White, Brian

NSF Seeking Proposals to Boost STEM Research Competencies

The NSF Centers for Research Excellence is calling for proposals from relevant faculty and graduate students that explore ways for graduate students in research-based master’s and doctoral degree programs to develop the skills, knowledge, and competencies needed to pursue a range of STEM careers.

Each eligible institution may send two proposals for this 5-year funding that ranges from $2-3-Million as part of the NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) Program.

The UNC Charlotte Division of Research urges interested faculty and students to submit proposals following the White Paper Submission Guidelines  by June 9, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.

ETS GRE Program Offers "A Guide to Holistic Admissions"

The GRE Program of ETS will present A Guide to Holistic Admissions Apr. 27, 3-4:30 p.m.  The event will feature presentations by former UNC-Greensboro Graduate Dean Terry Ackerman and Georgia State Associate Dean of Strategic Initiatives John Augusto.

The session will address practices that promote fairness, processes that mitigate bias, and strategies that can help achieve your enrollment goals.

To register for the webinar, please visit the ETS Registration Page.

Finding Funding as a Graduate Student

The Graduate School’s Julie Goodliffe, Assistant Dean for Funding and Research, will lead this discussion about Pivot, the world’s largest database of funding from government and non-profit organizations.

With Pivot, graduate students can search for fellowships, internships, predoctoral grants and travel funding, and sign up for email notices as new opportunities are added. 

For more information and to register for the session, please visit the Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning.

Enhancements Planned for TOEFL Tests

Changes are in the works that will streamline the TOEFL iBT test instructions and navigation, make registration more customer-friendly and make scores accessible via Slate. 

To learn more about these changes, attend the TOEFL iBT Enhancements webinar Apr. 19, 1pm ET or May 4, 3pm ET.   For more detailed information and to register, visit TOEFL iBT.

Graduate Admissions Ambassadors Wanted

The Graduate Admissions Office is looking for a dynamic and diverse group of currently enrolled graduate students to serve as volunteer Graduate Admissions Ambassadors to start in summer/fall 2023 to help recruit and enroll the graduate class.

Ambassadors are well-positioned to connect with prospective applicants given their unique experiences and perspectives as enrolled graduate students. More information about the opportunity can be found in the application. Please contact Ellie Ivey with additional questions.

Student Needs Assessment Under Way

The Graduate School and the Center for Graduate Life and Learning are conducting a Graduate Needs Assessment Survey. 

The survey is anonymous and designed to help us better understand the needs and experiences of graduate students. Responses will be used to inform decisions about support and programming.

Students are encouraged to take 10 minutes to complete this survey.  

Register Now for May Mentor Training Session

The Graduate School will offer Mentor Training for graduate faculty May 16. 7, 9:30-4:00. The session will be held in the Student Union.

The curriculum comes from the Center for the Improvement of the Mentored Experience in Research (CIMER) at the University of Wisconsin. It is highly interactive and includes a variety of useful resources and tools.

Attendance is limited, so please sign-up early using this form.

Application Session Planned for Prospective Students

Graduate Admissions is hosting a virtual information session for prospective graduate students Apr. 19, 12:30-1:30. Participate and recruit students to your program.

Additional details and registration form for GPDs and Affiliates is available via the link below. Please RSVP as soon as possible if you plan to attend and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Register here:

Webinar: Using GRE Search in Student Recruitment

The Graduate School Recruitment team is hosting a virtual session on April 5th at 12:30pm for Graduate Program Directors and Coordinators to learn how to utilize the GRE Search to recruit prospective students. This session will cover the benefits of the GRE search, best practices in creating the parameters, and how you can get started!

The session will last about 30 minutes and have time for questions and discussion following the presentation.

Please register for this event through Graduate Admissions.

Legal Affairs Training Session: Considerations for Hiring Students

The Office of Legal Affairs will be hosting a training session Mar. 30 on practical considerations when hiring student employees.

For more information and to register, please visit the Office of Legal Affairs.

Teaching Fellowship Applications Close Apr. 21

The Graduate School and the Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning are pleased to inform you that the Graduate School’s Teaching Fellowship program will be offered for the Fall 2023 – Spring 2024 academic year.

Doctoral students who meet the criteria listed below are encouraged to apply:

  • Will hold a Fall 2023-Spring 2024 teaching assistantship and will be working as an Instructor of Record in Spring 2024
  • Will be available to take a 2-credit training course in Fall 2023 (the course will be online with some synchronous meetings tentatively scheduled for Friday mornings)
  • Are committed to pursuing a career that includes college teaching (students who are tentative about a college teaching career are invited to enroll in GRAD 8201 instead)
  • Have been a teaching assistant (or Instructor of Record) for at least two prior semesters
  • Will be in their third or more year of Doctoral studies as of Fall 2023

Fellows can gain a competitive advantage in the job search and receive an award of $3000 ($1500 each semester) in addition to their assistantship stipend. The program provides focused instruction in course design, teaching methodology and classroom practices.

