During the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, the Graduate School will continually update these FAQs with information from our unit to aide you in your role as a Graduate Program Director or Coordinator.
A Message from the Graduate Dean
Regarding Graduate Assistantship Guidance
Dear Graduate Program Directors and Coordinators,
As we work through the adjustments to a remote operation as a way to slow the spread of COVID-19, I want to address the role of graduate assistants and provide the following guidance to ensure we are focused on doing what is right, both for our students and for the University.
The safety and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff must always be central in developing changes to any operational plan – even if temporary. Keep in mind our graduate assistants and teaching assistants, even though they are in paid positions, are primarily students. I encourage everyone to pay particular attention to graduate assistants who are in a high-risk category, either with their health or as care providers to others. Please consider this in your plans to fulfill their assistantships for the duration of the semester.
Existing contracts for graduate assistants should not be shortened or reduced in hours, except under the most extreme circumstances. If a program wishes to shorten or reduce a contract (hours and/or compensation) for any reason, they should first contact Dr. Julie Goodliffe in the Graduate School at jmgoodli@uncc.edu to discuss. As a reminder, graduate assistants are eligible for paid Administrative Leave as long as they remain on their current contract. Thus, it is critical to keep the students’ contract in place to ensure no disruption in pay. The Graduate School monitors any change or cancellation of a graduate assistantship.
We have received guidance locally and from the UNC System Office to be flexible to the greatest extent possible with our graduate assistants. If you have work they can do remotely, it is recommended that it be planned and assigned, even if it is outside of their normal duties. Teaching assistants may continue to assist faculty in a remote capacity, and you are encouraged to work with the Center for Teaching and Learning to learn more. As directed by the Office of Research and Economic Development, research employees, including graduate research assistants and technicians, should follow the guidance provided for all University employees. All research staff should coordinate with their supervisors to discuss tasks that can be completed remotely or safely on campus through social distancing protocols.
Our cooperation as an institution, community, and as individuals will help keep the spread of Coronavirus to a minimum. If we do what we can now, the return to normal campus activities will come that much sooner. Thank you all for your willingness to adapt while supporting the needs of our students.
Stay safe and healthy,
What is the policy for academic probation and suspension for graduate students?
The following is a clarification of an announcement on academic probation and suspension distributed in a NinerNotice April 27:
For GRADUATE Students only: All graduate students will have the option to select Pass/Unsatisfactory for each of their Spring 2020 courses. (Please note: No Credit (N) is not an option in the graduate grading scale.)
Graduate students are required to have a 3.0 GPA in their program of study in order to graduate. Unlike undergraduates, graduate students are suspended when they earn a grade of U or an unacceptable number of C grades. A student can select to have Pass replace a C grade this semester. Students who earn a U or an unacceptable amount of C grades will be suspended or terminated, as appropriate. This process will not change for spring.
Graduate students are advised to consult with their program director before making a grade change selection, if relevant.
Are the Graduate School’s academic calendar deadlines changing?
Because of the disruption to schedules caused by the nationwide response to COVID-19, the deadlines for dissertations and theses have been extended. Dissertation and thesis defense deadlines are now May 1. Submission deadline for both dissertations and theses is May 14.
How can I accommodate students with their thesis and dissertation meetings and defense?
Social distancing measures related to the Coronavirus may prevent a thesis or dissertation committee from meeting face-to-face. When illness or caution prevent someone on the committee from attending the defense, remote participation is appropriate. The Graduate School will be very flexible regarding defenses. Committee chairs and students should agree on the best method for a given defense. ALL committee members must participate in the defense, whether in person or virtually. This flexibility extends to students who need to defend remotely. It is the chair’s responsibility to ensure that all committee members sign-off on the final defense form. Scanned signatures are allowed and additional time will be extended so that a form can be signed by all members. When this is not possible, we will accept the defense form with the chair’s signature, accompanied by emails from each committee member stating their approval. Please remember that milestone forms are needed in order for the Graduate School to clear students for graduation. Please do your best to send the forms electronically as soon as possible following a defense. Thesis forms go to Julie Green and Dissertation forms should be sent to Aura Young. This flexible interpretation of our policy will remain in effect for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester.
Do signed cover pages of a thesis need to be submitted with the Final Defense Form, or can that wait until the thesis is uploaded?
