2024 Application System Opens April 15

Beginning April 15, 2023, prospective students can apply for 2024 spring, summer, and fall.  

GPDs who want to make changes to their application for 2024, should submit a Slate ticket.  Examples of changes that can be made are:

  • Resume – require it or make it optional
  • Writing Sample – require one
  • Statement of Purpose – provide custom test to applicant
  • GRE/GMAT/MAT – require or eliminate tests

Currently, these are the  programs that require a test:

Program NameGREGRE or GMATGRE or MATPAEP or GMATWaiver Criteria?
Accountancy (MACC)YY
Business Administration (MBA)YY
Business Administration (MBA) in MexicoYY
Business Administration: Finance (PHD)Y
Civil Engineering (MSCE)YY
Civil Engineering (MSE)YY
Civil Engineering (PHD)YY
Computer Engineering (MS)YY
Computer Science (MS)YY
Data Science and Business Analytics (MS)YY
Economics (MS)YY
Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation (PHD)Y
Electrical Engineering (MSEE)YY
Electrical Engineering (PHD)YY
Fire Protection and Safety Management (MS)YY
Health Informatics and Analytics (MS)YY
Mathematical Finance (MS)YY
Nursing Practice (DNP) if concentration is Nurse AnesthesiaY
Optical Science and Engineering (MS)YY
Optical Science and Engineering (PHD)YY
Physics (MS)YY
Public Administration (MPAD)YY
Real Estate Finance and Development (MS)YY
Special Education and Child Development (MED)YY

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