White, Brian

Campbell Univ. Career Expo Feb. 24

The Campbell University Graduate School Expo Feb. 24 will provide an opportunity to connect with prospective students in a virtual setting.  The event is scheduled from 10-4 p.m.

More information and registration is available from Campbell University.

Graduate Research Symposium Set Mar. 12

The 2021 Graduate Research Symposium will be virtual this year on Mar. 12.  The event is  sponsored by the Graduate & Professional Student Government of UNC Charlotte and the Charlotte Research Institute.

The Symposium is a graduate student-run conference that showcases the research of graduate and professional students.

For more information and to register, please visit the Graduate Research Symposium website.


Prospect Information Session Set Feb. 25

Graduate Admissions will host an opportunity in February for GPDs to meet with interested prospective students via Zoom breakout rooms following a brief Admissions presentation.
GPDs interested in participating in the Feb. 25 event should RSVP by Feb. 4.
For more information and to register, please visit the Graduate Admissions Information Session page.

UNC Greensboro to Host Spring Career & Graduate School Fair

The UNC Greensboro Spring Virtual Career & Graduate School Fair will be held Feb. 24 1–4:30 pm.  Event details and registration are available on the Handshake career fair page.

For more information, please contact Michael Clinton at UNC Greensboro.

21-22 Tuition Support Details Available in Canvas

Graduate student tuition support for ’21-22 – call for nominations with details, information and training can be found in Canvas.

For more information, please contact Julie Goodliffe, Director of Funding and Fellowships.

Nominations Open for Graduate School Fellowships

Nominations for the Herschel and Cornelia Everett First-Year Master’s and Doctoral Graduate Fellowship and Wayland H. Cato Doctoral Fellowship are open for 2021 awards.

These fellowships, which are available only to outstanding UNC Charlotte graduate students, are administered by the Graduate School each year. Awards begin in the upcoming academic year.

The deadline to submit nominations is Mar. 15, 2021.  To nominate, please visit the Scholarship Office Nomination Portal.

Mar. 30, 2021 is the deadline for student applications for nominated and matched awards. Application is available through the Scholarship Office Application Portal.

For more information, please visit the Graduate School’s Fellowships site.

Ventureprise Spring 2021 Virtual Cohort Accepting Applications

Apply to participate in the Spring 2021 Ventureprise Launch National Science Foundation I-Corps Virtual Cohort. The program, which starts Feb. 10, provides up to $5000 for a research or business idea, plus commercialization training and new NSF funding.

The second stage is a six-month, $50,000 NSF I-Corps Teams grant. Applications are currently open and are reviewed as they are submitted. More information and the application form can be found on the NSF I-Corps webpage. For questions, please contact Devin Collins or Laura Smailes.

Few Seats Remain for Jan. Mentor Training

The Graduate School’s upcoming Mentor Training session has a few more openings.  Graduate faculty are invited to enroll for the Jan. 28-29 session.  The class runs from 9:30-12:30 each day.

To register, please complete the Mentor Training registration form.  The form will be closed when all seats are taken.


Important reminders from the Graduate School

Final graduation clearance begins on Wednesday, January 6. In order to be cleared for graduation students must have satisfied all degree requirements. All milestone forms and petitions must be received by the end of the day Tuesday, January 5th in order for degrees to be awarded.

The Graduate School is NO longer considering requests to change a grade type from standard letter grade to Pass/ Unsatisfactory. The deadline was December 14, 2020. This allowed the grade mode change to be processed prior to the faculty entering final grades.
This option will not be available to Graduate students for Spring 2021.
Please share this information with your faculty and students.

QA Certificate Boosts Educational Outcomes

The Graduate Certificate in Quantitative Analyses program targets experienced educators, counselors, and other professionals who seek to deepen their statistical skills for improving educational outcomes.
Who should apply:
  • Current graduates students earning their master’s or doctorate can use elective hours to complete the certificate
  • Current faculty and staff with an interest in refreshing or adding to current quantitative analysis skills
  • Potential Ph.D. students who have earned a master’s degree in an education-related field can first earn the doctoral level certificate and apply all 12 credits to the ERME Ph.D. program.
For detailed information on admissions visit
and  For more information, contact Xiaoxia Newton, Ph.D.,, Associate Professor, Graduate Program Director-Educational Leadership.

Window Open for Ignite Planning Grants

Research and Economic Development (RED) is soliciting applications through Feb. 15 for the Spring 2021 Ignite Planning Grants program.

