Mar. 1 Deadline to Participate in NCUR

The Graduate School is attending the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), hosted by the Council on Undergraduate Research, taking place from April 8-10 in Long Beach, California. The Council on Undergraduate Research advances undergraduate research in all disciplines, culminating in the annual NCUR conference. NCUR offers a unique opportunity for graduate programs to engage with more than 3,500 undergraduate scholars to identify prospective graduate students at the conference’s ‘Future Fair.’

The Graduate Admissions booth at the NCUR conference has limited space, but we invite program representatives to join us as there is an opportunity to add additional representatives if there is interest. Please share this opportunity with Graduate Program Directors in your colleges and encourage them to join the Graduate School in recruiting future students already engaged in undergraduate research. The School of Data Science also plans to participate and already has a booth reserved.

The deadline to register is March 1st. Please reach out to Ellie Ivey ( in the Graduate School for additional information on registering independently or as part of the Graduate Admissions booth.

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