NEW Process to Readmit Students to Fall 2020 after Last Minute Visa Issuance

Consulates in India are granting emergency visa appointments to some students to enroll at UNC Charlotte for the Fall 2020 semester. Because many of these students had already requested their fall admission be deferred to 2021, the ISSO and Graduate Admissions developed the following process for students to follow that includes having written support from Graduate Program Directors to (re)admit  students to the Fall 2020 semester. The following information was shared with new international students at the ISSO Town Hall on Monday, August 17th, and via email as requested:

Dear Student,

Thanks for letting us know that you have secured an expedited visa appointment for Fall 2020. In order to be considered for admission to UNC Charlotte for Fall 2020, you must provide copies of the following items to the University:

  1. A copy of your F-1 visa
  2. Written support from your academic program director confirming that they support your readmission for Fall 2020 (see our suggested suggested email template for initiating your request)
  3. Additional proof of funding equal to the UNC Charlotte estimated cost of attendance if your original University funding is no longer available
  4. Documentation showing that you can arrive on-campus by September 10th

To read more about this process, see the ISSO New Student Town Hall Presentation slides and Recording for an overview of the Fall 2020 readmission process:

  • slide 12 – Last minute visa issuance AFTER withdrawing Fall 2020 admission
  • slide 13 – What if you obtain a visa but can’t arrive for Fall 2020?

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