White, Brian

Free Open Access Publishing Available via Wiley Deal

Through a new agreement with Wiley Publishing, researchers at UNC Charlotte can publish open access at no cost and choose from 1,400+ hybrid journals to be the home for their next research and review articles.

Wiley reports that articles published open access consistently receive a larger readership, a higher number of citations, and a higher Altmetric score than articles which are not open access. Visit Wiley Author Services to find out more about how you can benefit from this agreement. If you have questions, feel free to contact Liz Siler, Associate Dean for Collection Services.

Ventureprise Spring 2022 Virtual Cohort Applications Due Feb. 5

Faculty and students are encourage to apply to participate in the Spring 2022 Ventureprise Launch National Science Foundation I-Corps Virtual Cohort. The program, which starts Feb. 8, provides up to $5000 for a research or business idea, plus commercialization training and new NSF funding.

The second stage is a six-month, $50,000 NSF I-Corps Teams grant. Applications are currently open and are reviewed as they are submitted.

More information and the application form can be found on the NSF I-Corps webpage. For questions, please contact Devin Collins or Laura Smailes.

Information Session on Higher Ed Master’s and Doctoral Programs Planned for Faculty and Staff

Master’s and doctoral programs focusing on higher education will host virtual information sessions Jan. 27 @ 4 p.m. and Feb. 16 @ 12 p.m.

Eligible faculty and staff can use the tuition waiver benefit for courses. Part-time and full-time enrollment options are available; the final admissions application deadline for fall 2022 admission is Mar. 1.

Register for an info session. Direct questions to Dr. Ryan Miller

URC Committee Enrolling Judges for 2022 Event

The organizing committee for the Undergraduate Research Conference, Apr. 21-22, is seeking faculty, staff, and doctoral students to serve as judges for the URC 2022.

Judges will review posters and/or oral (recorded) presentations.

For more information and to register as a judge, please complete the URC 2022 Judges Recruitment Form  by 5 p.m. Mar. 4.

Graduate Research Symposium Abstracts Accepted Through Jan. 21

The annual Graduate Research Symposium (GRS), set for March, is an interdisciplinary graduate student-run conference that showcases astounding research of graduate and professional students.

The GRS planning committee is accepting abstracts for its 2022 event through Jan. 21.  For more information and to submit, please visit the Graduate and Professional Student Government website.

Rasmussen to Participate in Charlotte Authorship Seminar

Professor of Philosophy and Graduate School Faculty Fellow Lisa Rasmussen will join members of Charlotte’s legal staff later this month in a virtual session on authorship.

The event, “Who’s Steering the Author Ship? Introducing the Authorship Policy & Resolution Procedures,” will address University Policy 318, “Authorship Policy and Resolution Procedures,” established in May 2021.  The session will be held Jan. 26 at Noon.

For more information and to register, please visit the Office of Legal Affairs.

Graduate School Summer Fellowship Program Offers Funding to Boost Research Progress

The Graduate School’s Summer Fellowship Program (GSSF) provides doctoral students funding to continue research at a time when few other options exist.   

The program is available to new and repeat applicants.  Eligible applicants can receive $8,000 to support progress toward the degree.

The deadline to apply is Mar. 11.

For more information and to apply, please access the 2022 GSSF Application.

For questions, please contact Julie Goodliffe, Graduate School Director of Funding and Fellowships.

National Conference on Undergraduate Research Coming in April

The 2022 National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) will be held virtually in April via Zoom and include a variety of events, including a Graduate Fair meet-up. Programs may connect with NCUR student prospects Apr. 6 and 7 for three hours each day.

The fee for programs to participate is $475 and must be paid by Mar. 18.  Please contact Maryanne Marie-Sams if your program plans to participate in the event.

For more information, please visit the NCUR website.

DegreeWorks Gets a Makeover for 2022

A more modern look of DegreeWorks is coming in February. The new DegreeWorks will display degree progress within an interface that’s mobile-friendly, less-crowded, and mapped with intuitive visual cues. If you have any questions or would like to begin using the new interface, please email or visit the DegreeWorks website

Training Sessions

NEW DATE: NC-LSAMP SPRA Research Conference and Recruitment Fair Planned

The NC Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation STEM Pathways and Research Alliance (NC-LSAMP SPRA) Research Conference will be held April 1, 9-5, originally planned for Friday, Jan 28. The event includes a virtual recruitment fair from 10-11:30 a.m. 

