
2021-22 Recruiting Events Listed

Graduate Admissions staff participate in several recruiting fairs each year and maintain a list of high quality events that provide great opportunities to connect with prospective students.

For more information, download a copy of the spreadsheet of current opportunities and contact for more information.


ETS Webinar: Recruitment Strategies for a Reopening World

As we begin to move past the global pandemic, “returning to normal” doesn’t necessarily mean returning to pre-COVID conditions. In this session, we’ll share the latest graduate enrollment and student flow trends, lessons learned during the last 18 months and tools for finding and connecting with prospective candidates.

Join recruitment expert Ayo Strange Wednesday, July 28, 2021 at 1 p.m. ET for this informative, complimentary webinar where we’ll explore:

  • The current state of college enrollment
  • Trends in international student flows
  • Changes made due to COVID–19 that are worth keeping
  • Tools, including the GRE® Search Service and the GradSchoolMatch™ platform, that can help programs find and build relationships with prospective candidates

For more information and to register, please visit the ETS Registration site.


Chronicle of Higher Ed Shares Notes on Diversifying the Grad Student Pipeline

The Chronicle of Higher Education recently distributed a summary of key take-aways from a the presentation Diversifying the Graduate-Student Pipeline hosted by the Chronicle and ETS.

The PDF format document is available for download.

2021 Recruiting Events Listed

Graduate Admissions staff participate in several recruiting fairs each year and maintain a list of high quality events that provide great opportunities to connect with prospective students.

For more information, download a copy of the spreadsheet of current opportunities and contact for more information.


Sessions Planned to Introduce New Admissions Management System

Graduate Admissions has received approval to migrate to a new admissions management system, Slate by Technolutions, that will replace AdmissionPros. In anticipation of a tentative September go-live, two identical Open Forums are being offered to
  1. provide a high level overview of Slate functionality,
  2. respond to your questions, and
  3. collect suggestions for system functionality.
In advance of the forums, please submit your questions and suggestions to the implementation team via this Google Form.

Slate Forum for Thursday, May 27, 2021

Google Meet information to join the forum.
11:00am – 12:00pm EST
Phone Numbers
PIN: ‪569 268 597#‬
Slate Forum for Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Google Meet information to join the forum.
11:00am – 12:00pm EST
Phone Numbers
PIN: ‪646 833 478#‬

ISSO to Host Town Hall on International Enrollment

The International Student and Scholar Office (ISSO) will be hosting a Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday, May 19th, 2021, from 10-11 AM EST, to discuss the Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 (Academic Year 2021-2022) enrollment guidance that has been released by SEVP (Student and Exchange Visitor Program). At this event, ISSO staff will explain the continuing adaptations, while covering other relevant visa and immigration topics such as summer travel and employment.
The intended audience is currently enrolled international students who plan to continue in the Fall 2021 semester but you are all very welcome to attend so that you can hear the information firsthand. Also, please feel free to forward this announcement to any others in your department who may be interested or who were inadvertently omitted.
Please register by clicking here. A link to the event will be sent to you shortly before the event begins.

GRE Webinar: Navigating the New Normal

GRE Search Service will host a free webinar May 12 to share information on how some programs are coping with today’s financial constraints, travel restrictions and technological innovations.


The session will cover:
  • successes of graduate programs facing similar challenges
  • how to take advantage of digital, virtual and email outreach
  • how to leverage GRE data to connect with motivated prospects
For more information and to register, please visit the GRE website.


Status of the U.S. Embassy & Consulates in India

According to the U.S. Embassy in India website:

All visa and VAC appointments, both in-person and interview waiver, at U.S. Embassy New Delhi and the consulates in Chennai, Hyderabad, and Kolkata are cancelled until May 15 and at the consulate in Mumbai until May 28.

The site further indicates that officials are “currently unable to reschedule any cancelled appointments” or “speculate on or respond to inquiries regarding potential future cancellations or appointment availability.”
Given the current state of the COVID-19 crisis in India, new students may have difficulty scheduling visa appointments. We remain hopeful that the challenges in India will improve soon and that students will be able to join the University community in August.

College of Education Offers Certificate in University and College Teaching

A Post-Master’s Certificate in University and College Teaching is available through the Cato College of Education.

The 12-credit-hour online program is designed to prepare current faculty, graduate students, postdoctoral scholars and others with the skills needed for the full range of faculty responsibilities at institutions of higher education.  Doctoral students, adjunct faculty and lecturers who are new to teaching, and new tenure-track faculty who are content experts but not trained in teaching pedagogies could benefit from this certificate.

