Please encourage graduate students whose research focuses on DEI-related issues to participate in the first Diversity Scholars Forum. Participants will receive a small stipend to support their research. The Forum will bring together community partners and student researchers to showcase this important work. For more information see:
Academic Affairs
Application Date Extended for Spring Diversity Scholars Forum
The application date to enter research projects in the Spring Diversity Scholars Forum has been extended to December 16.
The Graduate School is seeking to feature graduate student research related to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). The Forum will provide a showcase for research on campus and in the greater Charlotte community.
More information and application instructions are available from the Graduate School.
Oct. 17 Deadline for Master's Thesis Nominations
Faculty may nominate students for the Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award through Oct. 17, 2022.
The Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award is a part of the Graduate School’s focus on enhancing research skills. New this year is a Non-traditional Thesis/Project category that refers to theses that do not conform to the traditional model, such as those produced in MFA programs both for literature and the performing arts. For more information, please visit the Graduate School’s Outstanding Master’s Thesis Awards page.
If you have questions, please contact Julie Green,, Graduate Student Services and Fellowship Specialist.
iThenticate Process for Dissertation, Thesis Committee Members Clarified
When a student applies to graduate, any faculty members assigned to their dissertation or thesis committee are automatically added to the iThenticate access group. However, this does not create the account. You must complete this process by logging into the Charlotte iThenticate site.
Once these steps are completed, you will appear within iThenticate as a user and your student will be able to share their similarity reports directly with you through iThenticate. Students also have the option of downloading a PDF version of any reports which can be shared via other means.
To have your iThenticate account made permanently active so it can be used for other purposes as well, please submit a help desk ticket.
Please do not create an account through the iThenticate website. Accounts created in this way are not part of our contract, do not have access to our user group and may incur additional charges.
If you receive an error message, please submit a ticket using the link above.
For questions about iThenticate, please contact
Mentoring Session Offered
Graduate Faculty Mentor Training will be offered Oct. 14 from 9:30-4 in the Student Union.
As part of efforts to improve the research climate on campus, the Graduate School is offering training to graduate faculty who seek to be better research mentors. This training comes from the evidence-based practices of the CIMER Institute (Center for Improved Mentoring Experiences in Research) at the University of Wisconsin.
Please use this form to register:
Network Issue Slows Academic Petition Notifications
A network issue last week slowed notifications from the Academic Petition tool. While the issue may have been addressed, GPDs are encouraged to log into the Academic Petition tool to check for pending requests rather than rely on a notification.
Graduate Ombuds Reports Authorship, Funding Among Top Student Issues
Research-related stress tops a list of concerns among students seeking assistance from the Graduate Ombudsman over the past year. In the 2021-2022 report from Graduate Ombuds Bruce Taylor, Ph.D., issues such as authorship conflicts, funding and communication breakdowns are common themes.
“Conflict with faculty, often over research, continues to be a leading concern among graduate students,” Taylor said. “Perceived conflicts of interest, particularly when doctoral student research for their dissertation is delayed by faculty research.”
He also noted that issues surrounding student roles on grants, as well as authorship on publications, were problematic. The recently adopted new guidelines on authorship attempt to address some of these concerns.
Funding is a perennial challenge for graduate students, many of whom contacted the Ombuds with issues over GASP funding, assistantships and, this year, the financial impact of Policy 50.5 that reduced funding levels for many students.
“From (the students’) point of view,” Taylor said, “what they had been offered changed and reduced their effective income substantially in some cases.”
The 2021-22 Ombuds Report is available for download.
Spring Commencement Sees Record Number of Doctorate Degrees
The Spring 2022 Commencement May 13 at the Jerry Richardson Football Stadium included 1,096 doctoral, master’s and certificate students. That number includes the most Ph.D. degrees in a single term (61) since 2018, and at 178, the most doctoral degrees conferred yet in an academic year.
Read more from the Graduate School.
Submit Final Grades for Graduating Doctoral Students
Please submit all outstanding grades as soon as possible for doctoral students who are graduating in spring 2022. We will make every effort to award degrees to these students prior to commencement so that they may pick up their diplomas after the ceremony.
If you have any questions, please contact Janet Morse.
