Fall ’18 Grad Student Funding Developments

As the Graduate School engages in the application and student funding process this term, we need to prepare our funding profile for fall 2018. We’re not certain what that profile will look like, but we know it will be driven by two primary factors:

  1. The amount of funds that will be available for graduate student support in the fall; and
  2. Actual fall graduate student enrollment.

Consequently, the Graduate School will stop making continuous awards on April 1 and place new nominations from Program Directors in a “waiting pool.” Then on April 15, the Graduate School will begin making limited awards to those in the “waiting pool” based on funds made available as a result of declined offers. Nominations received after April 15 will move into that “waiting pool.” That’s when available funding will determine distribution of funds.

For GASP funding support, make sure that when you nominate a student for GASP that you are also providing that student with a college/department-funded assistantship. Award of that assistantship is a prerequisite for receiving matching contributions from the Graduate School in the form of tuition support.

For more information on the funding process for fall 2018, visit Student Support on the Graduate School’s Faculty and Staff section.

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