This is a competitive program with limited openings. Interested students should apply at the Center for Graduate Life and Learning by 5 pm, Apr. 21.

Early Entry Info Session Coming Up

Exceptional undergraduate students attending UNC Charlotte are encouraged to apply to graduate programs and begin work toward their graduate degree before completion of their baccalaureate degree. In those programs offering this outstanding opportunity, undergraduate students can get a head start on their graduate degree.
RSVP for virtual event to learn more.

OIC Offers Country Culture Workshop on Nigeria

The Office of International Programs (OIP) at UNC Charlotte will host a Country Culture Workshop on Apr. 14 focusing on Nigeria, a country from which Charlotte is seeing increased enrollment.

The Country Culture Workshop will include presenters and student panelists to explore the language, etiquette, cultural norms, political history, and other key nuances unique to this country.  The event will include an opportunity to experience Nigerian food provided by a local restaurant.

GPDs are encouraged to participate in this workshop to learn more about Nigeria and the students who enroll from there.

For more information and to register, please visit the Office of International Programs.

Dean's Dissertation Award Deadline May 26

May 26 is the submission deadline for the 2023 Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award recognizing outstanding research and scholarship by a doctoral student.

The fields of competition are Biological Sciences/Life Sciences and Humanities and Fine Arts.

The nomination form for the award and more info can be found on the Graduate School’s Awards Gateway.

CGLL to Host Immigration Seminar

Helen Partlow Esq. and Raju Mahajan Esq. from Raju Law will present at the Spring Immigration Webinar via Zoom. Hear tips on successful EB2-NIW applications and H1BO1, Visa Bulletin and other immigration concerns. You will have an opportunity to ask questions.

Register at the Thomas L. Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning.

May Session Set for Faculty Mentor Training

The Graduate School will offer Mentor Training for graduate faculty May 16, 9:00-4:00. The session will be held in the Haltom Reading Room.

The curriculum comes from the Center for the Improvement of the Mentored Experience in Research (CIMER) at the University of Wisconsin. It is highly interactive and includes a variety of useful resources and tools.

Attendance is limited, so please sign-up early using this form.

Application Session Planned for Prospective Students

Graduate Admissions is hosting another information session for prospective students on Apr. 19, 12:30-1:30 pm, and we invite you to participate and recruit students to your programs. Additional details about the information session as well as the RSVP for GPDs and Affiliates to participate is available from Graduate Admissions.

Best Practices in Graduate Recruiting Session Set Apr. 21

The Graduate School is hosting a virtual session on Apr. 21 at 10 am for Graduate Program Directors and Coordinators to participate in an update on best practices and a discussion with Graduate Admission Counselors focusing on strategies to feed the recruitment funnel.

The session also will include efforts Graduate Admissions is making to engage prospective students and applicants and share a few simple things programs can do to deepen that engagement.

Following a brief presentation by Graduate Admissions, Program Directors and Coordinators will be encouraged to share what they are doing to recruit and retain students.

To register, please complete the Graduate Admissions form.

Reynolds CGLL Enrolling Graduate Life Fellows

Each year the Thomas L. Reynolds Center for Graduate Life & Learning selects 7 grad students to serve as liaisons to their peers across campus. These Graduate Life Fellows act as informal mentors while also seeking new ways to support graduate student success and helping to create vital programming. Their input and unique ability to provide the graduate student perspective is invaluable.

Grad Life Fellows also promote CGLL workshops, programs, courses, and initiatives through word-of-mouth, social media, and visits to graduate classes and organizations. You can read about our current Grad Life Fellows here.

Graduate Life Fellows are University leaders with the opportunity to impact graduate education at Charlotte. For their efforts, they receive a $5,000 award (divided across two semesters).

Eligibility Requirements:

  • GLFs must be full-time students living in the Charlotte area during the academic year of their term
  • Have completed at least one year of graduate-level coursework at Charlotte
  • Have a GPA of at least 3.0 and be in good standing

International students and students with assistantships are encouraged to apply!

Funding Nominations for New Students Due Apr. 1

Categories: Student Funding

Nominations for new student funding should be submitted to the Graduate School by Apr. 1.  

A complete run-down on funding information for graduate students is available from Graduate Funding.