To learn more or to apply, please visit the Education Leadership program page or contact Program Director Dr. Florence Martin,

U.S. News and World Report Marketing Opportunity

U.S. News and World Report is offering UNC Charlotte colleges the opportunity to market their graduate programs through Student Connect, their lead generation platform. Through a special rate of approximately $5,000 annually (based upon traffic), colleges receive a profile page at U.S. News and World Report’s education site. From that page there are a number of options colleges can choose including lead generation, Best Graduate Programs impressions and additional reach tools. Because this is administered at the college level, please contact your college communicator if interested in participating.

Campbell Univ. Career Expo Feb. 24

The Campbell University Graduate School Expo Feb. 24 will provide an opportunity to connect with prospective students in a virtual setting.  The event is scheduled from 10-4 p.m.

More information and registration is available from Campbell University.

UNC Greensboro to Host Spring Career & Graduate School Fair

The UNC Greensboro Spring Virtual Career & Graduate School Fair will be held Feb. 24 1–4:30 pm.  Event details and registration are available on the Handshake career fair page.

For more information, please contact Michael Clinton at UNC Greensboro.

Holistically Recruiting and Admitting Diverse Students

Hear from Dr. Steve Matson, former graduate dean at UNC Chapel Hill and ETS advisor where you’ll learn about the main principles of holistic admissions, as well as the various approaches you can adopt to make your process truly holistic. January 28th at 3:00 pm est.


Spring 2021 Residency Details

Students who want to be considered for North Carolina residency must complete an RDS application at  The deadline for spring 2021 decision is March 5, 2021. Out of state, non-resident students can direct their questions regarding Residency to:

Residency Determination Service (RDS)
Phone:  844-319-3640

Zoom Sessions Put GPDs in Touch with Prospects

Beginning spring semester, Graduate Program Directors (GPDs) will have an opportunity to meet with interested prospective students via zoom breakout rooms following a presentation by Graduate Admissions.
The first information session will be Jan. 21, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Interested GPDs should RSVP to participate by Jan. 4.
For more information and to register, please visit the Graduate Admissions Information Session page.

ENCCA Virtual Career Fair Set Feb. 17

The Eastern North Carolina Career Alliance (ENCCA) will host a virtual Career Fair Feb. 17, 10-2.
Students and alumni from eight colleges regional colleges and universities will attend.
For more information and to register, please visit ENCCA’s Career Fair page.

Official Transcripts Needed from Summer/Fall New Grad Students

2020 summer/fall semester new graduate students who haven’t submitted a final, official transcript with proof of batchelor’s degree will receive notification from Graduate Admissions in mid-November to meet the requirement by Nov. 29.

While some students may have submitted their transcript with their application, the university must receive an official copy directly from the student’s college. Instructions for submitting the transcript will be provided.


Please direct any questions to Kathy Giddings, Director of Graduate Admissions,


Home TOEFL iBT and GRE General Testing to Continue

In response to the needs expressed by institutions and test takers, ETS is making the TOEFL iBT® test and GRE® General Test a continuing option.

At home testing appointments are currently available around the clock for both tests through the end of January, and future appointments will be available soon.

The home versions of the ETS tests were introduced earlier this year as a solution to students affected by COVID-19. More than 400,000 individuals have registered to take the at home tests for the TOEFL iBT test and GRE General Test in 163 countries and territories since March.

For more information, please visit the TOEFL and GRE pages.

Graduate Admissions Presents on Web Page Best Practice

Graduate School Manager of Communications Karla Stanchina, presented on web page/site best practice during a recent lunch and learn for GPDs.  Stanchina, a specialist in digital communications and user experience design, discussed what should be on a graduate program web page, and how a GPD can easily manage their information using the University’s branded templates.  Review the presentation and download materials in the GPDNet Communications Toolkit.


Categories: Admissions

The U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) recently conducted an audit of F-1 students working in the United States through the Optional Practice Training (OPT) program. OPT allows international students to work in their field of study after graduation for up to 12 months, with a possibility for a 24 month extension for those who earned STEM degrees.

ISSO reminds us of a few important points:

  • ISSO encourages any current F-1 student who is interested in doing OPT after graduation to apply to do so;
  • Any work opportunity undertaken while on OPT, must be related to a student’s field of study and for a bona fide employer;
  • The OPT program has a robust reporting system, whereby students must report employer, employment, and address updates to the U.S. government via SEVP Portal accounts within 10 days of a change occurring. (Note: STEM OPT has additional reporting requirements). Students who experience difficulties with the Portal should contact ISSO;
  • ISSO offers a number of opportunities for students to learn more about OPT, the application process, and responsibilities while on the program.

As a service, ISSO monitors all immigration-related announcements and proudly serves the UNC Charlotte international community with advising, programming, and referral services. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact them.