April 2024 | Funding News

Brief News and Resources from the Graduate School Funding Team

Funding News Inside this Month’s Post:

  • Update on Stipend Increases
  • Important Deadlines
  • Tech Tips

All Assistantship Stipends are Increasing in 2024-2025

The Chancellor and Academic Affairs will provide funding to increase stipends for all graduate students on assistantships, and guidance about how that will happen is forthcoming.

In the meantime, we suggest that you set up NinerWorks as you normally would for new students, so they have their offers, and wait for the guidance before setting up NinerWorks actions for continuing students. That way, fewer NinerWorks actions will need to be revised.

Important Deadlines

April 1, 2024:

  • Nominate new students for GASP and MTART
  • Set up assistantships for new students in NinerWorks
  • If you have students funded by the Graduate School, fill out the Google sheet. We will set up the NinerWorks actions for new students.

The funding team will be sure to send notification of offers to new students before April 15, 2024.

Tech Tip

In eGPS, you can see a list of all of your students, organized in a table with some information. One important item you might want to know is each student’s North Carolina residency, and it’s there in the table. You can also copy and paste this information into a spreadsheet.

Screenshot of eGPS showing ‘Residency’ column in table view.

Visit eGPS for your tuition nominations, and on the login page, you will find a link to our Canvas site, that has all the information and links you need.

Email the funding team with questions, as always:
gradfunding@charlotte.edu, gradassist@charlotte.edu

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