Clarification on Academic Probation and Suspension

The following is a clarification of an announcement on academic probation and suspension distributed in a NinerNotice April 27:
For GRADUATE Students only: All graduate students will have the option to select Pass/Unsatisfactory for each of their Spring 2020 courses.  (Please note: No Credit (N) is not an option in the graduate grading scale.)
Graduate students are required to have a 3.0 GPA in their program of study in order to graduate.  Unlike undergraduates, graduate students are suspended when they earn a grade of U or an unacceptable number of C grades. A student can select to have Pass replace a C grade this semester.  Students who earn a U or an unacceptable amount of C grades will be suspended or terminated, as appropriate. This process will not change for spring. 
Graduate students are advised to consult with their program director before making a grade change selection, if relevant.
A letter from Graduate School Dean Tom Reynolds is available for download.

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