success Webinar

ETS GRE will host “Strategies to Promote the Success of Every Student” Feb. 23, 3-4:30 pm with featured speakers Maureen Grasso, ETS Graduate Education Advisor, Professor of Textile Sciences and Former Graduate Dean, NC State University, and Terry Ackerman ETS Graduate Education Advisor, Distinguished Professor of Educational Measurement, University of Iowa

The ETS presentation will focus on ways to strengthen support for students who are balancing the pressures of high educational expectations, personal finance and housing, and their own self-doubt.

For more information and to register, please visit ETS GRE.

Winthrop Career Fair Scheduled Mar. 4

Winthrop University’s Center for Career Development and Internships will host its Spring 2022 Career and Graduate School Fair Mar. 4 from 1-4 pm in McBryde Hall.

The event will focus on full-time opportunities and internships, as well as graduate school programs.

The regular registration fee of $125 covers two representatives, one table and a boxed lunch. For more information and to register, please visit Winthrop University or contact Winthrop at careerdev@winthrop.edu.

GPD Spring Summit Recording Available

The GPD Summit on Feb. 4 covered a range of topics from policy updates to student mental health and best practices.

A full recording (Passcode: hn2LFY*D) of the event is available and the PowerPoint presentation is available for download.

Guilford College to Host Career Fair Feb. 23

Guided Discovery, Guilford College’s Integrated Advising Office, will be hosting an in-person Career Fair on Wednesday, Feb. 23, 12-3pm in Founders Hall.

This Career Fair will include Full/Part-Time Employment, Internship Opportunities, Volunteer Positions, and Graduate School Programs.  

Registration is free and may be completed online at Guilford College.