Academic Affairs

Dean's Dissertation Award Goes to Carrier

Tyler Carrier, Ph.D., Biological Sciences, 2020, is the 2021 Graduate Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award winner in Biological Sciences/Life Sciences for his work on “Symbiosis Across Diet-Induced Phenotypes of Larval Sea Urchins.”

Read more at the Graduate School.

Key Considerations to Prepare for Fall Semester

Following are some tips to help prepare for a successful start of the fall semester:
  • Catalog Update Petitions
Students must wait to submit 2021-22 Catalog Update petitions until the fall 2021 semester begins. Catalog Update petitions are automatically processed under the term in which they were submitted.  This means that if you submit a Catalog Update petition during the Summer 2021 term, the student’s catalog will reflect the current 2020-21 catalog. To update a student’s catalog to the upcoming 2021-22 catalog, the petition will need to be submitted after the first day of fall classes, Aug. 23.
  • Advanced Standing Track Requests for Doctoral Programs
Doctoral students who enter with a relevant master’s degree may be admitted to an Advanced Standing track in some doctoral programs. In those programs offering this option, the Graduate Program Director must recommend admission to the Advanced Standing track for the term in which the student begins their graduate study. Please send these requests to
  • Incomplete Grades that will Default to Unsatisfactory
If you have a student that has been assigned an Incomplete grade (I) that will default to Unsatisfactory (U) at the end of the summer semester, the grade must be assigned and submitted no later than August 16, 2021 to avoid suspension or termination. The Graduate School will communicate with individual instructors as well.

Direct Email Added for Petition Questions

The Graduate School has added a direct email address for students and faculty questions about graduate petitions.  The email address,, will more quickly route such questions to the right person on staff.
For questions regarding the change, please contact Janet Morse,

Formatting Review Deadline Eliminated

The formatting review deadline for both master’s thesis and doctoral students has been eliminated.
Formatting and submission information is available from the Graduate School’s website under Current Students. Students are highly encouraged to attend a formatting workshop in lieu of a one-on-one appointment. These workshops are offered approximately every two weeks and can be found on the Center for Graduate Life’s (CGL) events calendar. A playlist of formatting and submission videos also exists on the CGL’s YouTube channel.
For questions, please contact Dr. Aura Young (

Master's Reporting Forms Consolidated

The forms required for Master’s capstone reporting have been consolidated into a single DocuSign form to simplify reporting.

The new Master’s Capstone Report for Comprehensive Exam, Portfolio Presentation, Study Report and Project can be found on the Graduate School’s Forms page. The new form replaces the Exam Report for Comprehensive, Portfolio Presentation, and Study Report for Master’s Students.

Thesis students will continue to submit the Final Defense Report.

If you have questions, please contact Sandra Krause, Assistant Dean for Graduate Academic Affairs,

Note New Contacts for Theses and Dissertations

With the recent departure of Student Services Specialist Coren O’Hara, some Graduate School administrative roles have been reassigned to ensure thesis and dissertation services continue uninterrupted.
Effective immediately:
  • Dr. Aura Young,, will be responsible for thesis and dissertation formatting and submission.
  • Julie Green,, will be responsible for graduation preclearance

Information on graduation clearance is available from the Graduate School.

Questions about thesis and dissertation forms may be sent to

Questions regarding these organizational changes may be sent to Sandra Krause,

Late Withdrawal Due to Extenuating Circumstances

To provide accommodations during the spring 2021 semester, UNC Charlotte has expanded its withdrawal practices to allow students to withdraw with extenuating circumstances (WE) if they have personal issues that have negatively impacted their studies as a result of COVID-19. Graduate students should submit their withdrawal request directly to the Graduate School using the Graduate Academic Petition rather than through the Dean of Students portal. For more information on withdrawals, please visit the Graduate School website.

Fall 2020 Graduation Stats

The Graduate School is pleased to announce the following statistics for fall 2020 graduation:

Doctoral Students – 52
Master’s Students – 495
Graduate Certificate Students – 262

Congratulations to our hard working faculty and staff for moving the class through during these difficult times.

Important reminders from the Graduate School

Final graduation clearance begins on Wednesday, January 6. In order to be cleared for graduation students must have satisfied all degree requirements. All milestone forms and petitions must be received by the end of the day Tuesday, January 5th in order for degrees to be awarded.

The Graduate School is NO longer considering requests to change a grade type from standard letter grade to Pass/ Unsatisfactory. The deadline was December 14, 2020. This allowed the grade mode change to be processed prior to the faculty entering final grades.
This option will not be available to Graduate students for Spring 2021.
Please share this information with your faculty and students.

Check DegreeWorks for Accurate Advisor Assignments

Advisor assignments in Banner must be manually updated for accurate information to appear in DegreeWorks.  If the advisor appearing in DegreeWorks is not accurate, please make corrections on the Academic Affairs Advisor Assignments page.

For questions, please contact  Michelle Hypki ( in the Graduate School.

