
Advanced Databases and Knowledge Discovery (CERT) 2019-2020: IncreasedEnrollment Plan

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Emergency Management (CERT) 2019-2020: See MPA plan Plan

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Public Administration (MPAD) 2019-2020: Explore Remote Access to MPA Plan

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Construction and Facilities Management (MS) 2019-2020: Program Information and Marketing Plan

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Construction and Facilities Management (MS) 2019-2020: ETCM Undergraduate Recruitment Plan

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Counselor Education and Supervision (Ph.D.) 2019-2020: Recruitment Materials Plan

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Quantitative Analyses (CERT) 2019-2020: Recruitment Advisory Committee Plan

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Nanoscale Science (Ph.D.) 2018-2019: NANO Web page Plan

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Curriculum and Instruction (MED) 2019-2020: New Hybrid MED Cohort Plan

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Curriculum and Instruction (MED) 2019-2020: Sponsorships/Conference Marketing Plan

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Sociology (MA) 2019-2020: DGS Created Plan

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Elementary Education (MAT) 2019-2020: Increase enrollment Plan

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Engineering: Mechanical Concentration (MSE) 2019-2020: MSE_2019_2020 Plan

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Mechanical Engineering (Ph.D.) 2019-2020: PhD_2019_2020 Plan

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Chemistry (MS) 2019-2020: Recruiting Plan

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Public Budgeting and Finance (CERT) 2018-2019: Outreach to Local Government Managers Plan

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Urban Management and Policy (CERT) 2018-2019: See plan for MPA program Plan

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Nonprofit Management (CERT) 2018-2019: Outreach to Nonprofit Sector Plan

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Emergency Management (CERT) 2018-2019: See MPA plan Plan

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Public Administration (MPAD) 2018-2019: Outreach to Undergraduates Plan

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