Ignite Planning Grants promote new collaborative research efforts and facilitate the development of interdisciplinary teams focused on preparing competitive, large-scale collaborative proposals for significant external funding. Ignite planning grants are intended to enhance existing areas of excellence, accelerate the development of emerging research strengths, and foster interactions between UNC Charlotte faculty and potential collaborators at other institutions. The program aims to lower and eliminate barriers to building collaborative teams and coordinating, planning, and preparing large, interdisciplinary multi-investigator research proposals by providing funds to (1) convene conferences and meetings, (2) coordinate workshops, (3) support travel costs for potential collaborators from other institutions, (4) hire grant-writing consultants and content specialists, and (5) conduct other proposal-development and team-development activities.

Proposals must be submitted electronically as an email attachment to by 5 pm Feb.15. Questions may be sent to Lesley Brown, Director of the Center for Research Excellence.

Zoom Sessions Put GPDs in Touch with Prospects

Beginning spring semester, Graduate Program Directors (GPDs) will have an opportunity to meet with interested prospective students via zoom breakout rooms following a presentation by Graduate Admissions.
The first information session will be Jan. 21, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Interested GPDs should RSVP to participate by Jan. 4.
For more information and to register, please visit the Graduate Admissions Information Session page.

UNC Charlotte Ranked High in SEVIS Report

In data shared by the International Student & Scholar Office, UNC Charlotte ranked high in a recent U.S. Immigration Department SEVIS by the Numbers (SBTN) report.

The report was part of the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) which reports data and trends on foreign national students pursuing an education at SEVP-certified schools.

Following are UNC Charlotte’s rankings on three such lists released by SEVP:

  1. Top 500 F-1 Schools by Number of Active SEVIS Records (enrolled students). Rank: #98 (Download)
  2. Top 100 School Campuses with Optional Practical Training (OPT) Authorizations by Active SEVIS records. Rank #60 (Download)
  3. Top 100 School Campuses with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) OPT Authorizations by Active SEVIS Records.  Rank #44 (Download)

Students Sent Residency Guidance

New graduate students admitted for the Spring 2021 term who are classified as nonresidents for tuition purposes recently were sent a message outlining the requirements for residency determination

A copy of the message students received is available for download.

Students with questions should contact the Residency Determination Service (RDS):  844-319-3640;

For faculty questions, please contact, 704-687-5122,

Dec. 17 Session Covers Tuition-Free Graduate Courses

The Graduate School will conduct an information session Dec. 17 at 2 p.m. for University employees who hold a baccalaureate degree and wish to pursue their graduate education. Enrollment counselors will explain the easy application process, answer program questions and distribute HR information for the tuition waiver and free textbook rental programs.

Full-time employees can take three classes per year, tuition free. Additionally, employees can apply easily for admission as a graduate certificate or post-baccalaureate (non-degree) student without standardized tests, transcripts or recommendation requirements.

To reserve your seat, please register.


New Dissertation, Thesis Formatting Guidance Provided

Atkins Library has provided new guidance for dissertation and thesis formatting in ProQuest.

After creating the ProQuest account, the title of the dissertation or thesis should be listed in title caps (as opposed to the all caps title required on the title page).

More tips and help with writing style is available from J. Murrey Atkins Library.  The Graduate School also provides guidance on its Manuals and Templates page.


Data Science Seed Grants Available

The School of Data Science is accepting cross-disciplinary research proposals through January 10 for the summer 2021 seed grants for data science funding cycle. This grant opportunity is $10,000 per award, a grand total of $20,000 in funding for UNC Charlotte and partnering faculty and researchers.

For more information or to submit a proposal, please visit the School of Data Science.

ENCCA Virtual Career Fair Set Feb. 17

The Eastern North Carolina Career Alliance (ENCCA) will host a virtual Career Fair Feb. 17, 10-2.
Students and alumni from eight colleges regional colleges and universities will attend.
For more information and to register, please visit ENCCA’s Career Fair page.

Check DegreeWorks for Accurate Advisor Assignments

Advisor assignments in Banner must be manually updated for accurate information to appear in DegreeWorks.  If the advisor appearing in DegreeWorks is not accurate, please make corrections on the Academic Affairs Advisor Assignments page.

For questions, please contact  Michelle Hypki ( in the Graduate School.

Final Defense and Submission Deadline Extended

The Graduate School has extended the final defense and submission deadlines for all Master’s and Doctoral students who plan to graduate in Fall 2020.
December 14-  Final Defense Deadline
Desember 21- Final Submission Deadline
For more information, please visit the Graduate School’s Graduation Clearance page.