Download the DegreeWorks survey-2018
DegreeWorks is a web-based tool which assists faculty and students in planning and tracking their academic progress. It is also the tool that automates much of the graduation clearance process.
Why use DegreeWorks? DegreeWorks gives students immediate access to their plan of study. It allows them to be accountable for their progress. Multiple advisors have access to view their student’s progress. Additionally, it reduces errors by automating much of the manual clearance process. Students receive their degrees quickly following graduation. Candidacy forms are no longer be required.
How do faculty access DegreeWorks? Faculty can access DegreeWorks through A link to the DegreeWorks tool is found under the Teaching heading.
How do students access DegreeWorks? Students can access DegreeWorks through A link to DegeeWorks is found under the Academic Resources heading.
Is training available for faculty? Yes, in person training for a program can be arranged on request. Email to schedule a session.
Who do I contact if I have questions? Documentation and user manuals can be found on the Graduate School website. Please also visit the DegreeWorks FAQ page for answers to commonly asked questions. Additional questions or issues can be emailed to