No Registration Holds for Early Entry Admits
The Graduate School will no longer put registration holds on new early entry admits. This change in procedure will allow early entry students to register for their course(s) and then submit the early entry petition with the appropriate section to identify courses that should double count. Note that it is strongly recommended that students complete the petition prior to the end of the add/drop period for the term as this can impact their financial aid.
Early Entry Enhancements Announced for Academic Petition System
The early entry petition type in the Academic Petition System has been improved to copy forward previously approved early entry requests when a new early entry petition is initiated. This allows you and your students to see what was previously approved and allow changes as necessary.
It will also now require the selection of a specific section for each course from the list of course offerings each term. As a result, any course that was previously approved to be double-counted but the student has not yet taken will need to be resubmitted via a new petition beginning Monday, March 21, 2022. Please note that the early entry petition type is available upon completion of the upgrade Mar. 21.
For more details, please see the downloadable Early Entry Reference Guide.
Please direct any questions to
F2F Mentor Training Returns Apr. 8
The Graduate School will offer the CIMER-based Mentor Training to graduate faculty on April 8. This event will be offered face-to-face and is limited to 20 participants. The training begins at 9:00 am and ends by 4:30. If you or your faculty are interested in attending, please complete the online registration form.
DegreeWorks Gets a Makeover for 2022
A more modern look of DegreeWorks is coming in February. The new DegreeWorks will display degree progress within an interface that’s mobile-friendly, less-crowded, and mapped with intuitive visual cues. If you have any questions or would like to begin using the new interface, please email or visit the DegreeWorks website.
Training Sessions
Registration Open for January Mentor Training Session
The Graduate School will offer Mentor Training for graduate faculty Jan. 7, 9:30-4:00. The session will be held face-to-face in the Student Union.
Join the 170 faculty who have already completed this training and rated it a good use of time. The curriculum comes from the Center for the Improvement of the Mentored Experience in Research (CIMER) at the University of Wisconsin. It is highly interactive and includes a variety of useful resources and tools.
Attendance is limited to 16, so please sign-up early using this form:
Note: All participants are asked to wear a mask.
Get Ready for Fall Commencement
Commencement is planned for Dec. 17-18 in the Dale F. Halton Arena located in the James H. Barnhardt Student Activity Center.
Graduating students can pick up their regalia (caps and gowns) at the campus bookstore, located in the Popp Martin Student Union, through November 30.
Academic Affairs provides more information on Commencement Ceremonies and how to reserve your cap and gown.
Take Action Soon on Catalog Changes
New Grade Mode Introduced for Doctoral Dissertation and Master’s Thesis Research
Last Spring the Faculty Council approved a new grade mode option for graduate research credit. Beginning Fall 2021 the default grade mode for Doctoral Dissertation Research and Master’s Thesis Research will be Satisfactory Progress /Unsatisfactory Progress (SP/UP).
Programs that offer a MASTER’ S THESIS option may request that a Standard Letter grade (A, B, C, U) be assigned instead of SP/UP grades by contacting the Graduate School no later than October 1, 2021.
You will find the Grade of SP/UP (Satisfactory Progress/ Unsatisfactory Progress) Option in the 2021-22 Graduate Catalog under Degree Requirements and Academic Policies/ Grading and Related Policies.
You will find more information specific to Master’s Thesis Research under Degree Requirements and Academic Policies/ Master’s Degree Requirements.
If you have questions, please contact
Some Doctoral Students May Get Advanced Standing
Doctoral students who enter with a relevant master’s degree may be admitted to an Advanced Standing track in some doctoral programs.
In those programs offering this option, the Graduate Program Director must recommend admission to the Advanced Standing track for the term in which the student begins their graduate study.
Please send these requests to
Online Catalog Update Petitions Available
Students may now submit 2021-22 catalog update requests through the Graduate Academic Petition system. As a reminder, Catalog Update petitions are automatically processed under the term in which they were submitted. This means that if you submit a Catalog Update petition during the Fall 2021 term, the student’s catalog will reflect the NEW 2021-22 catalog.
Spring/Summer 2021 Graduation Statistics
Spring/Summer 2021 Graduation Statistics
The Graduate School is pleased to announce the following statistics for Spring/Summer 2021 graduation:
Spring 2021:
Docs – 99
Masters – 981
Certs – 322
Total – 1402
Summer 2021:
Docs – 43
Masters – 203
Certs – 62
Total – 308
Congratulations to our hard-working faculty and staff for moving the class through during these difficult times.