Graduate Residency Determination Moves to NC State Agency

Beginning Monday, July 2, 2018, residency determinations for graduate students at UNC Charlotte will be centralized at the statewide North Carolina Residency Determination Service (RDS) rather than determined locally on campus. New applicants claiming NC Residency as well as currently enrolled students who wish to apply for in-state residency for tuition purposes will be required to do so through the RDS. The change took place for undergraduate students early last year.

Residency determination affects in-state tuition benefits and state-funded financial aid. The change is part of a statewide effort to centralize and simplify the residency determination process. Under the RDS, students no longer need to apply for residency determination multiple times if they apply to more than one public educational institution.

All inquiries about initial residency determination, reconsideration or appeal should now be directed to the RDS, the sole authority for residency determination. The RDS website also has FAQs that answer many of the questions students may have about the process to apply for NC Residency, as well as details about State residency laws and policies, residency guidelines, and tuition benefits. Contact the RDS at (844) 319-3640 or by email:

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