The Graduate School will need all paperwork submitted so that we can clear students for graduation. That said, as long as forms have the chair’s signature, they will accept emails from other committee members attesting to the successful completion of the exam or defense.
What can my student do if they are unable to complete their course/research/work experience, etc. due to the mandated closings?
The Graduate School created a non-credit, placeholder course, which may be used by students who were planning to graduate in May but, due to closings, could not complete a course. If they take an incomplete, they may complete the work in the Summer or Fall semester, register for GRAD 6777 – no cost- and apply to graduate in December. This course is available by petition to the Graduate School.
Will summer and fall registration for classes be delayed?
Currently, there are no plans to move registration for upcoming summer and fall semesters. Students are encouraged to check My UNC Charlotte for registration holds and times. Following conversations with their advisor, students can begin building their potential schedules in Schedule Wizard, which allows students to send their schedule to Banner Self Service when their registration time opens.
Do we have to keep paying our graduate assistant during the University’s current operating condition?
Please see the Memo above from the Graduate Dean: Existing contracts for graduate assistants should not be shortened or reduced in hours, except under the most extreme circumstances. If a program wishes to shorten or reduce a contract (hours and/or compensation) for any reason, they should first contact Dr. Julie Goodliffe in the Graduate School to discuss. As a reminder, graduate assistants are eligible for paid Administrative Leave as long as they remain on their current contract. Thus, it is critical to keep the students’ contract in place to ensure no disruption in pay. The Graduate School monitors any change or cancellation of a graduate assistantship.
My student holds GASP for AY 2020-21 but cannot return to the United States for the fall semester. Will they lose this funding?
The Graduate Schools is offering a one-semester waiver of the TA/RA requirement to hold GASP. Please review the requirements.
Can I nominate students beyond the deadline for Fall 2020 funding?
Yes. The Graduate School will continue to approve nominations through eGPS based on the daily funding reports.
Can an applicant defer their application for admission to a term in 2021 without incurring another application fee?
Yes! Graduate Admissions has emailed applicants and provided them with information on this opportunity and provided a form for the interested applicants to complete. This form and email is located in the application portal at https://mygradschool.uncc.edu.
Note: Applications for individuals already offered admission will be (re)referred to Graduate Program Directors for admissions consideration and recommendation.
Where can I find information about online testing services for prospective students?
ETS has published updated status on testing by region and begun online administration of some GRE and TOEFL exams. Additionally, ETS will host a series of webinars beginning Mar. 26, to update clients on its recently-announced at home solutions for the TOEFL iBT® test and GRE® General Test. For more information, please visit ETS.
Can we waive the TOEFL since the applicant can’t take it?
No. Both the TOEFL and IELTS are now offered in some countries as an At-Home test. Additionally, we will accept Duolingo scores as well. See English Language Proficiency for details.
Can I waive the GRE, GMAT or MAT to increase my program’s enrollment for the upcoming academic terms?
The Graduate School is offering GPDs maximum flexibility to waive GRE, GMAT, and MAT requirements for summer/fall 2020 applicants. Email Kathy Giddings at kathygiddings@uncc.edu to request a waiver for your entire applicant pool. We continue to encourage holistic review of admissions applications to determine applicant “fit” with graduate programs.
Are there any information sessions a prospective student can attend?
Graduate admissions counselors are offering a variety of virtual Information Sessions for prospective applicants to learn more about graduate programs, admission requirements, and the application process, in addition to Now That You’re Admitted Sessions for individuals offered admission. Prospective students can view upcoming dates/times on the Graduate Admissions website.
Is the Center for Graduate Life (CGL) available for student support?
The Center for Graduate Life is working to convert some workshops and all courses so that they can be delivered virtually. The CGL space is not open but most services and all staff are available virtually. Please have your graduate students visit their website. The CGL is working on a virtual Orientation for new students and plans to continue offering professional development support throughout the summer.
Where can students find comprehensive University support information while the institution operates under the coronavirus COVID-19 restrictions?
The University recently launched NinerNationCares.uncc.edu, a care portal to help them find information about financial resources, academic support, food and housing programs, health and wellness initiatives, career service networks, as well as other support services available during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.
Are we able to perform on-campus research and scholarship activities?
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and a stay at home order from Mecklenburg County, only essential research activities may continue on campus with prior approval. Faculty/PIs must request an exception through the Research and Economic Development Office prior to any continuation. Learn more on the R&ED website.