Window Open for Ignite Planning Grants

Research and Economic Development (RED) is soliciting applications through Feb. 15 for the Spring 2021 Ignite Planning Grants program.

Ignite Planning Grants promote new collaborative research efforts and facilitate the development of interdisciplinary teams focused on preparing competitive, large-scale collaborative proposals for significant external funding. Ignite planning grants are intended to enhance existing areas of excellence, accelerate the development of emerging research strengths, and foster interactions between UNC Charlotte faculty and potential collaborators at other institutions. The program aims to lower and eliminate barriers to building collaborative teams and coordinating, planning, and preparing large, interdisciplinary multi-investigator research proposals by providing funds to (1) convene conferences and meetings, (2) coordinate workshops, (3) support travel costs for potential collaborators from other institutions, (4) hire grant-writing consultants and content specialists, and (5) conduct other proposal-development and team-development activities.

Proposals must be submitted electronically as an email attachment to by 5 pm Feb.15. Questions may be sent to Lesley Brown, Director of the Center for Research Excellence.

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