Guidance Provided on Student Pass/Unsatisfactory Selection

The Provost’s memo of March 25, 2020, stated that, due to the disruption caused by the coronavirus Covid-19 virus, all students will have the option to modify their grade type at the end of the term.  Specifically, for graduate students this means that after grades post, students may select a pass/unsatisfactory grade for any course.

The Graduate School has published guidance to assist graduate faculty in appropriately assigning grades during this period.

There are particular ramifications related to graduate courses.  Please consider the following:

  1. Faculty are to report course grades by using standard letter grades (A, B, C, U or I);
  2. When possible, faculty may choose to give an incomplete rather than an unsatisfactory grade. This would allow students to complete work, rather than lose money by taking the class again;
  3. “P” grades are considered passing.  P = A, B, C in this case.  Therefore, if a student selects a P grade, that grade should allow the student to progress in the program. Students must take action to change a standard letter grade. Of course, they can keep any or all grades assigned;
  4. Students have until June 1, 2020 to make a grade selection.  Because the summer term will begin before June 1, 2020, the Graduate School will not process suspensions or terminations in June 2020. Students who earn a U grade in the Spring 2020 term will be suspended or terminated, effective for the Fall 2020 term;
  5. It is the Graduate School’s understanding that all students may request a “withdrawal for extenuating circumstances” – WE – for any course.  Given these extraordinary circumstances, we are not requiring documentation for this request. Therefore, a student could request a WE for a course graded as a U.

Questions should be directed to Dr. Katherine Hall-Hertel, Associate Dean of the Graduate School.




More information is available from the Graduate School’s Faculty and Staff Resources, Academics page.

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