Graduate School Offers Help for NSF Funding

The Graduate School is looking for qualified candidates for the $37,000 annual stipend from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).

UNC Charlotte has ranked fourth in North Carolina for the number of NSF Graduate Research Fellows since 2010, behind Duke, UNC Chapel Hill, and NC State.

Graduate School Director of Funding and Fellowships Dr. Julie Goodliffe contacted almost 2,000 potential candidates this fall offering expertise in completing a competitive application.  In addition to the annual stipend, qualified students can earn $12,000 annually in cost of education allowance.

An experienced NSF reviewer at the national level, Dr. Goodliffe offers live information sessions and assistance in completing the NSF GRFP Fellowship application.  Interested students should participate in an upcoming workshop via Zoom:

Tuesday, September 13th 3-4pm

Wednesday, September 14th, 3-4pm

More information about the NSF GRFP is available for download, on the Graduate School’s Funding for Graduate Graduation website or by contacting Julie Goodliffe,

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