Teaching Fellowship Applications Close Apr. 21

The Graduate School and the Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning are pleased to inform you that the Graduate School’s Teaching Fellowship program will be offered for the Fall 2023 – Spring 2024 academic year.

Doctoral students who meet the criteria listed below are encouraged to apply:

  • Will hold a Fall 2023-Spring 2024 teaching assistantship and will be working as an Instructor of Record in Spring 2024
  • Will be available to take a 2-credit training course in Fall 2023 (the course will be online with some synchronous meetings tentatively scheduled for Friday mornings)
  • Are committed to pursuing a career that includes college teaching (students who are tentative about a college teaching career are invited to enroll in GRAD 8201 instead)
  • Have been a teaching assistant (or Instructor of Record) for at least two prior semesters
  • Will be in their third or more year of Doctoral studies as of Fall 2023

Fellows can gain a competitive advantage in the job search and receive an award of $3000 ($1500 each semester) in addition to their assistantship stipend. The program provides focused instruction in course design, teaching methodology and classroom practices.

This is a competitive program with limited openings. Interested students should apply at the Center for Graduate Life and Learning by 5 pm, Apr. 21.

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