Graduate Recruitment Director Presentations Scheduled

I am pleased to invite you to attend candidate presentations for the position of Director of Graduate Recruitment, followed by a Q&A session. Two highly qualified individuals with extensive experience and a strong commitment to graduate education have been selected for campus interviews.

During each presentation, the candidate will provide their vision for innovative approaches to reach and engage prospective graduate students and also share an example of a recruitment campaign and the data utilized to measure/evaluate its efficacy. Your presence, insight, and valuable feedback in the candidate selection process are highly appreciated, as we anticipate the new Director of Graduate Recruitment will be a vital collaborator on campus to drive strategic enrollment efforts. Candidate materials are provided herein, as well as the position description and an evaluation rubric.

Warm regards,


Director of Graduate Recruitment Position Description

Evaluation Rubric

Sabrina Brown

Thursday, February 1st

12 Noon – 12:45 pm

Atkins 146, CGLL Classroom (Zoom Link)

Letter of Interest


Alaina Names-Mattefs

Friday, February 2nd

12 Noon – 12:45 pm

Atkins 146, CGLL Classroom (Zoom Link)

Letter of Interest


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