GPD Only

Faculty Research Connections

Categories: GPD Development

The UNC Charlotte Faculty Connections site contains an aggregation of profile information for faculty from most colleges with details about their areas of academic interests.  Read more…

GRE® Test Takers Snapshot Available

Categories: Performance Trends

Interest in physical sciences, engineering and life sciences all are up 2-3% among test takers this year compared to last, and interest in business grew by five percent.
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Holistic Review in Graduate Admissions

Categories: Performance Trends

Holistic review, or the consideration of a broad range of candidate qualities including “noncognitive” or personal attributes, is a growing strategy that many graduate programs consider when evaluating a candidate for admission.Read more…

Graduate Application Reports Available

Categories: Performance Trends

Graduate Application Reports are uploaded to the Graduate School Data tab in eGEM weekly.  The reports include applications submitted by citizenship (domestic/international) and college as well as decisions rendered (admit/deny).Read more…

National Signing Day: April 15th

April 15th is the deadline for prospective or enrolled graduate students to accept an offer of financial support such as a graduate scholarship, fellowship, or assistantship, for the next academic year.  Read more…