Aaron Forsyth

Half-time Enrollment Definition changing for Fall Semester

UNC Charlotte’s definition of graduate school half time enrollment is changing beginning in Fall 2017.   To be considered enrolled half time, graduate students must take at least 4.5 credit hours, which essentially means 5 or more credit hours for UNC Charlotte.  For more information, please visit the Office of the Provost website. 

Dissertation and Thesis Committees Now Available in DegreeWorks

Dissertation and thesis committees can now be viewed in DegreeWorks.  When a committee is established, a new block of data will appear below the general student information on the audit.  Information includes committee chair, graduate faculty representative and committee members.

Another recent change includes moving the program GPA from the degree block to the major block.  This change, which does not alter its operation, accommodates the expansion of DegreeWorks to undergraduate students this year.

PLEASE NOTE: To view these changes, you will need to clear your browser…

GRE® Test Takers Snapshot Available

Interest in physical sciences, engineering and life sciences all are up 2-3% among test takers this year compared to last, and interest in business grew by five percent.  This and much more useful information is available in the recently released GRE Program’s Snapshot of Individuals Who Took the GRE® General Test.

The latest version includes volume data on the GRE test-taker population for the past three testing years (July 2013 through June 2016).

The comprehensive information in the Snapshot report can be helpful in creating targeted recruitment campaigns….

Recruitment Fair Opportunities

Categories: HomeRecruitment

Representatives from the UNC Charlotte Graduate School participate in several recruitment fairs each year. These fairs present great opportunities to connect with prospective students.
Read more…

Tips for Successful Recruitment

GPD Guide

GRE Guide

Categories: Resources


2017-2018 Funding Information

Categories: Resources

17-18 Funding Information

GA Productivity Standards

Banner Advisors

Categories: Resources

Updating Advisors in Banner (INB)

GA Productivity Standards

GEM Summit Breakout Notes

Program Website Tips

Categories: Resources

Program Website Tips

Retention Plan

Categories: Resources

eGEM Plan Example – Retention

Sample Plans

News & Events Tips

Categories: Resources

News & Events Tips

GEM Summit Breakout Notes


Categories: Array

Real Estate (MS) 2016-2017 Plan

Categories: Uncategorized