2018 Brings New Summer Fellowship

The Graduate School recently launched a new funding opportunity for doctoral students who pursue their studies over the summer months.

The Graduate School Summer Fellowship (GSSF) Program awards $6,000 ($2,000 per month) paid at the end of May and is available to full-time students with GASP support.  Applicants must

  • Pass their qualifying exam and proposal defense by May 15, 2018
  • Pre-register for full-time enrollment in the 2018 fall semester.
  • Hold an eligible graduate assistantship with GASP funding in the 2018 fall semester

The GSSF is designed to replace a TA or other summer job that takes the student away from their research.  Recipients are expected to dedicate significant effort to their research project over the summer months and make timely progress to the degree.

To apply, students should submit an abstract about their project, not to exceed 500 words, with a paragraph explaining specific goals for the summer.  Also include a timeline for completing the goals and year and semester of anticipated graduation. Please send to Dr. Julie Goodliffe, jmgoodli@uncc.edu, by Mar.1, 2018.

The student’s advisor should send an email to Dr. Goodliffe supporting the application and confirming his/her availability to provide support (direction, advising, supervision, mentoring) over the summer.

Applicants will be informed of the decision on their application no later than Mar. 30, 2018.

For information on these and other financial assistance programs, contact Dr. Julie Goodliffe at jmgoodli@uncc.edu.

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