White, Brian

Students Advocate for Graduate Education at State Legislative Event

Graduate students David Brown, Bioinformatics, and Kaitlin Klotz, Biology, demonstrated the value of graduate education for state legislators as part of the N.C. Council of Graduate Schools 11th Annual Graduate Education Day May 24 in Raleigh.

Read more from the Graduate School.

CGLL Seeks Global Niner GA

The CGLL is seeking a graduate assistant to fill a Global Niner position for the 2022-23 academic year.

Key attributes sought for the 20-hour-per-week role include a 3.0 GPA, strong written communication skill, passion for graduate student success, outgoing personality, and connection to the international student community. The role includes creating and supporting programming tailored to the needs of international graduate students as well as working on other diversity-related initiatives.

Interested students may get more information and apply through Hire-A-Niner.

New Feature in Slate:  Waive Admission Test

Graduate Program Directors may now elect to waive standardized test scores for individual applicants.  Please see the Slate User Guide, located on the homepage in Slate Reader, for details on how to do this.

Spring Commencement Sees Record Number of Doctorate Degrees

The Spring 2022 Commencement May 13 at the Jerry Richardson Football Stadium included 1,096 doctoral, master’s and certificate students. That number includes the most Ph.D. degrees in a single term (61) since 2018, and at 178, the most doctoral degrees conferred yet in an academic year.

Read more from the Graduate School.

Message on Student Compensation

Dear Colleagues, 

Academic Affairs has prepared a policy statement that touches on several aspects of Graduate Student Compensation. At the Provost’s request, we have posted this policy on the Graduate School website at this link:

Please share this information with faculty, staff and students since it contains important information. 

Let me know if you have questions.



Certificate in Workplace Competencies Adds Key Resumé Credential

Studies have shown that employers want new hires with graduate and professional degrees to be well-versed in essential professional skills in written and verbal communication, presentation-building, managing new initiatives, and working on diverse teams. Those competencies are at the core of the Workplace Competencies Certificate program offered through the Center for Graduate Life and Learning. 

Students may apply though Graduate Admissions.  For questions, please contact Dr. Jill Huerta.

Get a Leg Up on Writing Projects at the Graduate Writing Retreat

Scheduled June 3-5 in the Pop Martin Student Union, Rm 263, the Graduate Writing Retreat is an opportunity for grad students to make progress on a large writing or other work project.

The writing retreat offers a quiet space, structured writing time, and writing-related resources, support and accountability, and decreases the sense of isolation that many feel during the writing process.

Lunch, snacks, and coffee will be provided. Enjoy flexible seating, natural lighting, and ample outlets.

For more information and to register, please visit the Center for Graduate Life and Learning.

Try GradSchoolMatch to Target Prospective Students

GradSchoolMatch from ETS is an online platform to help prospective students find the best fit for a graduate school and help recruiters stand out among top prospects.
GradSchoolMatch allows programs to create a profile to showcase unique strengths, then sends notifications when prospects express interest and provides a site to cultivate personal connections.

For more information and to register, please visit GradSchoolMatch.

Update Application Links

Please check your program pages to confirm that the old application portal link ( has been updated to the new URL (

Eventually, redirects to the new URL will expire.

CGLL Student Orientation Set May 19

We’re eager to meet the grad students who are beginning this summer! The Center for Graduate Life and Learning’s New Graduate Student Virtual Orientation will be May 19 from 4-5 pm. The following Wednesday (May 25) from 3-4:30 will be an ice cream social for new students at Hauser Alumni Pavilion. Please visit the CGLL for more information and to register.

Also, save the date for Fall New Grad Student Virtual Orientation August 18 from 4-5 pm. Students will have a chance to meet Dean Tom Reynolds and chat in their questions about grad school.

Commencement Reminder

All graduating graduate students attend the May 13 graduate ceremony in the stadium. The ceremony starts at 6 pm, but students should plan to arrive by 5 pm and present a legal ID (license or passport) to pick up a required name card. A reception in Hauser Pavilion for graduates and their families will follow the ceremony.

2022 Teaching Assistant Awards Presented

Amanda Sargent, Ph.D., Organizational Science, and Andréa Kaniuka, Ph.D., Public Health Sciences, received respective top Teaching Assistant and Instructor of Record awards at a ceremony held last week.

Read more at the Graduate School.

GLF-Hosted Spring Gathering is Apr. 28

The Graduate Life Fellows are hosting a Grad Student Spring Gathering with free pizza.

The event starts at 4 p.m. outside the Center for Graduate Life and Learning (CGLL), Adkins 149 (next to the Career Center).

To register, please visit the CGLL.

Submit Final Grades for Graduating Doctoral Students

Please submit all outstanding grades as soon as possible for doctoral students who are graduating in spring 2022.  We will make every effort to award degrees to these students prior to commencement so that they may pick up their diplomas after the ceremony.

If you have any questions, please contact Janet Morse.

GRE, GMAT, MAT:  Check Your Program's Test Requirement Set-up in Slate for Accuracy

Check the chart and submit a Slate Help ticket if your program requires a standardized admission test for 2023. 

US Extends COVID-19 Visa Allowances for Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 Semesters

The International Student and Scholar Office (ISSO) recently informed faculty that, in an unexpected move, the U.S. government extended COVID-19 visa allowances made in March 2020 for the fall 2022 – spring 2023 academic year.

The impacts on the upcoming semesters, according to the ISSO include:

  • Continuing students (those enrolled as of spring 2022), can count more than one online course per semester towards F-1/J-1 course enrollment minimums For example, a continuing graduate student who tries to take all online courses for Fall 2022 will be in-status.
  • New students starting in the fall will need to take at least one in-person or hybrid course in their first semester
  • In-person F-1 CPT internships can be more than 1.5 hours driving distance from Charlotte for fall 2022, and new students will need to reside in the Charlotte metro area to attend their in-person course.
  • Continuing students with only online courses may reside anywhere in the U.S. and do not necessarily need to reside in Charlotte, depending on their exact courses.

A copy of the US ICE guidance is available for download.

Students with questions may make an appointment to speak with an ISSO advisor or visit the ISSO website for more ways to connect.

Graduate School Awards 2022 Fellowships

The Graduate School recently awarded donor-supported graduate fellowships to 14 UNC Charlotte students, representing a broad cross section of academic programs.

Established to support exceptionally talented and committed graduate students, the Graduate School offers a variety of fellowships for program specific research or scholarship. The fellowships are presented annually in the spring with award payments beginning in the upcoming academic year.

Read more at the Graduate School.

Registration Window Open for Teaching Fellowships

Applications are being accepted for the 2022-2023 Graduate School Teaching Fellowship, a two-semester training opportunity for doctoral students pursuing careers that include college-level teaching.

Some of the benefits of this program include:

  • A $3000 ($1500 each semester) award in addition to an assistantship stipend
  • Competitive advantage in job searches
  • Focused instruction in course design, teaching methodology, and classroom best practices

For more information and to apply, doctoral students are encouraged to visit the Center for Graduate Life and Learning (CGLL).

Applications are due by 5 p.m., April 22. Please direct questions to Dr. Judith Krauss at the CGLL.

Country-Culture Workshop Focuses on Iran

The Office of International Programs will host the Iran Country-Culture Workshop Friday, Apr. 22 from 11:30-3:30 p.m. The program includes exploration of the Iranian language and culture, educational system, and will host a student panel.

For more information and to register, please visit the Office of International Program’s registration site.

New Slate User Guide Available

The new User Guide, “How to Clear a Queue,” is available in Slate Reader.  The new guide explains how a graduate program director can remove an application from another user’s queue.