Master's Forms Move to DocuSign

The Graduate School will be transitioning Master’s forms to DocuSign during the first week of December to align with the Doctoral form procedure. DocuSign, a University-supported digital system, allows for the secure collection of signatures and proper electronic routing. These forms can be accessed on the Graduate School Forms website.

Scanned paper forms will still be accepted throughout the Spring 2021 semester.

Important: To ensure proper routing, please use the Graduate School’s form series and NOT a form previously developed by an academic unit or others. In addition, DocuSign  recognizes only the UNC Charlotte NinerNet username email address and NOT an alias email address (use format:, NOT

Please refer to the university’s FAQ website for more information about DocuSign.

CTL Offers Tips to Help Students with Remote Learning

From the Center for Teaching and Learning: The two biggest learning challenges our students face this fall are managing their course workload and communicating with instructors about their courses. Here are some quick and easy ways to help you address these concerns with your students:

Managing Course Workload



Latest Grad Student Exit Surveys Published

The latest graduate student exit surveys have been updated on GPDNet under Assessments.  The results are published by college along with 2019 results for comparison.

Graduate students are asked to complete the exit survey prior to completing their application to graduate.

Updated Withdrawal Practices for Fall 2020

Categories: Academic Affairs

To provide accommodations during the fall 2020 semester, UNC Charlotte has expanded its withdrawal practices to allow students to withdraw with extenuating circumstances (WE) if they have  personal issues that have negatively impacted their studies as a result of COVID-19. Course withdrawals for this reason will not count against any institutional limits. Withdrawals prior to the deadline of November 3 are automatically converted to a WE. No additional documentation will be necessary. After November 3, students must submit a Graduate Academic Petition to the Graduate School.  Please note that graduate students are not held to a withdrawal cap.

Graduate School Forms Now Digital

The Graduate School is happy to announce the end of yet another paper-based system.  Also known as the Doctoral Form Series, all Exam Reports, Committee Appointment, Proposal/Final Defense, ETD and Embargo forms will be transitioning to DocuSigneffective October 14. DocuSign, a University-supported digital system, allows for the secure collection of signatures and proper electronic routing. These forms can be accessed on the Graduate School Forms website. Scanned paper forms will still be accepted throughout the Spring 2021 semester however.

Important: In order to ensure proper routing, please make sure to only use the Graduate School’s Form Series and NOT a Form previously developed by an academic unit or otherwise. In addition, DocuSign’s routing system only recognizes UNC Charlotte NinerNet username email addresses and NOT alias email addresses (use format:, NOT

Please refer to the university’s FAQ website for more information about DocuSign.

Oct. 15 Deadline for Master's Thesis Awards

Faculty may nominate students for the Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award through Oct. 15, 2019.

The Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award is a part of the Graduate School’s focus on enhancing research skills.  For more information, please visit the Center for Graduate Life’s Research Skills website.

Nomination information, fields of competition and more is available from the Graduate School.

If you have questions, please contact Julie Green,, Master’s Thesis Student Services and Fellowship Specialist.

International Student Impact of Chancellor's 9/22/2020 Announcement

The ISSO has fielded several inquiries related to the Chancellor’s recent announcement and its impact on international student enrollment. They offer some clarifications as follows:

Per Tarek Elshayeb, ISSO Director, “Based on our standing interpretation of the Fall 2020 SEVP-issued immigration guidance, newly admitted international students (excluding transfers and change of education level) who entered the U.S. before the Chancellor’s September 22nd  announcement, and who meet both requirements below, remain in valid F-1 status.”

The requirements are:

  1. Pursuing a full course load (12 credits for undergrad and 9 credits for graduate) or have been approved for a Reduced Course Load; and
  2. Are enrolled in at least 1 course classified in Banner as either hybrid or completely in-person.

“As long as these students meet the criteria above, their immigration status will not be adversely affected if their courses classified as either “in-person” or “hybrid” remain fully online from October 1st to December 23rd in light of UNC Charlotte’s September 22nd announcement, adds Elshayeb.  “These students will be able to fulfill the U.S. government’s Fall 2020 COVID-19 enrollment requirements and maintain their F-1 status.”

Additional questions can be sent to ISSO or found on their FAQs.

Fall 2020 Payment Deadline Extended to September 1

Categories: Academic Affairs

Recognizing students may need additional time to make payment arrangements for the Fall term, the University has extended the payment deadline to September 1. Students can view their eBill in A Payment Plan can be set up to split the amounts into 4 installments.  Additional information and FAQs can be found at NinerCentral.

Signature Routing Streamline Under Way

The Graduate School is working with IT Services to provide a secure, digital solution for collecting signatures and routing the  forms required when a graduate student has completed a milestone.

Forms will be revised to create a better user experience and streamline the process. In the meantime, please continue using existing forms on the Graduate School Forms website.  Updates will be shared as revisions are completed.


Mentor Training Sessions Scheduled

Two online mentoring sessions set for August are already full.

Additional sessions have been scheduled for October 1 & 2 (9:30 – 12:30 each day) and January 13 & 14 (9:30 – 12:30 each day).

GPDs will receive an email invitation to register approximately four weeks prior to the training date.
For more information, contact Katherine Hall-Hertel,