Charlotte Admissions staff will participate in the event.

The primary focus is on the recruitment of graduate students but this is also an excellent opportunity to recruit students for summer REUs. 

There is no fee to register for the recruitment fair. 

For more information and to register, please visit the NC-LSAMP SPRA Research Conference registration site. Training on how to use the virtual platform will be available to those not familiar with Hopin. 

For questions, please contact Juanda Johnson-Taylor,, Angelitha Daniel,, or Dr. Velinda Woriax,

Personal Finance Course Registration is Live

Financial Literacy: Personal FinanceGRAD 6000/8000 |CRN 27835| 2.0 credits | 5:00-6:40 pm | Thur | Instructor: Dr. Brad Yeckley

Offered through the Center for Graduate Life and Learning (CGLL), this course provides students with a guided tour through financial concepts to build knowledge and skill to make the right financial decisions. Key focus areas include earning, saving, spending, borrowing and protecting.

For questions and more information, please contact Jill Huerta.

Admissions Chart Tallies Slate Usage

A new chart was recently released by Graduate Admissions that includes a variety of statistics regarding usage of the new admissions system. A copy of the chart is available for download.

UNC Ashville NextFest Recruiting Event Feb. 8

UNC Ashville Career Center will host a recruiting fair Feb. 8, 12-2 p.m. which has a section dedicated to graduate schools.

UNCA students were recently ranked #2 in the country by the Princeton Review for students who “Make an Impact” and 65% participate in UNCA undergraduate research. 

Visit the UNCA Career Center for more information and to register.

Slate Reader Guide Available

A Slate Reader Guide is now available for download to assist with accessing and using the Slate Graduate Admissions System.

Search Under Way for Graduate School Faculty Fellow

The Graduate School is seeking candidates for Faculty Fellow to serve as a part-time member of the Graduate School Senior Staff.  The Faculty Fellow’s role spans a variety of activities in the Office of the Dean and may be assigned specific projects in graduate education that match the education, experience and talent of the Faculty Fellow.

For more information and to apply, please download the Graduate School Faculty Fellow position description.

Graduate Mentor Award and Scholars Award Recipients Named

Dr. Jean-Claude Thill, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, was awarded the 2022 First Citizens Bank Scholars Medal.  Since 1988, this award has recognized a senior full-time faculty member for outstanding scholarship, research or other creative activity.

The 2022 Harshini V. de Silva Graduate Mentor Award goes to Dr. Adam Reitzel, Department of Biological Sciences.  Established in memory of the noted professor of biology, the de Silva award recognizes a full-time member of the graduate faculty who evinces outstanding graduate mentoring. 

Ceremonies honoring the two award winners will be scheduled in the spring semester, presided over by the Chancellor, Provost, and other University officers.

Read more about graduate faculty awards at the Graduate School.

Slate Status: Tuesday Afternoon, Dec. 7

Slate is stored on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) network which is experiencing performance issues with their US-East-1 infrastructure today. While Slate remains online and operational, the AMS issue is creating latency (delay) and error rates in certain areas of Slate, such as the Slate Reader, while displaying documents. Further updates are available at but the AWS issues are being addressed quickly.

CGLL Offers 8-Week Effective Speaking Course

GRAD 6000/8000 CRN 27683/27684 offers grad students a 2-credit opportunity to master oral communication — one of the most important skills in the workplace.  The course, held face-to face Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4-5:45 the second half of spring semester, provides a step-by-step approach to improve presentation skills and confidence in speaking roles. 

For more information, visit the Center for Graduate Life and Learning or contact Dr. Jill Huerta,

Collaborative Training Program Yields Rapid Research Dissemination

The Paper Chase program, sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Research, is focused on developing skills to more effectively communicate about research.

Faculty will learn a team approach to writing, while mentoring to a publishable manuscript. Deadline to register is Jan. 5 through the Office of Undergraduate Research.

Master's Q&A Set as Defense Deadline Nears

The master’s thesis final defense deadline is Dec. 13, and the final submission deadline is Dec. 16. Dr. Aura Young of the Center for Graduate Life and Learning will facilitate a virtual workshop with Q&A on December 14 at 5:00 pm. Please encourage your students to join if they have any questions or concerns about formatting or submission requirements.