GPDs Can Waive Standardized Test Requirement

Graduate Program Directors (GPDs) and their proxies have the ability to waive standardized test scores in Slate.  See the Slate User Guide on waiving scores.

The following programs are built in Slate to require a standardized test.  If a GPD wants to make a change to their program’s setup in Slate, they will need to submit a Slate help ticket.  Depending on the change, a curriculog proposal may also be required.

Programs that require a standardized test:

Program NameGREGRE or GMATGRE or MATGRE, GMAT, or MATPAEP or GMATWaiver Criteria?
Accountancy (MACC)YY
Applied Energy and Electromechanical Systems (MS)YY
Business Administration (MBA)YY
Business Administration (MBA) in MexicoYY
Business Administration: Finance (PHD)Y
Civil Engineering (MSCE)YY
Civil Engineering (MSE)YY
Civil Engineering (PHD)YY
Data Science and Business Analytics (MS)YY
Economics (MS)YY
Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation (PHD)Y
Engineering Management (MS)YY
Fire Protection and Safety Management (MS)YY
Health Informatics and Analytics (MS)YY
Mathematical Finance (MS)YY
Nursing Practice (DNP) w/concentration in Nurse AnesthesiaY
Optical Science and Engineering (MS)YY
Optical Science and Engineering (PHD)YY
Physics (MS)YY
Public Administration (MPAD)YY
Real Estate Finance and Development (MS)YY
Special Education (PHD)Y
Special Education and Child Development (MED)YY

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